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I’ve never been in a romantic relationship before.

Yesterday my mom suggested that was because I have different “verbal cues” than everyone else, and maybe because I’m too intense. What are verbal cues? And how do I fix that?
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
From a bot off Quora:
Verbal cues are signals or hints that are conveyed through spoken language. They can be subtle or explicit indicators used in communication to express emotions, intentions, or attitudes. Verbal cues can play a significant role in understanding the underlying message being communicated. Here are some examples of verbal cues:

1.Tone of voice: The tone in which something is said can convey a lot of information. For example, a sarcastic tone might indicate that the speaker is not being sincere.
2.Volume: The loudness or softness of someone's voice can indicate their emotions. For instance, raised voices might signal anger or excitement.
3.Pace: The speed at which someone speaks can provide cues about their emotions or level of confidence. Rapid speech may indicate excitement or nervousness, while slow speech may indicate thoughtfulness or uncertainty.
4.Pitch: Changes in pitch can convey various emotions. For example, a rising pitch at the end of a sentence can indicate a question, while a falling pitch can indicate a statement.
5.Pause and silence: Pauses in speech or moments of silence can be powerful cues. They can indicate hesitation, contemplation, or the need for the listener to pay attention to a particular point.
6.Word choice: The specific words chosen by a speaker can convey underlying attitudes or emotions. For example, using positive or negative language can influence the overall tone of the conversation.
7.Emphasis: The emphasis placed on certain words or phrases can change the meaning of a sentence. For example, saying "I didn't say he stole the money" can imply different things depending on which word is emphasized.

Understanding verbal cues can help improve communication by allowing individuals to pick up on subtle nuances and better interpret the underlying message being conveyed.
justanothername · 51-55, M
How good are you at listening to what a woman is saying to you?
Do you actually listen to her or do you block it out as “white noise”?

If your answer to that question is No.2 then that would be why you are single.
Lilnonames · F
Short Summary. Verbal cues are prompts delivered through spoken language that indicate the speaker is expecting a response or reaction
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
My mom thinks it’s odd I’m not in a relationship or dating for that matter, I always give her the same answer..🤷🏾‍♂️
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