Elon Musk brings astronauts homeIt must really upset you democrats that it took a genius like Elon Musk to rescue the astronauts woke Boeing left stranded at the space station.
How desperate are democrats?Don't they realize how stupid they look trying to defend fraud in our government? Now they are saying Elon Musk is dumb.🤣 They want Musk deported but want to keep illegal criminals in our country. Keep it up democrats that way we will never have to... See More »
All of a sudden democrats are concerned about the price of eggs.For the last four years democrats were telling the American people inflation was all in their minds. Now all they talk about is how expensive eggs are. Maybe it's because Biden ordered something like a million chickens killed before he left office... See More »
Two more days!Two more days and the Democrat clown show will be leaving. I imagine Bidens handlers aren't very happy that they will not be able to destroy our country any more than they already have. It will be nice to have the adults in charge again.
It takes 16 people to prep for a debate?Biden has 16 advisors prepping him for the debate. They will have been huddled up for a week trying to get old Joe ready to perform for them. He's also practicing standing for 90 minutes.🤣
Creepy Joe not impressed with RFK Juniors pushup video.After seeing the video Creepy Joe said he does quite a few pullups every day. He said Depends work best for him.🤣
Tim Scott most likely running for President.Can't wait to hear all the nasty hateful things the racist democrats have to say about him.
Why did Biden postpone his annual physical?Does he think there's a chance he might have to take a cognitive test?
Democrats trying to defend Biden.I'm loving reading Bidens Bimbos trying to defend him over his irresponsible handling of classified documents. Maybe Trump planted them.🤣 At least he's being honest about having them.🤣 And Biden himself saying they were in his garage next to his... See More »
More Illegal immigrants dropped off at Kamala Harris houseI wonder if she invited them in for a snack.🤣 I imagine she had them removed as soon as they got there. Our "Border Czar"🤣
Ron DeSantis sends two planes of illegal immigrants to Martha's VineyardHow long will it be before Obama has them shipped out. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ron-desantis
Bidens handlers are getting him ready for his big hate speech tonight.I picture him laying on a table with his handlers juicing him up with meds so he can perform for them.
DC mayor whining about illegal'sYou have to laugh when you see these democrats having a meltdown when illegals come to their town. Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel... See More »
Biden upset that his remarks keep getting walked back.This proves that Biden has no clue what's going on. He actually thinks that he's in charge.
First busload of illegal immigrants arrives in DCSeems like a good idea. Should be interesting hearing what democrats have to say about this.
Kamala Harris does it againIn an interview on the Today Show, she was asked if it’s time to change admin’s strategy on Covid, Harris says: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things... See More »
I wonder how Biden voters are feeling today.These people believed all his lies when he campaigned. The guy has proved he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Even people inside the democratic party are turning against him. It should be very interesting after the midterms next year.
Biden says walls don't workBut he's having a 457 thousand dollar fence(Wall) built around his 2.5 million dollar home in Delaware.
Biden, Covid-19 and the borderI can understand why people don't listen to Biden when he talks about how concerned he is about covid and getting vaccinated. He has no right to tell people how to handle covid as long as he's dispersing thousands of immigrants throughout the... See More »
Biden should be asked about covid at the Southern borderCan you imagine how mad he would get? Whenever he's asked a question that's not on his preassigned list he gets mad and tries to berate the reporter.
AOC says we need to abolish all prisons in the United StatesCan a person really be this stupid? https://news.yahoo.com/yes-aoc-tweeted-she-wants-101400950.html
The NBA should move their league to ChinaThe players seem to hate America even though it make them tons of money. They should pack up and see how they like living in a communist country.