Thank you to the friend who lets me talk about the same situation 582 times until I finally got over it...... (1)
how do you deal with someone who talks to you as if they know you, when they don't know youive had this a few times on this site, users who respond to my post in a condescending way and address me as if they know me personally, when i obviously don't know them, and they do not know me. it really angers me that.
if someone walks past you and coughs, is that being ''over familiar''i take offence very easily, and there's been a few times recently where a woman walked near me and coughed, cleared her throat loudly and i took offence she was being too familiar when she doesn't know me nor i know her? how do i deal with that?
what can you do if your not in the position to relocate from the ukmore and more people seem to saying the uk is a dystopia now, that it's quality of life is going down, that its now a low trust society, a dangerous society due to all the immigration here from low trust society's....i've seen quite a few on youtube... See More ยป
If someone horrible to you dies but he is being mourned by someone you care about, how do you deal?Just a random thought
I have a query made food and brought for this girl as wellAnd....I'm at her place. We sort of visit each other sometimes and she had given me food in the past. And she was there for me on a difficult day. So I brought her food this time. ...but she said she's going out of town tomorrow and won't be able... See More ยป