I have to do a photo story but I don't know how to.I have to make basically a slideshow using only pictures to tell a story. The story is about a couple. No idea what story to portray. I need ideas of a couple going through or doing something together for the story. Ex.. Like a date, a baby, a death... See More » (1)
Editing , AI and photos...I saw a girl on here with her photos. People were giving her admiration and compliments on her photos. Which is great. However, I openly admit to using AI and filters. I get crap for it all the time on here. But other people editing is praised? I... See More » (2)
Thought of the day :Im thinking about chairs ,what would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
What happened to men being masculine? Why do people consider masculinity a bad thing? It's a needed thing I believe. (1)
Do you Believe in the Stand your Ground Law?A stand-your-ground law allows people to use deadly force in self-defense if they reasonably believe it's necessary. These laws are also known as "no duty to retreat" laws. (1)