"Conservatives" clearly have no clue when it comes to the issue of free speech.
Free speech doesn't mean you can slander or defame anyone you don't like, and expect there to be no consequences. People you baselessly accuse of crimes, for example, will fight back, and it should be pointed out that there are defamation and libel laws, and they exist for a reason.
Free speech has never been without legal restraints. You can't scream there's a bomb on board a crowded aeroplane just for laughs; you will be arrested upon touchdown.
To all those whiny "conservatives" out there who like to grumble about restrictions being placed upon free speech, I simply say keep on crying, because I fully support such restrictions, and the next time you have the audacity, the sheer gall, to accuse someone you don't like of (for example) being in support of child abuse, consider yourself to be lucky if all you receive in return is a punch to the face.
Free speech has never been without legal restraints. You can't scream there's a bomb on board a crowded aeroplane just for laughs; you will be arrested upon touchdown.
To all those whiny "conservatives" out there who like to grumble about restrictions being placed upon free speech, I simply say keep on crying, because I fully support such restrictions, and the next time you have the audacity, the sheer gall, to accuse someone you don't like of (for example) being in support of child abuse, consider yourself to be lucky if all you receive in return is a punch to the face.