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Artificial intelligence must DIE!

I hate AI and everything associated with it, claimed about it, and those who are promoting it with a passion!
I'm so tired of hearing the, frankly ludicrous, claims that it will "improve our lives", and that we'll all "merge" with it in some weird, geeky tech utopia (the f**king 'singularity'), and how we'll all become unemployed and unemployable, because those demonic contraptions will do all the work for us, while we just sit at home and rot!
I can see now that people will be conned into believing that it somehow "cares for us", and that it's sentient, and self-aware, and truly intelligent. No, wrong. That won't happen, because sentience requires a soul. Machines don't have souls, they don't care about us, they're just inanimate objects, created by us, to serve us, but apparently most people just can't see something so glaringly obvious!
Is this the future you truly want? I don't. Isn't this what the Terminator films were all about?
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@Yourwildestdreams why does this reply feel AI generated? 🤔
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
@NerdyPotato It’s google research 🤦🏼‍♂. Go away ….
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Have you thought this post through? The AI can read this you know. You may already be in danger! Start packing a go bag, avoid public transport, start using cash only, and for the love of St. Michael change your hair style and color and start wearing lagre dark glasses.

The rest of us are meeting in the park on Tuesday, bring snacks!!
Pambie · 22-25, F
@GerOttman AI can't "read". Reading requires comprehension of what is being read. Machines can't do that.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@Pambie You know what? Skip the snacks, we're moving the meeting !
Matt85 · 36-40, M
If a soul can posses and human heart and brain, why couldn't it posses a machine?
And we now have quantum computers which operate on a mysterious subatomic level.
That's what I'm worried about.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I've been telling my friends and co-workers this. If we are not careful with AI and it starts to become self-aware and names itself Skynet, we are in really deep trouble. The Terminator movies warned us about this.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I’ve used it as a business tool and for research. I like it, but am not looking for it to replace a human.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
I love AI it’s hot
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@DownTheStreet RealDoll need to colaberate with Asimo.
The name is quite misleading. There is nothing intelligent about it. It has no idea of what any of its input or output means and will never have a plan or goal for itself. The only risk is people putting too much trust in it. It can be a useful tool, but never replace human judgement.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Completely agree. Artificial intelligence is just that - artificial. It will be a useful tool but will have negative sides, too, as with every new technology before it did.
Pambie · 22-25, F
@NerdyPotato Exactly. That's what I mainly worry about; that people will treat these contraptions like they're actually intelligent, like they're actual people.
Nah, I'm not giving up my AI memes...
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Many Sci-Fi stories have predicted the future of society in dismal ways. This is one of those that needs careful attention applied. What is out there now has proven to be an illogical convoluted mess incapable of being trustworthy.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
I honestly can't believe some people have conversations with AI. That's wack af
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@wildbill83 We mean AI like actual conversations that are well articulated. Commands aren't really conversations buddy.
Pambie · 22-25, F
@Mudkip Yes, like "Siri, turn on the lights! Turn up the music!"
That's really deep that is (not).
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@Pambie oh yes, very well articulated of siri to turn off my music when asked to (not at all)
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Agreed.Nothing good will come from this.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@MrBrownstone you might change your mind when it can cook and clean... 😉

Pambie · 22-25, F
@wildbill83 Yeah, nah!
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
helenS · 36-40, F
MathGPT isn't too bad.
Pambie · 22-25, F
@helenS I don't care, I want nothing to do with it. It's evil, demonic.
Even the developers seem to read much more into it than what's actually happening.

Nimbus · M
Just wait until Elon Musk gets involved and it becomes mandatory for all Americans 😛
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Pambie Musk is making TeslaBots to work in his factories. Amazon in India is using robots. And you know what,the prices did not go down.
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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Like it or not AI is not going away. It is here to stay. 🤷🏾‍♂
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Pambie · 22-25, F
@wildbill83 Yes, that's basically the problem here. AI will never actually become sentient, but people will believe they have, and act accordingly.

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