Do your philosophical values align with the Bro - ligarchs?Do you prefer the unexamined life - have no intention of discussing the ideologies that drive us?
Do you agree with: “Do as you wilt, and harm none!”It’s a famous reversal, or rephrasing, of the Golden Rule, that Aleister Crowley, an English polymath and eccentric, came up with when he formulated his ‘….Dawn’ movement in the last century. He is interesting reading for those into esoteric... See More »
Remember IIWII……It Is What It Is And always will be. Change comes from within And change doesn’t come easily.
Is there a philosophical style you identify with?Are you a Stoic or an Epicurean, or do you read but not quite get what they drive at?
If You Could...... Live forever, would you? As long as I had my health and could continue to meet people, I would.
Its weird that i hear so called individualsMake claims that selfishness and greed is "human nature ". If that was true then individualism wouldn't exist would it?