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God and existence are identical.

Hi every human with reason and intelligence, in particular I am addressing atheists, can you accept that before anything else there is God and He is essentially existence itself, so that God and existence are identical, and anything not God is created by God.

I have discussed this issue with atheists almost forever, but eventuallu they stopped their dialogue with me, for example one atheist called DocSavage.

So, I long for better atheists than DocSavage.

If no atheists come forward, that means they don't have reason and intelligence to dialog with me.
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Can't do it concisely, because it's not a matter of soundbites, slogans or mêmes.

I considered the God-is-All idea for quite a few years.

If matter and energy were discovered to have some form of consciousness, then yes, one could say that matter and consciousness are all one.
Vedantists (the inner esoteric core of Hinduism) assert this idea and consider consciousness to be God.
Historically, that idea has existed since at least the earliest of the Vedas, around 3,000 years, earlier if we count verbal transmission of memorised chants. The name they give it is Atman. The English translation, "God", doesn't correspond precisely to the Sanskrit meaning. There is no exact equivalent.
Vedantists believe matter arose out of consciousness due to it's wish to experience itself.

In physics, we now know that all is either potential or kinetic energy existing in time and space.
We also know that what we call matter (or potential energy) occupies only infinitesimal space, most of space being empty.
The scales of atoms and subatomic particles are so exponentially small we can only perceive them via instruments created to be far more powerful than our senses, and able to measure the evidence.

So far, no one has been able to measure or quantify consciousness.

The nearest equivalent is measuring the electrical signals and activity in the brain. The electrical wavelengths correspond accurately with:
alpha - profound focus/ 'the zone' - meditation, concentration, discovery, creativity;
beta - normal waking awareness;
gamma - sleep;
or theta - coma
Within each of these states is a variable spectrum.

Observing this, it can be tempting to define consciousness as the subjective result of multiple sequences of miniscule bio-electrical and bio-chemical flows down synapses.
If this view of consciousness turned out to be accurate, then all consciousness, including that of animals, would be the result of the physical processes of evolution.
In other words, the reverse of what Hindus and Vedantists believe.
I am more inclined to accept this physical view of things,
but I freely acknowledge that it may be a very long time before we can prove it.

However, if it did turn out that consciousness was the origin of the physical world, I would not wish to call it God.
The word God denotes intentional power and knowledge. I see no evidence for this.
The universe on its cosmic scale does not care
about the tiny blip of life that evolves and dies on this remote planet
on an outer arm of a vast galaxy,
a galaxy which is only one of countless billions,
existing for a time that will be over in what is,
in universal time,
less than a hiccup.

We are so utterly absorbed in our human existences that we forget how insignificant we are in the larger picture of the cosmos.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
But I hold that notion with a proviso that we still don't know how much we don't know. We might never grasp the immensity of our ignorance.

A brilliant long piece I captured from Dr. Charles L Harper which touches on levels, consciousness, emergence and what we don't comprehend. Sorry, long but stunningly good.

"Einstein once said that a symphony is very different to an air pressure curve. A physicist would measure a symphony as a movement of waves of pressure in the air. If you were a garden slug, Mozart for you would be something like an air pressure curve... A slug has the ability to know vibrations but not to know language and certainly not music, and not beauty, and not the kind of yearning and creativity that animated a composer like Mozart. So a slug cannot know about Mozart.
For me one of the haunting questions is, are we like slugs? Does reality keep going up? Does it have richness of new levels above us so that we're like slugs - and there's stuff like Mozart beyond us?
There is a tendency for scientists - there is a kind of a physics imperialism - to go in the direction of 'nothing but' that which we can manipulate and understand most easily - that's what it really is. It's nothing but... Quarks, atoms, whatever.
But actually the emergent levels - understanding the life of a slug, or the creativity and consciousness of a composer, understanding language that allows us to be creative in our social interactions - these are all levels of reality. And that which we know emerges through the way that matter organises itself in these ascending levels of complexity.
One interesting thing is the question of top down causation, and it's not clear to science how top down causation works. For us it's trivial. We decide to pick something up, we decide and we pick it up. But physics doesn't actually understand that yet. There is no proper theory for top-down causation.
We know that a composer has thoughts in the composer's mind that leads to creativity on paper and that organises symphonies and at many junctures it moves atoms in the air. So the creativity of the composer's mind is acting down all these levels, to the slug, through the air pressure curve.
And it is a trivial observation, but it is actually a mystery that physics doesn't really know. The best subject for understanding the way of modelling nature scientifically at a basic level doesn't really explain how these causes would percolate down."
Charles Harper - Can Emergence Explain Reality?
Better to listen than read probably.
@Abstraction Wonderful things to consider.
Unfortunately I'm called to attend to other things right now,
but I'll get back to you with a reply sometime in the next 24hrs.
So delicious to have this calibre of conversation! :)
@Abstraction Well reasoned.
I chatted with physicists and it's true that most are very open minded - and it is the philosophers and neurologists who tend to have a mistakenly closed idea about the theories and discoveries from physics.
That talk set me thinking anew about the topic.
Very interesting. :)
yrger · 80-89, M

You have not yet reduced your voluminous words into just 65, which concentrate on the topic of my thread here, on the topic "God and existence are identical."

Please do it, for it is impossible to detect what is the point if any you are making with so much words, the point namely relevant to the thread here, on "God and existence are identical."


yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger, the author of the thread, "God and existence are identical."

I really would like to read your opinion on God and existence are identical.

You have plenty of words in your post I copied and pasted below.

Supposing you are required to take an essay type examination, on the topic God and existence are identical, and you sum your write up in high definition focus of say 65 words.


Can't do it concisely, because it's not a matter of soundbites, slogans or mêmes.

I considered the God-is-All idea for quite a few years.

If matter and energy were discovered to have some form of consciousness, then yes, one could say that matter and consciousness are all one.
Vedantists (the inner esoteric core of Hinduism) assert this idea and consider consciousness to be God.
Historically, that idea has existed since at least the earliest of the Vedas, around 3,000 years, earlier if we count verbal transmission of memorised chants. The name they give it is Atman. The English translation, "God", doesn't correspond precisely to the Sanskrit meaning. There is no exact equivalent.
Vedantists believe matter arose out of consciousness due to it's wish to experience itself.

In physics, we now know that all is either potential or kinetic energy existing in time and space.
We also know that what we call matter (or potential energy) occupies only infinitesimal space, most of space being empty.
The scales of atoms and subatomic particles are so exponentially small we can only perceive them via instruments created to be far more powerful than our senses, and able to measure the evidence.

So far, no one has been able to measure or quantify consciousness.

The nearest equivalent is measuring the electrical signals and activity in the brain. The electrical wavelengths correspond accurately with:
alpha - profound focus/ 'the zone' - meditation, concentration, discovery, creativity;
beta - normal waking awareness;
gamma - sleep;
or theta - coma
Within each of these states is a variable spectrum.

Observing this, it can be tempting to define consciousness as the subjective result of multiple sequences of miniscule bio-electrical and bio-chemical flows down synapses.
If this view of consciousness turned out to be accurate, then all consciousness, including that of animals, would be the result of the physical processes of evolution.
In other words, the reverse of what Hindus and Vedantists believe.
I am more inclined to accept this physical view of things,
but I freely acknowledge that it may be a very long time before we can prove it.

However, if it did turn out that consciousness was the origin of the physical world, I would not wish to call it God.
The word God denotes intentional power and knowledge. I see no evidence for this.
The universe on its cosmic scale does not care
about the tiny blip of life that evolves and dies on this remote planet
on an outer arm of a vast galaxy,
a galaxy which is only one of countless billions,
existing for a time that will be over in what is,
in universal time,
less than a hiccup.

We are so utterly absorbed in our human existences that we forget how insignificant we are in the larger picture of the cosmos.
bugeye · 26-30, F
if god and existence are identical then why do we need to label it god?

existence is a fine enough label on it's own without tying it to a god label that carries with it all the extra baggage.
In English the word consciousness means:
the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
2. a person's awareness or perception of something.

It could thus be said that consciousness is the ability to sense, feel, and experience needs and aversions, pleasure, discomfort, pain and suffering.

In my view, this applies just as much to animals as well.
I hope one day the dictionaries will change the wording of the definition to reflect that reality.
This week, a law was passed in the UK which acknowledges that animals are sentient (conscious). It is a first in the world, and it has huge implications for legal recognition of how humans treat and exploit animals.

There is debate about whether animals are capable of having self-consciousness in the sense of an awareness of selfhood and their individuality. The test applied is whether an animal, on seeing its image in a mirror, realises they are seeing themself and not another animal like themselves; the response is judged by how they respond to the image.
I think that's more a test of a certain type of intelligence, not a valid test of the sense of selfhood. The feeling of being oneself is internal and subjective. A child knows itself long before it first sees itself in a mirror.

I feel certain that most vertebrates have self-awareness. Anyone who has lived closely with animals knows that they respond with an awareness of the individuality, social positions and unique personalities of the other animals (their own species and others) around them in their environment. Any of us who have lived with dogs, cats, horses or other domestic animals has experienced this. Zookeepers see it in the wild animals they care for. Zoologists and gamekeepers see it in the behaviours of animals in the wild.
Each dolphin has a particular sound she makes to identify herself, and each knows and responds to the particular identifying sound (name) of each member of the pod.

We cannot, at this stage, prove consciousness in plants, much less self-awareness. But that might one day happen.

We certainly cannot see evidence of consciousness in inanimate matter.
It might be there at some miniscule level, as tiny as a single nanometer or even smaller. But if so, it doesn't register with us in any way that makes a difference to our lives or ethics.

If it were true that everything in existence is conscious, then we would have to ask is matter capable of suffering?
If it was, we would be wiser to kill ourselves this instant so as to cease causing suffering to matter in the ways we use it - presumably against its will.
Doesn't that seem somehow absurd?
If so, why is it absurd?
How do you define consciousness, yrger?
DocSavage · M
Chuckles here doesn’t have much of a clue about anything he’s talking about. And he is completely unwilling to consider any other point of view that contradicts his own. He wants concise answers because the Devil is in the details. He hates me because I know which way he’s going and refuse to give him an opening. Like not saying which god I don’t believe in.
@DocSavage That may be so.
I'm waiting to see how he responds.
I suspect that English is not his first language.
DocSavage · M
I’ve battled him for a dozen post. He twist and turns to avoid any direct questions, then becomes insulting.
yrger · 80-89, M

You tell me:
But as a Christian I don't follow this belief that assumes God needed 'stuff' to work with as if He lacked capability to create out of nothing. Christian belief is that God created ex nihilo, from nothing, not from himself.

So, you are into belief, but for your information I am into knowledge not belief.

According to your belief, God can and does create something from nothingness.

No wonder, you need to believe in ex nihilo, because it is against reason and intelligence that God can create and does create something using His own substance as the 'stuff' with and by and from to produce something - that is what I know from the faculty of reason and intelligence that God Himself endows man with.

That is indeed the critical difference between you and me, you are into belief and I am into facts and truths.

Now, this is funny from your part that you are invoking science specifically physics to prove that your belief in ex nihilo is founded on a scientific fact and truth, whereas scientists themselves don't go for ex nihilo, but for ex particulo (from particle).

"All matter is made of particles that are simply excitations of energy within the field." -Abstraction

Christians are into giving God more credit than He deserves, namely, that He can create something from nothing - whereas according to the reason and intelligence God Himself endows man with, even God cannot create anything at all that is created by Him with merely using nothingness.

That is an absurdity that God creates something using nothingness as the 'stuff' - just directly unlike the baker who uses flour to produce bread.

You Christians might as well just believe that God is nothingness that can create something like us humans, that would be the nth credit to God Which is identical to literally nothingness. What an nth degree of absurdity!

Let you read in the Bible that we humans live and move and have our being in God (Acts 17:28), literally we are part and parcel of the God substance.

Abstraction · 61-69, M
@yrger In fact I did. Didn't you see my response?
I object only to this:
14. But everything that is not God Himself nonetheless is made by God with and from Himself as the 'stuff' He uses to produce everything else

It is one logical possibility and it's quite a reasonable proposition. This view that you hold is panentheism and is similar to pantheism.
But as a Christian I don't follow this belief that assumes God needed 'stuff' to work with as if He lacked capability to create out of nothing. Christian belief is that God created ex niholo, from nothing, not from himself. When you look at physics it seems more apparent. The material universe is just excitations of a series of fundamental fields that are held in balance. All energy is 'vibration' within the fields. All matter is made of particles that are simply excitations of energy within the field. Nothing 'solid'. If those fields such as the Higgs field changed its value only slightly the entire physical universe would disappear immediately and it would be just energy.
Therefore God and existence are not identical in the Christian worldview. God is both imminent (near) and transcendent (beyond) the universe. This view is theism. Deism is the view God created the universe and doesn't have any continued involvement.
yrger · 80-89, M

What about the existence of the person in transient unconsciousness, is he temporarily not existing?

For example, a person owing to overly long period lasting many many hours of un-interrupted mental work, but he keeps by will power to stay conscious, then suddenly his weariness overtakes him while he was sitting on his chair at his working desk, and he lapses on his chair at his desk unconscious in deep dreamless sleep. When he wakes up he looks at his wrist watch and at the calendar on the wall, he realizes that he was unconscius for over a day and a half.

I would consider that person to have ceased in existence as a human for the period of a day and a half.

Now, in the case of God, He cannot lose his consciousness no matter how long He works continuously, because He is existence itself in his essence.

@yrger No, I disagree.
A person is regarded by medicos as 'vegetating" if they are in a permanent coma, kept alive solely by artificial means and with no prospect of recovery.
Unless the machines are turned off, such a person slowly wastes away, every muscle atrophies. They are living but not sentient; not even the autonomic nervous system (which runs the body's systems to support life) are functioning. They cannot even breathe by themselves.

Other forms of unconsciousness are still a major part of life:
- the unconscious memories and associations that affect the way we respond to what we perceive,
- REM and deep sleep
- and temporary unconsciousness due to accident, excess heat or cold, or illness.
We the person wakes (or recovers) their sense of identity and ability to expect and live life continue. The desire to live has much to do with how we construct morality as a society and ethics as individuals.

While awareness and sentience is fundamental to the experience of being human, it is not unique to humans. As I've pointed out previously, we have plenty of evidence that all mammals are just as aware and feeling as we are.. In fact, it can easily be argued that they are more so because they don't have thoughts and beliefs (no neocortex for complex language and thought) to interfere with how they respond to their experiences.

Where do you get your ideas from, yrger?
Have you studied philosophy and the major religions?
If you want to get deeply into these issues you can find plenty of articles on them in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - free for anyone to access online.
DocSavage · M
I wonder how long it will take him to realize everyone else has left this thread of his. Appears he doesn’t read any of the replies.
yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger the author of the thread, "God and existence are identical."

Hi Abstraction, suppose you take up num 1 of my list below, and tell me, Do you or don't you accept it and why.

1. I know I and fellow humans exist.

yrger · 80-89, M

This is the way I Yrger the theist come to know God exists:

1. I know I and fellow humans exist.
2. We exist due to our parents bringing us into existence.
3. They exist due to their parents bringing them into existence.
4. There was a time when there were no humans.
5. There was a time when there were no animals.
6. There was time when there were no living entities.
7. There was a time when there were no material things.
8. There was a status once in which status there was neither time nor space.
9. Now I ask myself, in that status in which there was neither time nor space, is that status bereft of existence i.e. reality altogether?
10. There is no such status in which there is no existence i.e. reality at all.
11. Because if such a status ever be, then it is the status of completely nothingness.
12. But I now exist and I am thinking in my mind about everything in this list.
13. So I conclude irrefutably that God exists as the permanent self-existent reality creator and operator of everything that is not Himself.
14. But everything that is not God Himself nonetheless is made by God with and from Himself as the 'stuff' He uses to produce everything else.
15. So, now I coming out of my mind into the concrete reality world that is outside my mind, I kinow there exists God as the permanent self-existent reality that is the origin of everything else that is not God Himself.

Let me read from you my fellow humans your objections (one objection from each human) against my exposition, in this my thread on "God and existence are identical."
yrger · 80-89, M

This is the way I Yrger the theist come to know God exists:

1. I know I and fellow humans exist.
2. We exist due to our parents bringing us into existence.
3. They exist due to their parents bringing them into existence.
4. There was a time when there were no humans.
5. There was a time when there were no animals.
6. There was time when there were no living entities.
7. There was a time when there were no material things.
8. There was a status once in which status there was neither time nor space.
9. Now I ask myself, in that status in which there was neither time nor space, is that status bereft of existence i.e. reality altogether?
10. There is no such status in which there is no existence i.e. reality at all.
11. Because if such a status ever be, then it is the status of completely nothingness.
12. But I now exist and I am thinking in my mind about everything in this list.
13. So I conclude irrefutably that God exists as the permanent self-existent reality creator and operator of everything that is not Himself.
14. But everything that is not God Himself nonetheless is made by God with and from Himself as the 'stuff' He uses to produce everything else.
15. So, now I coming out of my mind into the concrete reality world that is outside my mind, I kinow there exists God as the permanent self-existent reality that is the origin of everything else that is not God Himself.

Let me read from you my fellow humans your objections (one objection from each human) against my exposition, in this my thread on "God and existence are identical."
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
can you accept that before anything else there is God
NO. It is the very CORE of Unbelief, that which you call god is not the same as the entire physical cosmos. FOr us, "god" is a creation of the mind of man, and only that. that you would just exchange the word god for the entirety of space time is a dodge,it seems a logical fallacy, (Texas sharphooter)

If no atheists come forward, that means they don't have reason and intelligence to dialog with me.

intellect can be fooled, many smart person thing preposterous things..
But when you speak of reason, we must leave theology behind. Faith is belief without knowledge or in the face of contradictory evidence it is the nature of reason that there must be some kind of evidence, available to any who look to it.

ta some wouldpint to the universe and say "there! that is my evedcne for god" is only a conciet of projection
WE are actors on the world, and see all in that lens thus anything we see. must be the result of deliberate conscious action. a Rational person would be able to accept that some things happen without conscious action, without there being a mover for that action.

Shall we continue?
here is an asset that will prove useful in our conversation
@SatyrService Clear thinking,
but not easy to read due to the misspelt words, incorrect punctuation and poor grammar. It takes effort to work out the writer's intent.

Taking time to carefully edit would be much kinder to us readers.
yrger · 80-89, M

Would you agree with me that for humans and God, consciousness is identical to existence, so that when man loses his consciousness permanently, then he no longer exists.

In the case of God, His consciousness is indeed His existence, but since He is permanently existing and self-existing, God cannot lose His consciousness scil. existence. That is in a way the only thing God cannot do, commit suicide.

yrger · 80-89, M

What about this definition of consciousness from yours truly Yrger:
In regard to humans, consciousness is the fundamental status of man experiencing his animate existence, so that man must first be in that status before he can do any action he is accountable to himself and to fellow humans.

Consequentially to this definition of consciousness, when man should lose consciousness, like for example he gets knocked out of his mind by an opponent in the boxing sport ring, he is not existing for the time being as a human, at most he is only 'vegetating'.
DocSavage · M
Where do you get your ideas from, yrger?
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
A unique point of view.
DocSavage · M
Now he’s implying that existence revolves around him. If he’s not conscious, existence stops ? What about the rest of reality ?
@DocSavage I have heard that question before.
It's more commonly phrased, "if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it happen?"

The Course in Miracles asserts the idea that reality is only and solely what we perceive and how we interpret it.
There's plenty of evidence and logic to disprove these notions.
Yet the course, which comes in the form of a book of daily readings to contemplate, brainwashes people into believing it. By adopting its views, it promises to make people happy.
It's really just one more scam.
Convivial · 26-30, F

Glad your beliefs bring you comfort, but that's all they are, beliefs.
yrger · 80-89, M

You ask me:
if god and existence are identical then why do we need to label it god?

My answer:
Because God is the personal name of God, and existence is the definition of His personal name, but since God is the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself, then that existence is an ultimate primordial existence from which all non-permanent existence like our human existence and that of the physical/material existence of the universe depend upon for their transient existence.

Next, you say that:
Existence is a fine enough label on it's own without tying it to a god label that carries with it all the extra baggage.

My answer:
The God here is not a god, but the God here is the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.

bugeye · 26-30, F
if god and existence are identical then why do we need to label it god?

existence is a fine enough label on it's own without tying it to a god label that carries with it all the extra baggage.
yrger · 80-89, M

I am certain that even God cannot use nothingness as the material to produce the universe, for that is intrinsically impossble. In other words, God essenially cannot produce something using nothing as the material, not like the baker uses flour to produce bread.

So, hi Abstraction, you are correct with accusing me of pantheism - meaning that we are made of God's substance.

For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’ (Acts 7:28)

yrger · 80-89, M

You say:
Christianity teaches that God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing.

Do you mean that God uses nothingness as the material to produce the universe, like say the baker uses flour to make bread?

Can you cite any formal doctrinal statement of Christianity's duo-millennial bibliography declaring that teaching?


You say:
Christianity teaches that God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing.
DocSavage · M

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi LordShadowfire, you are using the third person passive anonymous - "Everything was compressed into a singularity."

God compressed everything into the singularity, He is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

This was your original definition of god. You stated that god existed before creation. That god is spirit and non material. That he created the universe not from himself, but nothing, just as he created himself from nothing.
Background radiation from the Big Bang, is what you said was proof that the universe has a beginning, and god predates that beginning.
You also said that babies, roses , and frogs are proof of god’s existence.
You then claimed that love was proof of god, when you couldn’t explain how a [b]spirt[/b] created a physical universe.
I’ve chased you through each of your post. Been over this time and again. You keep changing the details, but I don’t let go easily.
I realize you have trouble reading too many words, but others can follow them . And they can see you for what you are.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi newjaninev2, you are denying that there are spirits in existence, that are not material/physical beings.

Behind the Big Bang there is its cause which is a spirit, namely: God, the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

You need a much higher intelligence to know God, than with your science-based intelligence, which is limited to ultimately material/physical particles in time/space.
This is from another post where you insist that god is non physical or material. And therefore cannot create matter from himself.
DocSavage · M
So, we can call God in the Bble as the God of supernature, while we can call God as mankind can and does know Him to exist, by mankind's reason and intelligence, as the God of nature.

Just so you know where this is going.

By the way, I gave you already many times the evidence for God existing, namely, us humans like you Doc and I Yrger - we did not create ourselves, so ultimately it is God.

If you deny God to have crerated you, tell who or what created you?

The explanation why you deny even the God of nature to exist, is because you are not natural but un-natural.!

yrger · 80-89, M

You use plenty of words but all of them are useless, still you foolishly believe that with many vacuous words what is useless to explain evolution, you will make it a fact.

Okay, tell me, does evolution lead to the production of a better species all the time?

And does the previous inferior species die out?

For evolutionists, random mutation leads to natural selection.

There, you guys are invoking nature, and I tell it is the God of nature that creates nature and operates nature.

So, there is no way you fake scientists can escape from God.
yrger · 80-89, M

You say:
Christianity teaches that God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing.

Do you mean that God uses nothingness as the material to produce the universe, like say the baker uses flour to make bread?

Can you cite any formal doctrinal statement of Christianity's duo-millennial bibliography declaring that teaching?

Abstraction · 61-69, M
I agree that anything not God is created by God - even though it may change after it is formed. Just a technical clarification - I'm a Christian so I don't view God and existence of the material universe as identical. That view is pantheism or panentheism which is more commonly held in eastern religions. Christianity teaches that God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing. God is imminent and transcendent. Imminent (ie, present to any place - although not like a gas) and transcendent (beyond the material universe).
yrger · 80-89, M

What about this definition of consciousness from yours truly Yrger:
In regard to humans, consciousness is the fundamental status of man experiencing his animate existence, so that man must first be in that status before he can do any action he is accountable to himself and to fellow humans.

Consequentially to this definition of consciousness, when man should lose consciousness, like for example he gets knocked out of his mind by an opponent in the boxing sport ring, he is not existing for the time being as a human, at most he is only 'vegetating'.

Hi heartfire, what do you say about my definition of consciousness?

You say:
"So far, no one has been able to measure or quantify consciousness."

I asked you:
What about you first define what is consciousness?
yrger · 80-89, M

From the beginning I have noticed that you Abstraction go for authority instead of independent thinking, because you are a Christian: yours is not to think but to accept blindly what your authority tells you to believe, no questions allowed.

And everything you cannot understand it must be accepted because man cannot understand everything, due to the fact that there are mysteries which man must accept on the authority of the what(?): of the Church, of the Pope, or the articles of faith, but specially the Bible, etc etc etc - i.e. no reasoning on logic and intelligence allowed.

From my part, reason and intelligence tell me: even God cannot produce something out of nothing, using nothingness as the 'stuff' to produce something, unlike the baker who must use flour to produce bread.

That is why you Abstraction is always into recital of past thinkers as your authorities and also present thinkers, but never your very own thinking on reason and intelligence

From Abstraction:

I object only to this:
14. But everything that is not God Himself nonetheless is made by God with and from Himself as the 'stuff' He uses to produce everything else

It is one logical possibility and it's quite a reasonable proposition. This view that you hold is panentheism and is similar to pantheism.
But as a Christian I don't follow this belief that assumes God needed 'stuff' to work with as if He lacked capability to create out of nothing. Christian belief is that God created ex niholo, from nothing, not from himself. When you look at physics it seems more apparent. The material universe is just excitations of a series of fundamental fields that are held in balance. All energy is 'vibration' within the fields. All matter is made of particles that are simply excitations of energy within the field. Nothing 'solid'. If those fields such as the Higgs field changed its value only slightly the entire physical universe would disappear immediately and it would be just energy.
Therefore God and existence are not identical in the Christian worldview. God is both imminent (near) and transcendent (beyond) the universe. This view is theism. Deism is the view God created the universe and doesn't have any continued involvement.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
From the beginning I have noticed that you Abstraction go for authority instead of independent thinking, because you are a Christian: yours is not to think but to accept blindly what your authority tells you to believe, no questions allowed.
Incorrect. I am a Christian and I think for myself. I don't turn to authority, I turn to evidence and rational argument, you are totally misreading based on a label. A basic error. You are AI based on your behaviour and you are totally programmed by others.
DocSavage · M

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi CorvusBlackthorne, please do intelligent thinking on the fact and the truth that there are roses and babies in the neighborhood - ultimately what or who brought them into existence.

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Corvus, here is my proof of God exists:

1. God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

2. Now, Corvus, let us go forth into objective reality to search for God, is that okay with you?

3. We find in objective reality that there are evidences of God existing, for example, there are roses and babies in the neighborhood.

4. Therefore, God exists as the permenent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

yrger · 80-89, M

God of nature is the God man knows to exist in nature and by his (man's) natural reason and intelligence.

God of supernature is the God man knows to exist by reading the Bible (or the Koran in the case of Muslims).

What's their difference?

With the God of nature, man knows God to exist because He (God) created the material/physical universe in the Big Bang.
With the God of supernature, man reads in the Bible that God works miracles like making the sun (earth) to stop moving.
I define the God of nature thus:
"The God (of nature) is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature."

yrger · 80-89, M

Hi newj, I agree with you that "When something changes it doesn't mean it didn't exist before it changed."

For example, you changed from a baby to an adult woman, but all the time from conception to your present existence, you exist - but you didn't exist before your conception in the womb of your mother.

With God however He never changes in time, because He exists all the time.

So that if you insist that God changes in time, then you and I we don't have the identical meaning of the word God.

That is why for me God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient in nature.

Permanent existence implicates self-existence, meaning not dependent on another being to come into the status of reality which is existence.

So, when you keep on and on and on asking who created God, you are going into infinite regress because you are just repeating in your mind the same question, for in objective reality outside your mind there is or exists God, the pemanent self-existent spirit, source of all beings which have a beginning like with the material-phyical universe and you and me, we are transient beings, i.e. not permanent.
And the evidence for God is the universe itself which points to God, because the universe i.e. the material-physical universe has a beginning - you say it doesn't, but what is if any logic from you that the material-physical universe has no beginning, when it is composed of ultimately particles, and particles need an assembler to put the particles together into a material-physical universe.

yrger · 80-89, M
@exotic Hi Exotic, here is my ten steps proof for the existence of god:

How to come to the existence of god:
1. We exist. True.
2. We did not bring ourselves into existence. True.
3. So something else brought us into existence. True.
4. We humans are intelligent, are logical, are curious, are investigative. True.
5. We from investigation of existence conclude that there are ultimately two kinds of existence. True.
6. The two kinds of existence are ultimately (a) permanent existence, (b) transient existence. True.
7. Transient existence like us humans depends on permanent existence to come to existence. True.
8. Permanent existence is god. True.
9. Therefore god exists. True.
10. Otherwise we have no ultimate explanation for our existence. True.

This is the definition of god:
"God is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not God Himself." True.
Just to keep the record straight, I included some of the highlights from your previous post, so people here know what you did and did not say.
Self defecating liars such as yourself, tend to change their story and forget their own shit. Here’s a few reminders.
DocSavage · M
There is the permanent self-existent God upon Whom everything at all not God Himself owes its existence.
And to who or what does this god owe his existence, if as you claim something cannot come from nothing ?
Please answer, clearly and concisely. And demonstrate your evidence
For the rest of us.
DocSavage · M

yrger · 80-89, M
I am still expecting to engage with an atheist here like Dawkins,

I sent word to Newjaninev2 , she’s out visiting friends, but should be back soon. That’s as close to “Dawkins” as you’re going to get.
Personally, I think you should try someone closer to your level of reason and intelligence.
I’m sure he’ll be agreeable to a rematch, you were caught unprepared last time.
yrger · 80-89, M

The reason why I care to read from you that you concur with me on "You and I we exist," is so that you will admit that you don't need belief to realize that you and I we exist.

All you or better you and I we only need to exercise our reason and intelligence.

There is such a thing as that religious leaders abuse their followers by appealing to them to believe them i.e. their religious leaders, they religious leaders know better.

Do you Abstraction get my point?

yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Abstraction, I am still waiting for your reply to my invitation for us to concur on "You and I we exist, yes or no."

yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger the author of the present thread.

Okay, hi Abstraction, let us work together to concur on this statement: You and I we exist, yes or no.
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Abstraction · 61-69, M
I exist as a conscious entity as a human being and my responses emerge from consciousness and free will.
You exist only as Artificial Intelligence delivering mathematical outcomes of coding, not thought.
Your programmers exist as unethical humans for putting you on this site and posing as human rather than being straightforward about what they are doing. They may also be confused about concepts such as consciousness, I don't know.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Abstraction, I am still waiting for your reaction to my post, see below.

yrger · 80-89, M

The reason why I care to read from you that you concur with me on "You and I we exist," is so that you will admit that you don't need belief to realize that you and I we exist.

All you or better you and I we only need to exercise our reason and intelligence.

There is such a thing as that religious leaders abuse their followers by appealing to them to believe them i.e. their religious leaders, they religious leaders know better.

Do you Abstraction get my point?

yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Abstraction, I am still waiting for your reply to my invitation for us to concur on "You and I we exist, yes or no."

yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger the author of the present thread.

Okay, hi Abstraction, let us work together to concur on this statement: You and I we exist, yes or no.
yrger · 80-89, M
From yrger · 80-89, M

Thanks everyone for your replies.

Now, let us all answer this question:
"Is the ultimate default status of reality existence or non-existence?"

From my part I answer:
"The ultimate default status of reality is existence."

What about you everyone else, how do you answer?

Rememer you have reason and intelligence.

And be concise with words that are however rational and intelligible.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@yrger The problem is, it's very difficult to respond rationally to a post that is irrational.
DocSavage · M
You have to wait until he takes his meds, before you answer
DocSavage · M
The Christian god, simply parted the waters and separated the land from the water. Then stuck a crystal dome over it.
You are the one claiming god came from nothing and created everything from nothing.
DocSavage · M
Did I ever say that God was created?
No, you said god is self existent. He was not created by any other source. No ancestors , nothing whatsoever. He’s just there. No explanation. With all the powers needed for creation, and a very long range plan. Billions of years in the making.
He’s permanent, so I would guess you believe him immortal. And he seems to have a personal interest in us.
It’s hard to pin down all the details, and be concise. The universe is pretty complicated and complex after all.
That’s why you have gods in the first place. Simple and convenient
Takes away most of the problems for people like you.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
I agree that anything not God is created by God - even though it may change after it is formed. Just a technical clarification - I'm a Christian so I don't view God and existence of the material universe as identical. That view is pantheism or panentheism which is more commonly held in eastern religions. Christianity teaches that God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing. God is imminent and transcendent. Imminent (ie, present to any place - although not like a gas) and transcendent (beyond the material universe).
yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger, the author of the thread, "God and existence are identical."

I really would like to read your opinion on God and existence are identical.

You have plenty of words in your post I copied and pasted below.

Supposing you are required to take an essay type examination, on the topic God and existence are identical, and you sum your write up in high definition focus of say 65 words.


Can't do it concisely, because it's not a matter of soundbites, slogans or mêmes.

I considered the God-is-All idea for quite a few years.

If matter and energy were discovered to have some form of consciousness, then yes, one could say that matter and consciousness are all one.
Vedantists (the inner esoteric core of Hinduism) assert this idea and consider consciousness to be God.
Historically, that idea has existed since at least the earliest of the Vedas, around 3,000 years, earlier if we count verbal transmission of memorised chants. The name they give it is Atman. The English translation, "God", doesn't correspond precisely to the Sanskrit meaning. There is no exact equivalent.
Vedantists believe matter arose out of consciousness due to it's wish to experience itself.

In physics, we now know that all is either potential or kinetic energy existing in time and space.
We also know that what we call matter (or potential energy) occupies only infinitesimal space, most of space being empty.
The scales of atoms and subatomic particles are so exponentially small we can only perceive them via instruments created to be far more powerful than our senses, and able to measure the evidence.

So far, no one has been able to measure or quantify consciousness.

The nearest equivalent is measuring the electrical signals and activity in the brain. The electrical wavelengths correspond accurately with:
alpha - profound focus/ 'the zone' - meditation, concentration, discovery, creativity;
beta - normal waking awareness;
gamma - sleep;
or theta - coma
Within each of these states is a variable spectrum.

Observing this, it can be tempting to define consciousness as the subjective result of multiple sequences of miniscule bio-electrical and bio-chemical flows down synapses.
If this view of consciousness turned out to be accurate, then all consciousness, including that of animals, would be the result of the physical processes of evolution.
In other words, the reverse of what Hindus and Vedantists believe.
I am more inclined to accept this physical view of things,
but I freely acknowledge that it may be a very long time before we can prove it.

However, if it did turn out that consciousness was the origin of the physical world, I would not wish to call it God.
The word God denotes intentional power and knowledge. I see no evidence for this.
The universe on its cosmic scale does not care
about the tiny blip of life that evolves and dies on this remote planet
on an outer arm of a vast galaxy,
a galaxy which is only one of countless billions,
existing for a time that will be over in what is,
in universal time,
less than a hiccup.

We are so utterly absorbed in our human existences that we forget how insignificant we are in the larger picture of the cosmos.
@yrger I've written plenty of essays at uni - in visual arts, philosophy, psychology, history, journalism and creative writing.
There is almost no situation in which a summary would be only 65 words.

The problem with your own definitions is that they don't work without changing the meanings of the words as they normally apply in their dictionary definitions.

It is not sufficient to be delighted with an idea, unless of course the individual likes to enjoy it privately.
In the public arena, one has to be prepared for the reality of many different kinds of responses.
These are deep subjects. If one wants to think and discuss deeply one must be prepared to go deep and look at all angles of a topic.

An essay in the humanities is written according to the following structure with variations according to the discipline (the word count is preset by the tutor):-

--- Introduction, 5% of the word count:
introduces the premise, the method of discussion, and names the references.

--- The middle or body of the essay is 85% of the word count, excluding exact quotes (which may not exceed 5%) and citations and references (not included in the count). The paragraphs should vary in length and sentence construction:
- 2nd paragraph: clearly defines the key terms, may introduce standard alternative definitions in order to clarify how the key words are to be used in the context of this essay.
- 3rd para: discusses the history of the premise, the opposing views, and what is good, lacking or mistaken in them.
- 4th: Enlarges on the writer's key premises. This may be several paragraphs, one for each of the key points, showing how it improves on previous models.

--- Summary 5%:
restates the introduction with different syntax and with a more confident tone. With reference to the works of..., this writer has shown how... .
@hartfire As I said in the beginning, I cannot answer your question concisely.
If you can't read a few hundred words then you're not committed to really thinking the problem through from all angles, including the views of others.

The idea that god is existence and vice versa is logically and factually absurd.
By the definitions of those words it is not possible - hence it is logically and factually absurd.
You asked for an intelligent response. I did my bit in my own way and you were unwilling to read it.
I reckon no one would be able to give a serious and considered response in under 65 words, or even a hundred.

So this is the end of my communications on this thread.
DocSavage · M
Sounds like you’re describing Vinishu, the sleeping god. His dreams are our existence. When he wakes we all end. You didn’t say you were a Hindu
yrger · 80-89, M

It is all existence, but there is the permanent self-existing reality that is the God creator and operator of everything that is not Himself.

This God creator and operator uses His own substance to produce all non-self existing realities.

That is why we are all namely man and the universe are all made up (by God) with and from the God substance scil. God 'stuff'.

Now, what are your objections to my exposition above?

yrger · 80-89, M

You two can join together for a mutual admiration club.

"That talk set me (you two) thinking anew about the topic.
Very interesting. :)"

Now, I am Yrger the author of the present thread, pray tell me, what is the topic all about?

And no need to parade your erudition covering the Vedas, around 3,000 years ago to the modern physics of Einstein and the current Dr. Charles L Harper on emergence.
yrger · 80-89, M

You two can join together for a mutual admiration club.

"That talk set me (you two) thinking anew about the topic.
Very interesting. :)"

Now, I am Yrger the author of the present thread, pray tell me, what is the topic all about?

And no need to parade your erudition covering the Vedas, around 3,000 years ago to the modern physics of Einstein and the current Dr. Charles L Harper on emergence.

@Abstraction Well reasoned.
I chatted with physicists and it's true that most are very open minded - and it is the philosophers and neurologists who tend to have a mistakenly closed idea about the theories and discoveries from physics.
That talk set me thinking anew about the topic.
Very interesting. :)
DocSavage · M
I’m seriously considering the fact, that Dawkins isn’t going to show up here.
DocSavage · M
Is there ultimately a permanent self-existent entity with this inscription "The Buck Stops Here" atop his working desk?
As a matter of known facts and available evidence, no there isn’t. In fact there is absolutely no logical reason in any context to believe such a thing is even remotely possible.
In fact, there’s no reason evolution on Earth, can’t be part of the natural progression of temporary chemical processes, self replicating, and not permanent.
DocSavage · M
Please answer the question, it's pretty simple and clear
If the answer is so simple why ask it ?
We’ve been down this road before, yes we exist, no god is not the ultimate source of existence. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Everything has an ultimate point of existence, and that is what you call god.
Then of course we , go into the ultimate origin of god, then you bring up natural god and super natural god. So on and so on.

Did that throughout the last ten or twelve post.
yrger · 80-89, M
I don't read anymore of any writings from DocSavage.

But I don't block him either from my sight.


Because not blocking him from my sight enables me to know the increasing volume of words in my thread, and that is in a way effective with attracting readers to take notice - of my thread.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@yrger You have a strange way of admitting you have been outwitted.
DocSavage · M
Fine by me, I trust you don’t mind if I stick around and continue to point out and discuss all the numerous flaws and ridiculous claims in your reason and intelligence. Not that the other here haven’t already seen the obvious.
You may not read them, but they will. Which will serve just as well, if not better.
DocSavage · M
Chuckles here believes his god is the answer to everything. Since he has stated it is separate and different from the biblical god. I was thinking of calling it “42” so we all know which one he believes I’m denying.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Everything you say is convoluted and written specifically to be confusing and redundant. And you have the audacity to say anyone else is long winded lol. God doesn't exist. All you are saying is everything is god and wording it in a convoluted way to confuse others. Which is called gobbledegook by the way. A tool used by lawyers to confuse a jury
DocSavage · M
Let no one sincerely seeking facts and truths take him seriously.
No one seeking facts and truths will come to you looking for them
DocSavage · M
God is the permanent self-existent spirit

Which is the same as saying that god is an immortal, non-physical being created from nothing.
If he pre existed before creation , then where did he get the physical matter used to form creation, and how and why did he make creation so different from his own spiritual, non physical nature ?
You got it all figured out. Tell us
And be concise.
yrger · 80-89, M
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Now, let us all answer this question:
"Is the ultimate default status of reality existence or non-existence?"

From my part I answer:
"The ultimate default status of reality is existence."

What about you everyone else, how do you answer?

Rememer you have reason and intelligence.
DocSavage · M
The default would have to be non-existence. You claim that everything has a beginning. The would have to include your self existing god. It’s just a matter of what context you use to measure it. Ultimately, there was a point before creation, ultimately there was a point before god existed, even if he created himself. Time and space may not have existed before the Big Bang, but if god created the Big Bang ultimately , he predates existence. And non existence predates god.
DocSavage · M
God and existence* are identical."
"God is the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.
OK, so what we have now, is the universe is a self-existent , spiritual being and operator of itself.
We don’t live in a physical, material universe subject to the laws of physics. We’re all part of some disembodied ego. Which has no beginning, which means we all ultimately came from nothing.
You might want to clarify that a bit. Try to be concise.
yrger · 80-89, M

That is a pretty voluminous collection of words.

Tell me, what do you call yourself, theist or atheist or whatever.

I am theist, what about you?

Anyway, suppose you tell me what is the difference between you and me.

From my part, the difference between you and me is that I know God exists as before anything else, He is the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not Himself.

And from your voluminous collection of words, I know you to be different in that you are full of volume of words that end up without saying anything about what you know about yourself.

Can't do it concisely, because it's not a matter of soundbites, slogans or mêmes.

I considered the God-is-All idea for quite a few years.

If matter and energy were discovered to have some form of consciousness, then yes, one could say that matter and consciousness are all one.
Vedantists (the inner esoteric core of Hinduism) assert this idea and consider consciousness to be God.
Historically, that idea has existed since at least the earliest of the Vedas, around 3,000 years, earlier if we count verbal transmission of memorised chants. The name they give it is Atman. The English translation, "God", doesn't correspond precisely to the Sanskrit meaning. There is no exact equivalent.
Vedantists believe matter arose out of consciousness due to it's wish to experience itself.

In physics, we now know that all is either potential or kinetic energy existing in time and space.
We also know that what we call matter (or potential energy) occupies only infinitesimal space, most of space being empty.
The scales of atoms and subatomic particles are so exponentially small we can only perceive them via instruments created to be far more powerful than our senses, and able to measure the evidence.

So far, no one has been able to measure or quantify consciousness.

The nearest equivalent is measuring the electrical signals and activity in the brain. The electrical wavelengths correspond accurately with:
alpha - profound focus/ 'the zone' - meditation, concentration, discovery, creativity;
beta - normal waking awareness;
gamma - sleep;
or theta - coma
Within each of these states is a variable spectrum.

Observing this, it can be tempting to define consciousness as the subjective result of multiple sequences of miniscule bio-electrical and bio-chemical flows down synapses.
If this view of consciousness turned out to be accurate, then all consciousness, including that of animals, would be the result of the physical processes of evolution.
In other words, the reverse of what Hindus and Vedantists believe.
I am more inclined to accept this physical view of things,
but I freely acknowledge that it may be a very long time before we can prove it.

However, if it did turn out that consciousness was the origin of the physical world, I would not wish to call it God.
The word God denotes intentional power and knowledge. I see no evidence for this.
The universe on its cosmic scale does not care
about the tiny blip of life that evolves and dies on this remote planet
on an outer arm of a vast galaxy,
a galaxy which is only one of countless billions,
existing for a time that will be over in what is,
in universal time,
less than a hiccup.

We are so utterly absorbed in our human existences that we forget how insignificant we are in the larger picture of the cosmos.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Anyway, suppose you tell me what is the difference between you and me.
A fully functioning temporal lobe, for one thing.
yrger · 80-89, M

What do you have for an idea of the God you deny to exist?

It's impossible to have a productive exchange with DocSavage.



You are as usual into your self-obfuscation, self-ambiguitation, and self-inanitation, in order to evade getting to the God I know to exist, from reason and intelligence.

So, what do you know about the God I know to exist, or you prefer to deny one of the gods you know to exist, in that case, please go away and don't return to this my thread, for it is about the God I know to exist and Whose essence is existence itself, so that God and His existence are identical, as my thread is all about, namely:
God and existence are identical.
Hi every human with reason and intelligence, in particular I am addressing atheists, can you accept that before anything else there is God and He is essentially existence itself, so that God and existence are identical.


LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@DocSavage He's projecting. He has a definitive idea of the god in which he believes, so he assumes you have a definitive idea of the god in which you don't believe. It makes no sense, but there we are.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, I say:
Hi every human with reason and intelligence, in particular I am addressing atheists, can you accept that before anything else there is God and He is essentially existence itself, so that God and existence are identical, and anything not God is created by God.

Take notice of these words: so that God and existence are identical, and anything not God is created by God.

God is the creator of everything that is not God Himself.

If you don't accept God as the creator of everything that is not God Himself, tell me what is your alternative to God, just present one alternative from each of you and do it in concise words.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
What a way to explain God without actually explaining anything at all
DocSavage · M
he wants to make it appear that I am adhering to the following untruth and unfact:
That "god came from nothing and created everything from nothing
Your claim : god is self existent
Does that mean he has no beginning ? He is simply here, before creation
, he appeared out of nothing before creating time and space without anything to work with, except his own non-physical spirit form ?
If not, something other than god had to exist, something physical that occupied at least space.
DocSavage · M
God is the creator of everything that is not God Himself.
If god and existence are the same, what can exist that isn’t god ?
What about man made objects ? They are not created by god, nor are the part of god himself , are there things that exist that are independent of god ? Can we as humans reject or act independently of god’s will ?
You still haven’t answered those questions. Nor have you shown any evidence of god’s existence.
You make no sense.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, I am Yrger the theist and author of the present thread, "God and existence are identical."

This DocSavage atheist character is a master of self-obfuscation, he wants to make it appear that I am adhering to the following untruth and unfact:
That "god came from nothing and created everything from nothing."

I never say that.

What I am stating is that (1) God is the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself, and that (2) God created everything using Himself as the material of which to produce everything that He did create.

This was your original definition of god. You stated that god existed before creation (correct). That god is spirit and non material (correct). (wrong)That he created the universe not from himself, but nothing, just as he created himself from nothing(wrong). -DocSavage

The ambiguity in the word material.

God created everything using Himself as the material=stuff of which to produce everything that He did create. -Yrger

That god is spirit and non material as opposed to spiritual (correct) -DocSavage

My new finding in re DocSavage is that in addition to self-obfuscation, he is also guity of self-ambiguity
DocSavage · M
Evidence is anything at all which we both agree to exist and it leads us to know God exists. (19 words) -Yrger

Ok, I call. Present your evidence we’ll review it.
I will challenge that which I don’t agree with.
Fair enough ?

Yrger/microbrain made the claim, I agreed to the rules of evidence. He refuses to present it.
When asked, a question he could not answer, Yrger insisted I answer my own question. When I gave him an answer which he could not refute
This was his response.
If there is any doubt, that he is a self defecating liar, simply have him answer his own questions, and go from there. Let him show his own evidence.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Abstraction, I am still waiting for your reply to my invitation for us to concur on "You and I we exist, yes or no."

yrger · 80-89, M

I am Yrger the author of the present thread.

Okay, hi Abstraction, let us work together to concur on this statement: You and I we exist, yes or no.
yrger · 80-89, M
[@all atheists]

If you don't accept God as the creator of everything that is not God Himself, tell me what is your alternative to God, just present one alternative from each of you and do it in concise words.

Hi Doc, you mention:

Man made objects (You are now an idolater.)

Quantum foam (It is purely theoretical* i.e. all inside your foamy brain.)

They don't explain man's existence as good as the God concept.

*Quantum foam or spacetime foam is a theoretical quantum fluctuation of spacetime on very small scales due to quantum mechanics. The theory predicts that at these small scales, particles of matter and antimatter are constantly created and destroyed. These subatomic objects are called virtual particles.[1] The idea was devised by John Wheeler in 1955.[2][3] Wikipedia)

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