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Capitol Demonstration Question

Here’s a question no one is asking. Why was Trump, leader of the Executive branch, responsible for protecting the Capitol, the home of the Legislative branch? Why aren’t Schumer and Pelosi on the hook for protecting the Capitol? It’s their office building.
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Carla · 61-69, F
He is charged with protecting our country.
Just curious...
If these people had been blm or antifa, or isis...would trump had called up the national guard?
He sure didn't hesitate to use them, and park police, against peaceful protesters when he wanted to clear them out for a photo op.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@Carla Peaceful protesters🤣🤣🤣
@Carla "Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" DJT. A quote from Defense Secretary Mark Espers' book when protesters descended on D.C. following the murder of George Floyd May 25, 2020.
@redredred And 9/11 was just some tourists who got too close to a landmark.
Capitol Demonstration
You can have your little argument about whether Trump was responsible for defending the Capitol but i'm going to call out your blatant sophistry characterizing this as a "demonstration".

That's simply a naked lie perpetrated to advance a dishonest agenda.

I'll make it real simple for ya: If Trump's cult had marched up to the Capitol and STAYED OUTSIDE then you could have gotten away with selling it as a demonstration or a protest.
But they DIDN'T stay outside. They broke IN. They looted, they terrorized, they destroyed and they tried to halt the democratic process.

So like i said, have your little argument about Trump's responsibility for defending the Capitol and even his personal culpability in inciting a mob to violence but we'll call a spade a spade, thanks very much.

There was no demonstration at the Capitol, there was an attack.
Deal with it.
@Pikachu He’s just sorry no Congress members were killed. That woulda been nifty!
Actually, Folks have already answered that question. A group of four retired 4-star admirals and three retired 4-star generals wrote an op-ed saying Trump abdicated his sworn duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Personally, I don't believe Trump was really doing nothing during the critical hours of the insurrection. Let's turn to the official White House photographs. Oh, wait, the official White House photographer was told explicitly "no photos." Also, as we know, there were no calls or texts logged on any of Trump's official phones. And of course there are those mysteriously deleted secret service texts.

Why would Trump explicitly order "no photos"?? Probably because they would have shown him talking on burner phones, thus violating the Presidential Records Act while practicing sedition. Burner phones? Seriously?? Yeah, John Bolton, in sworn testimony, recalls Trump talking about burner phones on several occasions.
@ElwoodBlues A day late a dollar short. Their pensions were at risk.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Were they the same folks that want guys in dresses in the military?
@soar2newhighs Another ad hominem fallacy! Is that your strong suit??

You can't refute what these 4 star officers said about Trump's dereliction of duty, so instead you attempt to impugn their character. You should be saying "thank you for your service." Or is that only reserved for lifetime military who worship Trump?
BlueVeins · 22-25
Why is the executive branch responsible for enforcing the law? Gee, that sounds like a question that answers itself, isn't it? The only law enforcement that the legislature controls is the Capitol Police, and those guys were present but completely overwhelmed. If withholding the National Guard long after it became apparent that they were needed was the only issue, we would barely be having this conversation.

Trump's the one who told the lies which motivated that attack. His administration contacted the militias which attacked the capitol, even going so far as to offer "blanket pardons" in advance through intermediaries. My dude even tried to dismantle some of the security measures available at the time, and expressed varying degree of support for the effort to hang Mike Pence during and after the fact. If you still think he didn't want this, I've got some beautiful beachfront property to sell you in North Dakota.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Article 1, Section 8
Before he (POTUS) enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;
--U.S. Constitution

What part of the Constitution says, oh, and the Capitol Building, Congress, and the VP -- they have their own separate security and aren't covered by the Constitution?
@sunsporter1649 How many times are you gonna try and fail to put words in my mouth???
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Simple question.....abortions are illegal in the USA?
@sunsporter1649 Simple answer: I will not do your homework for you.

But I will tell you, gratis, that Abortion was legal and not rare in US colonies until "quickening" at the time the Constitution was written an ratified. For details see
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@BohemianBabe Actually cases are being built for both: that he helped organize the mob and direct it to the Capitol, and that he then failed his Constitutional duties as Commander-in-Chief , and his oath of office, in not taking action to defend Congress in carrying out its Constitutional duties.
@sunsporter1649 That's nice, but there's no link.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@BohemianBabe It's his way of saying he no longer has anything of substance to contribute to a civil discussion of the facts.
@dancingtongue When he starts posting pics, you know he gave up.
Here's another quetsion you don't ask............

Things like who was responsible to protect a building is.....excuse me..........stupid and meant to divert the issue to something that is meaningless.

The question is ....who created the coup with armed people to go to the Capital to destroy it? It would not have needed to be "protected" in the beginning if the president had not instructed his armed followers to go attack it. Per Federal Rico laws if a mafia leader.....or boss of any kind...tells those under him to commit a crime...HE is just as guilty as they are.

Why would a president of the United States completely disregard his oath.......his duty to protect the laws of the land......and incite a group of armed people to make a last ditch effort to overthrow the government of the United States ...FOR HIM....after he had been foiled in every other attempt, he had tried to try to stay in power....unless his only goal was to end up an unelected dictator??

And since that is the case..............why is trump not being immediately charged with treason and the collateral damage of the death of at least one police officer......and one the process?
@redredred No, there were 5 deaths. Four injured later died.
redredred · M
@hartfire I meant by armed people. Two cops later committed suicide, not all that uncommon for cops and officer Sicknick died of a stroke. One demonstrator died of a heart attack, another by a stroke and one got trampled.
Moxymoxy · F
@anythingoes477 you forgot to add
Why is he allowed another chance to do it all over again?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Protecting the Capitol from what?
Where did the threat originate, and who sent them there?
[image/video deleted]
TexChik · F
@sunsporter1649 so did Schumer. And FBI agents were in the crowd, identified by wrist bands. The videos clearly expose them. AOC admitted the doors were left wide open.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@TexChik Can not wait to see the cross-examination of the "witnesses", and see the unedited tapes
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I haven't heard anyone say Trump was responsible for defending the Capitol. He was responsible for the attack on it.
redredred · M
@hunkalove Are you sure? Do you know who Roy Epps is? Do you know why the hearings don’t allow cross-examinations?
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Because the "buck stops at the top," the chief executive officer of the US is the sitting president!
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@samueltyler2 It is you that is misinformed. Go check the amierican system. The president is not a dictator. He has very limited powers when it comes to policing. He can authorize the use of the national guard but then the state governor or in the case of Washington DC the mayor must also authorize the national guard. The 'commander in chief' is commander of the Armed Forces of which the National Guard is not part of. The president can not use the military domestically. You seem to be very unaware of the roll of POTUS. Maybe a lesson in civics would help.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@hippyjoe1955 I give up, you tend to like to sidestep the issues. You will never accept responsibility for your mistatements, you are blind to the movement in this country that is totally undemocratic, and extremely dangerous. I hope you will be happy with yourself and others like you, when the country we loved and fought for, disappears in the ash heap of history.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@samueltyler2 Sidestep what? You think the POTUS is a dictator and he is not. He can not send in the National guard or the military. He needs to coordinate with the local authorities. If Chicago were having a riot the mayor could ask the POTUS for the national guard and the president could authorize the use thereof. However it is up to the mayor to decide she wants to use the guard or not. Ditto the state governors. The POTUS has very limited 'policing' powers. You just keep making a bigger and bigger fool of yourself.
Lol. Figures. An attempted home invasion and you blame the home owner for not fortifying their house.

Got to make excuses for the wannabe dictator and traitors. Because the right is never responsible for their actions.
@sunsporter1649 I am sure that means something to you. I am not the one who sold out their oath and their country for a red hat and Vanilla ISIS.

Next you will be demanding Tim McVey be given the Medal of Honour posthumously.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Because the president is the leader of the executive branch, which is responsible for enforcement of laws. Schumer and Pelosi are legislators, who do not have such authority.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@sunsporter1649 what is more amusing to me is how often you make statements unsupported by facts. I'd suggest you fact check both statements in your comment.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@samueltyler2 You trying to tell me that President Trump did not offer to activate the military to protect the capital building and pelosi, as well as the mayor of dc, refused the assistance?
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@sunsporter1649 i will not even address that statement. You are changing the subject, because i didn't try to tell you anything more than that neither Pelosi nor Schumer headband direct control, were not in any line of authority regarding security of the capital as you claimed. Don't keep making a fool out of yourself.
Driver2 · M
They are responsible that is why they will not testify .
Budwick · 70-79, M
Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol police than anyone else in the United States Capitol.
I've heard it asked a lot earlier, albeit mostly as a deflection from the fact that these folks were there to support Trump and he kind of egged them on.

It has kind of died down a lot and at the moment, at least outside of Fox primetime, the 1/6 Commission seems to have gotten people focussed on Trump instead of Scumer, Pelosi and the Capitol police, etc.

I expect it'll resurge again a bit, but probably not much with midterms coming up and Trump being pathological in terms of keeping the spotlight on himself, even when it's not in his best interests.
@Pikachu lol. He's made me pull out my hair before ya know.

lol Nevertheless, you're doing well today.
Can't take him too seriously. 😜
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee You mean abortions and contraception are illegal in the USA? When did that happen?
Northwest · M
I will give you points for originality. It's not like Trump was the chief executive of the country.

As a reminder, here's what Trump was doing at the time:

Theyitis · 36-40, M
Trump took an oath to protect the Constitution. The Constitutional process of peaceful transfer of power was under attack. And Trump started it!
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Fascinating thought but since the Capitol belongs to the "People" we should have appointees to ensure it's protected, same as the White House and Pentagon are protected. Perhaps it's time it comes under the purview of the Secret Service or DHS. Representatives Schumer and Pelosi are elected officials and therefor subject to change, the security of the Capitol shouldn't be the responsibility of elected officials. Times have changed and any infrastructure that is subject to acts of terrorism, such as this was, should be properly protected.
Then change the law to give the Speaker authority to call in the National Guard or Army. But she didn’t have that authority back then. Trump sits with his thumb up his ass cheering on the rioters for three hours but of course nothing is his fault.
robb65 · 56-60, M
From what I understand everyone knew there was an elevated threat that day. Hell, there were FBI agents there who were trying to blend in with the crowd. . Pelosi had the authority to call for additional law enforcement and the National Guard, Trump didn't. They waited, even after they knew things were getting out of hand. Now the million dollar question is were they really this stupid or were they already thinking it could somehow be spun to their advantage. Clearly the Jan 6 hearings aren't about getting to the bottom of what happened.
He wasn't. He's being blamed because he caused the mob to storm the Capitol.

If I get a bunch of people to rob someone's house, it's not my responsibility to protect the person's house, but I can still be held legally accountable.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe When did that happen?
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Because it was the responsibility of "Your law and order President" and The Commander in Chief trump who was still POTUS on 1/6. There was no 25th amendment in place giving the VP or Pelosi, or anyone else, the legal authority to do it.
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Pelosi repeatedly turned down the capital police request for more guards there that day, I hold Her personally responsible for what happened Jan. 6th.
@Majorsite Because you heard it on Fox news, doesn't make it true, in fact, Fox lies and makes up stories nearly as much as Trump
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@independentone Moron liberal !
@Majorsite Such an intelligent comeback, did you think that up all by yourself?
And you have the nerve to call someone else a moron 🤣
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
It was the job of the capital police. They were overwhelmed by the rioters. They were not prepared for that fight. Trump should’ve called in the National Guard as commander in chief right away.
redredred · M
@Quetzalcoatlus He offered NG, Pelosi refused.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
@redredred I didn’t realize Pelosi had the power to order the NG into or out of action. When did that start?

Who has testified and asked the question you’re asking? This committee with the exception of a few Republicans on it is not fair, nor has it ever been. And those Republicans are part and parcel of this commission with their own agendas. This committee is a sham.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@soar2newhighs Actually, the Sergeant at Arms for both the House & Senate, as well as the Chief of Capitol police -- the ones responsible for day-to-day security of the Capitol Building -- all resigned under fire for their inadequate preparation. There was testimony before the Jan 6 Select Committee, as well as other Senate & House committees, including conflicting testimony between the Metropolitan Police Chief and the other three re: the timing delays of his request for a declaration of an emergency and request for National Guard Troops. Biden has since signed into law that the Metro Police Chief can request National Guard support directly without having to go through the byzantine bureaucratic process that previously was in place.

Don't forget that the televised public hearings are only a summary of the major and most significant findings the Select Committee is seeing in an ongoing investigation. A tip of the iceberg when it comes to the full extent of their hearings, depositions, the extremely lengthy report and recommendations likely to be forthcoming at the conclusion of their hearings. But action already is being taken on some glaring failures, such as the failure of the two Sgt at Arms and the Capitol Police Chief to recognize advance intelligence reports that there was organized activity by militias and others going on prior to the Jan 6 protests suggesting that it would be more than a First Amendment public rally, and send warnings to McConnell and Pelosi as well as make more serious preparations to secure the building.
This committee with the exception of a few Republicans on it is not fair, nor has it ever been
Yeah, why isn't there some kind of a Commission, with, say 5 republican and 5 democratic commissioners, taken from both the House and Senate? A Commission based on, say, the 9/11 Commission structure. That sounds much better, right?

Funny thing: the House passed a bill proposing just such a Commission, and Trump and Republicans shot it down. Let me repeat that: the House passed a bill proposing a 9/11 style Commission to look into Jan 6, and Trump and Republicans shot it down. I don't know what their motivations were, but they blocked any kind of joint commission proposal.
Paladin · 61-69, M
Capitol demonstration? Do you mean the assault on our capitol?
fun4us2b · M
Plus he had been fired already!

He did the opposite of protect though....
redredred · M
@AbbySvenz more so than the boss in a wholly separate division.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@redredred I know a Pizza shop owner that takes the protection of his business, employees, and building seriously. He carries :)
fun4us2b · M
@redredred not their jobs...
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Literally everyone in "the base" has asked this question after it became a FOX Noise talking point. And, it's as self-serving as all their other talking point questions designed to keep "the base" coming back.

1. He initiated the rally that led to the insurrection march to the Capitol.
2. The person in the president's office is obligated to protect all of America. This includes the Capitol building.
3. "The base" listens to that fat slob, Cry-Baby-trump and when he told them to leave (finally), they left.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
In a more amicable political climate they would all watch each others backs. Everyone would get along and the country would advance towards a brighter tomorrow!
The real concern is who knew what, when did they know it and how did they react?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@soar2newhighs Which is what the Select Committee has kept the focus on, from the earlier public hearings on intelligence gathering & breakdowns leading up to Jan 6, through the organizing activities for the planned demonstration on the one hand and the collusion between various militant groups like the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers on the other hand, the backdrop of rhetoric and legal activity by Trump and his lawyers throughout, right through the activities of the day itself. They pretty much have laid out an overview connecting the dots.

And you've already had resignations from the security heads at the Capitol and a change in law so requests for National Guard support don't have to go through the two Sergeant At Arms and Capitol Architect, and the Metro Police can declare a riot on their own authority.
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ron122 · 41-45, M
It WAS a demonstration.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@dancingtongue And now the democraps have turned their so-called investigation into a clown show.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@ron122 Starring Trump's own staff and former supporters.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@dancingtongue Democrap clown show.
Glassysky · 26-30, M
People making senators feel terror was a good thing.
The g******"""t deputized its security a*****"" s to do that.
There's u kk even rule of.....
Okay nope. Nobody cares. Murka not function.
Why are you responsible for asking a stupid question? Shouldn't it be similar world's responsibility? It's their site after all..
@redredred I'm not your 1st grade teacher. No one is anymore. If you don't have common sense no one can give it to you.
redredred · M
@SW-User I see. A question putting democrats on the spot for ignoring their responsibility is somehow not an honest question.
@redredred democrats are a bunch of fuck ups. That's a given. But your holy one caused the ordeal in the 1st place. And ones like you let him off the hook. Who is worse? The devil or his followers? Answer. The followers, because the devil can't help himself.
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redredred · M
@SUPERVlXEN So, still no answer. You do understand that Pelosi refused Trumps offer of National Guard protection, right?
I do understand what you try doing here. Sorry that I'm not playing along your childish little game here. *there there*
GerOttman · 61-69, M
"Kill them all for God will know his own!"
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
They were literally doing what he told them to do, that's why. And if you call physically breaking into the Capitol building to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power a demonstration, you can get right the fuck out of my country.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I don't think it should, but I also don't think the Second Amendment was ever intended to provide folks a right to self defense against a lawful government.

But that's just me. People wanting to destroy civilization and the human species obviously disagree and even though I don't buy it's in the Second Amendment, I think anarchists have more leverage under the First.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MistyCee I feel like what we should do in order to follow the spirit of the Second Amendment is this. We create state and federal militias, and establish bases with weapons storage centers and training facilities, so that people who are serious about protecting our country can train with firearms, and we don't have to worry about them falling into the wrong hands. We could even have specialized divisions of the militia training people to fly airplanes with special guns attached to them, and pilot battleships in the ocean.
@LordShadowfire Like, ," provide for the common defense"?
Too bad we can't agree on the rest like the "general welfare.".

I swear, I get the old farts who thought Sesame Street was hippy shit, but it's the people who didn't watch Schoolhouse Rock that I can't stomach.
MethDozer · M
Commander in Cheif kinda implies they are in charge of protecting the nationj in a general sense.

Why do y'all think the President's responsibility is maintaining the "economy" and business?
ron122 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Because he destroyed it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Here's a question everybody should be asking. How many little kids have you raped?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
He was the one who instigated the whole thing. If you didn't have your pedophile head buried so far up his ass, you would see it.

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