Those who have read Greek mythology, why did Heracles have to clean farm stables as a task since it doesn't sound heroic??
The large conglomerate sub-genre of my own makingThis whole body of literature is specially put together as being contra to the Reformed Theology POV, for there to be an other side, but there is a finer narrowing i wish to shine light on, for it is not the usual gentlemen that are the ones i must... See More »
Ever hear of Amy Carlson, the Mother God?That's what i've been feasting on through various videos, she had a cult called Love Has Won, and her followers at the end of her life kept her mummified corpse in a glittery room. She's out there in 5th dimension now, and her teachings are kept... See More »
They took something that I used to identify my innocents with and turned it into evil, to which I was innocent, the rumor mill destroyed my reputationHow should I handle it? Should I stay calm and bite my tongue? Should I take someone aside and tell them the truth about why I used that example to prove my innocents and they turned even that into evil??? Should I suck it up and move on? Evil... See More »
My first time ever explaining what happenedOk so I was 17 when I had a huge spiritual awakening and when I turned 18 I left to live my life in the beautiful nature until I fulfilled my sense of spirituality. I became on the street whenever I wasn't camping out in nature and well after some... See More »