Does anybody else play the electronic version of Terraforming Mars?I know, I’m autistic and nerdy, and probably none of you have even heard of this app based on the niche strategy board game, but I’ve been playing the solo version on my tablet a lot in my free time lately. For about the last half year or so I’ve... See More »
It’s been about a month nowMost of the time life just doesn’t seem worthwhile, and I constantly feel like I’m about to lose my cool. I’m just tired of almost everything.
Which of these scenarios would be worse? Poll (10) See Poll OptionsScenario A: Trump actually implements most of Project 2025 and does irreparable damage to the federal government. Americans are horrified and a blue... See More »
Me and the ChiefsWhen I was little I liked the Chiefs because I had some second cousins who lived in Kansas City and were Chiefs fans and they bought me a Chiefs shirt. Besides, Missouri teams never won championships back then and the Rams were total garbage in the... See More »
What’s the relationship between Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong?Are they related? Are they dating? I don’t think it’s ever explained in any of the instructions manuals for the three SNES games.
Okay, let’s make this simple Poll (15) See Poll OptionsForget for a moment all the supposed liabilities of all the other potential candidates. Does Biden stand a decent chance of beating Trump this fall?... See More »
I’ve never been in a romantic relationship before.Yesterday my mom suggested that was because I have different “verbal cues” than everyone else, and maybe because I’m too intense. What are verbal cues? And how do I fix that?
My Facebook feed is full of people defending Harrison ButkerApparently the main line of defense is “the media is taking him out of context, distorting his message, if you just listen to his whole speech you’ll see that he’s right.” Because of course liberals let the media do all our thinking for us... See More »
That’s at least four tonight!I message someone, then shortly after their green dot disappears, message unread 🫤
Is it bad if I get to the end of the work dayAnd the water in my Yeti still tastes a bit like my toothpaste?
Are American college campuses hotbeds of anti-semitism coming from the progressive left?That’s what the so-called “liberal mainstream media” keeps saying, and I don’t see anyone speaking up to contradict or rebut them.
What concessions should House Democrats demand from Republicans in exchange for cooperation in electing a Speaker?Making a deal with Democrats is one of the few obvious ways out of this mess for Republicans, and I’m convinced that Democrats shouldn’t help them for free.
Budget Deficits by Fiscal Year, Comparing Trump to DemocratsI saw someone comment exactly what I’m looking for recently but don’t know how to find it again now. Got a Trump boot-licker Facebook friend who’s going off about how it’s responsible for Republicans to hold the nation’s credit hostage to reign in... See More »
Terraforming Mars: Best Corporation in base game?Which is the best of the twelve original corporations? It seems like I always perform the best with Tharsis Republic, to me that’s the intuitive answer; however, a few friends I often play strategy games with swear that Helion is far and away the... See More »
Any ideas on the meaning of “Tower of Babel” by Elton John?It’s the second track on his autobiographical Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy album, and last I checked had no comments on song meanings. Very underrated/overlooked track imo.
Why do Steve Bannon and Trump supporters on SW support RFK, jr. for president in 2024?Is it just because he’s anti-vax? I read his Wikipedia article and the only two clues that made me think the far right would support him were that he’s anti-vax and that Steve Bannon encouraged him to file his candidacy. That said, Bannon is a huge... See More »
So I read a claim that Bragg is “stalling” Trump’s trial until January 2024It was of course from a disreputable source, so I don’t buy it, but is it refutable? I mean, I imagine it’s just that the legal process, which neither I nor the vast majority of Americans understand, takes time, which broad ignorance Trump... See More »
Is “Take it to the Limit” by the Eagles a love song?The only line that makes me think it is is “Will you still be mine?” Other than that it doesn’t seem like it is. What do you think?
Ever heard of the legend of the green children of Woolpit?Any theories, explanations, or thoughts on it?
Nobody to tell this to…Nobody in my life I want to say this to because nobody knows me very well right now, I’m not really close to anyone, but I feel like I need to say it: my life right now is lonely and tedious.
How do you find friends on Trillian?I don’t spend hardly any time on Trillian because I only have two friends: one that rarely gets online, and one that rarely responds to me.