Sure lots of things to hate but whats the point of dwelling on it? Fact is this is the time you're born in and theres nothing you can do about it. You either live it or die. With all the negativity there is the stride you take to find the good is all the more important and priceless. Dont dwell on what upsets you because all you will find is more misery, what kind of life is that to live? Find the good, the positive, the uplifting and the righteous. It exists but it wont wait around for you and it wont come to those who do nothing. Little by little i am trying myself to find it.
Beautiful, elegant music. Uplifting and inspirational stories of those who have conquered hardship. Wonderful people with hearts of gold. Loyal canines and companions that love you unconditionally. Delicious cuisines. Films so impactful they make you laugh or cry or even make you feel something deep down in your soul. Beautiful gorgeous places to visit, places you never knew existed and make you question the complexity of life and reality. So many things to discover.
I say all this while being super depressed myself, also dwelling on the negative but i know that is not the way one should experience life