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Do u believe Donald Trump is to blame for the recent shootings in the US ? ๐Ÿค”

As it stands today. It appears that Trump has emboldened these White Nationalists to commit these acts of terror. The recent events in our world today says everything. You saw the shootings in Texas and Ohio. White Nationalism, or nationalism from any ethnic group or race is the problem here. If we do not call it for what it is this tragedy will never end. Something needs to be done. But these racist comments from Trump must end. What do you think. ๐Ÿ˜
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MartikaDuponte1 ยท 36-40, F Best Comment
Whilst I donโ€™t agree with censorship as such, I do think that people do have to be careful with words. Words carry weight. Words can make us think or make laugh/cry.

People with a big platform do have to understand how people will take their words.

So, whilst you shouldnโ€™t take full responsibly for anotherโ€™s actions, you should be tactful/respectful/honest in what you put out to the public.

Trump has a habit of pulling people down with inaccuracies, people that he doesnโ€™t agree with. The Mayor of London states something about a British issue in America and next we hear is that he is doing a rubbish job and heโ€™s responsible for โ€˜rivers of bloodโ€™ in London....

How does that look? That England is a scary place to live. Fact is, there is some violence, of course, but nothing like what is displayed by Trumpโ€™s words...

Call out Mexicans and blame them for taking US jobs just leads to hate of those people and holding them to task for unemployment.

Fact is, we had a little taste of that with the influx of Eastern Europeanโ€™s in the uk....a minority slagged them off for taking British jobs, yet these were menial jobs that those self-same brits turned their noses up at! Someone has to do these jobs and, to their credit, these overseas immigrants came and did them!

Trump never tends to think of the implications of his words and his actions.....

...and that is sad...

M x
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@TwistedSister Still spreading that fairy tale? Next you are going to claim they got lost on a tour.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Proving as always you have no idea what is going on.
Wiseacre ยท F
@TwistedSister complete nonsense

PlumBerries ยท 31-35, F
I believe a lot of people are going to use the actions of a few evil people to blame Donald Trump and try to make out that he had anything to do with it.. people seem to just love blaming him for everything and just wont take into account that people are only responsible for their own actions
JP1119 ยท 36-40, M
@samueltyler2 What? What does that have to do with the price of Tea in China? Who said I believed in anything?
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@jackjjackson [media=]
Fernie ยท F
you are as dangerous and evil as he is
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
Nationalism is the love for ones nation.. That being the country that one lives in..

The interpretation that nationalism is the love for ones own race to the exclusion of all others is not accurate.. It is a globalist propaganda point that has been repeated so often people are starting to think that their changed definition of Nationalism is what nationalism really is..
ididntknow ยท 51-55, M
@whippersnapper Are you a globalist?

Fuck no

Just because I correct someone's incorrect definition of a word doesn't mean I want to hold hands with everyone and sing Kumbaya. Jesus ๐Ÿ™„
Adstar ยท 56-60, M
@whippersnapper Well i disagree with the definition when it says ""especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.""" Just because one loves their nation does not mean they hate or seek the detriment of other nations..
Eh people keep saying you can't blame Trump, there were mass shootings before him as well and blah blah. Well geniuses Trump's rhetoric is bound to make things worse, not better. There's such a thing as giving someone the push and confidence to do something and not being totally responsible for it. You can't place the whole blame on Trump but he def is not improving things
@Zonuss yeah double standards
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
@Zonuss Of course not, nobody would want to talk about another democrat dodging taxes
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
@Zonuss You mean no policeman has ever shot a white person?
Baremine ยท 70-79, C
but traditionally white nationalist are Democrats. Always have been. It is the republicans that have fought for equality.
kentex35 ยท 100+, M
@Baremine What!? That's crazy talk no one believes that except the cultists. One thing old trump got more influence than reverend moon. No mask no vaxx they are killing their audience.

What a load of horse shit. AND you KNOW it!

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right relative to the 1950s.
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Carla ยท 61-69, F
I cant say he is to blame for the acts. I can say he emboldens those that have the propensity to commit those acts.

Geeze, just like you said...
Harmonium1923 ยท 51-55, M
@Carla Well said.
Kwek00 ยท 41-45, M
My answer is YES. Why?

CROWD: Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!

TRUMP: Thank you. Iโ€™d love to have, if those tens of thousands of people would be allowed, the military, the secret service, and we want to thank you, and the police law enforcement. Great. Youโ€™re doing a great job, but Iโ€™d love it if they could be allowed to come up here with us. Is that possible? Can you just let them come up, please? Rudy, you did a great job. Heโ€™s got guts. You know what? Heโ€™s got guts, unlike a lot of people in the Republican party. Heโ€™s got guts, he fights. He fights, and Iโ€™ll tell you.


TRUMP: For years, Democrats have gotten away with election fraud and weak Republicans, and thatโ€™s what they are. Thereโ€™s so many weak Republicans. We have great ones, Jim Jordan, and some of these guys. Theyโ€™re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but itโ€™s incredible.


TRUMP: Unbelievable, what we have to go through, what we have to go through and you have to get your people to fight. If they donโ€™t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that donโ€™t fight. You primary them. Weโ€™re going to let you know who they are. I can already tell you, frankly.


TRUMP: Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. Itโ€™s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. Weโ€™re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesnโ€™t, that will be a sad day for our country because youโ€™re sworn to uphold our constitution. [...] Weโ€™re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. Weโ€™re going walk down to the Capitol, and weโ€™re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. Weโ€™re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because youโ€™ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.


TRUMP: And we were going to sit home and watch a big victory. And everybody had us down for a victory. It was going to be great. And now weโ€™re out here fighting. I said to somebody, I was going to take a few days and relax after our big electoral victory. Ten oโ€™clock, it was over. But I was going to take a few days.


TRUMP: But it used to be that theyโ€™d argue with me, Iโ€™d fight. So Iโ€™d fight, theyโ€™d fight. Iโ€™d fight, theyโ€™d fight. Boop-boop. Youโ€™d believe me, youโ€™d believe them. Somebody comes out. They had their point of view, I had my point of view. But youโ€™d have an argument. Now what they do is they go silent. Itโ€™s called suppression. And thatโ€™s what happens in a communist country. Thatโ€™s what they do. They suppress. You donโ€™t fight with them anymore, unless itโ€™s a bad. They have a little bad story about me, theyโ€™ll make it 10 times worse and itโ€™s a major headline.


TRUMP: I say that over and over, and I never get challenged by the fake news, and they challenge almost everything we say. But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech and others is just getting started. This is the greatest in history. Thereโ€™s never been a movement like that. You look back there all the way to the Washington Monument. Itโ€™s hard to believe. We must stop the steal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again, but weโ€™re going forward.


TRUMP: Somethingโ€™s wrong here. Somethingโ€™s really wrong. Canโ€™t have happened.โ€ And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you donโ€™t fight like Hell, youโ€™re not going to have a country anymore.

Mention for peacefull protest = 1.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

When the crowd yelled: FIGHT FOR TRUMP , the answer was: THANK YOU.

The word fight was used 20 times in his speech.
And if you don't show strength and you don't FIGHT LIKE HELL you won't have a country annymore. It's all or nothing!

What do you expect from a demagogue?

He also let Rudi Giulliani on the stage who said:

"Let's have a trial by combat!"

Back to the middle ages! Yeehaw!

Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Kwek00 It was just sarcasm
Kwek00 ยท 41-45, M
@Zonuss Yeah okay, but what does that entire string of words mean to you, so I can at least understand what you are being sarcastic about?
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Kwek00 It was sarcasm. End of discussion.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
He certainly have given the impression he is sympathetic to the cause.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Explain. ๐Ÿ™‚
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@Zonuss You forgot the neo nazi tiki torch brigade debacle?
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
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jeancolby ยท 31-35, F
@LvChris I disagree, killings have been going on under ALL presidents. One of the issues 'I think' is back in the day people carried guns but you could still have a fist fight and walk away loser or winner. Back in the day if someone pulled a knife on you and you had a gun the chances were good that you would throw the knife down and be allowed to get away or the cops be called. TODAY no one is going to get punched, they will pull a gun and shoot you, pull a knife and you will be shot. 'I think' the reason is, no one knows where the violence will end. Will a punch turn into a beating to death or will the knife be used to kill you. Remember no one wants to be caught. Just my honest opinion.
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jeancolby ยท 31-35, F
@LvChris Sorry, got it wrong way round. My mistake.
CountScrofula ยท 41-45, M
"It's Trump's fault" is an oversimplification and of course you've got supporters in here going "Show me where he ordered El Paso." Trump's rhetoric inspired El Paso and other shootings, but so did Breitbart, Alex Jones, online spaces like 8chan and /r/the_donald, family and friends and even people like users on here who all feed into white supremacist politics.

Trump legitimizes and creates a face and inspiration for these politics, but they won't go away if he suddenly resigned. They existed and were growing before him, he just stoked them fires.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@CountScrofula Yes he stoked the fires and now the forest is burning. Its burning Count. ๐Ÿค”
CountScrofula ยท 41-45, M
@Zonuss It is 100% burning and he poured gasoline on everything.
Trump emboldened White Supremacists. He knew there were a lot of them out there so he pandered to them for their votes. He believed if he got their votes he wouldn't have to chase undecided votes.
MarkPaul ยท 26-30, M
@sunsporter1649 May the screams in your head subside just long enough to let you know what a tortured soul you really are.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@MarkPaul ๐Ÿ˜‚ This was funny
MarkPaul ยท 26-30, M
@Zonuss ๐Ÿฅบ
JesseInTX ยท 51-55, M
President Trump is no more responsible for the shootings in El Paso and Dayton than he is for the 2 mass shootings in Chicago early Sunday morning that the media refuses to report on. This is simply a narrative the Democratic candidates and media are pushing.
JoeyFoxx ยท 56-60, M
@LvChris I fixed my post. :)

Don't worry sir. I am most definitely full of shit. I take no offense whether it's directed at me or not.

Anyway, how about them Bears?
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@JoeyFoxx Its because they work for the same boss. ๐Ÿ™‚
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@JesseInTX This is true. But back to the shooting now. I believe that anybody Democrat or Republican who makes racist rants at their rallies are people who fuel hatred. This is why Trumps base follows him. He speaks their language. They want the Great White Hype to save them. It may seem juvenile to you, but this is how they think. So this is why he can take advantage of them, too.
workathome ยท 56-60, M
He sure as hell hasn't done a damn thing to help stop them, and yes, he has emboldened many of them to carry out attacks...
Try again, how about your hateful rhetoric about mentality handicapped people??@Zonuss
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@12345abc Ok so youre not gonna answer the question. Its been over an hour. ๐Ÿ™‚
Why do you feel the need to make fun of mental illnesses? @Zonuss
MisterRogers ยท 90-99, M
Why does there have to be someone to a blame when it comes to tragedies? I think the focus needs to be on the helpers of society rather than trying to point a finger at someone or somebody. We may not like somebody, but its a vicious cycle to blame somebody for someone elses actions.
@softspokenman this bipartisan division was starting under obama its just getting more and more worse as each side condemns the other and calls out the other.
softspokenman ยท M
@MisterRogers I mentioned voting and the Constitutional right to remove Him from office (?) I was born and brought up and live in the United States of America and that has now become "The Divide States of Trump". And if I should end up in prison for using the right of free speech then the News Media will have it on their front page, PEOPLE are fed up with abusive leaders. Puerto Rico and Hong Kong are just 2 good examples.
softspokenman ยท M
@winchesterbros Obama never once lied and said that trump wasn't a citizen of this country or that "Mexico is sending us all their worst people, they are all criminals, drug dealers, rapists, human traffickers, or that the KKK and Neo Nazi groups had good people on their side", he didn't turn his back on our allies and embrace Putin and Kim Jong-un as good personal friends.
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Again, I am not the one living every day in terror. All your posts are about everything you are afraid of and think everyone else should be cowering under the bed with you.
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow So your hiding behind your keyboard.....again
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Again, that is all you.
He's probably not helped matters a whole lot with his racist and sexist comments - but we can't hold him solely responsible because we are each responsible for our own actions.

Just because you saw a coyote get blown up with tnt as a child, it didn't mean that you had to go play with dynamite, too.
TexChik ยท F
@Zonuss oh please ๐Ÿ™„
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
What do you expect. Zonuss is a racist. @TexChik
Platinum ยท M
Any shootings are the fault of the American people for owning guns and making them can't blame the can blame every president...
QuixoticSoul ยท 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Itโ€™s perfectly fine to enjoy taking it easy on a motorcycle. I have an easy going bike myself for those days - with great passenger accommodations.

Just donโ€™t be a fucking idiot about it. Youโ€™re not safer in a motorcycle than in a car, in fact, youโ€™re dramatically less so. Youโ€™re not safer on the road without a helmet, in fact, youโ€™re dramatically less so.

We all accept some measure of elevated risk on two wheels, itโ€™s part of the fun. You donโ€™t do anyone, or yourself, any favors by believing and spreading around fairy tales.

This whole thing also demonstrates that a segment of this country is literally too dumb to make rational life decisions, because they lack the required critical thinking skills to adequately assess the risks.
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
@QuixoticSoul My primary objection to helmets is the reduction of sound, and the lack of ability to detect hazards out of the line of sight, and the fatigue factor, especially on long rides. Nobody is claiming to be safer on a motorcycle, especially folks driving nowadays with essentially soundproofed vehicles, yakking on a cell phone, and texting by almost everyone nowadays. Everyone has their own style of riding, and choosing roads that reduce the risks involved with riding are a priority at all times.
QuixoticSoul ยท 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 If you acknowledge that youโ€™re dramatically safer in a car than a motorcycle... what the fuck was all that nonsense earlier about cars being death traps, etc?

About your concerns. Those are old myths that have been laid to rest years ago. Helmets donโ€™t mess with your hearing - they arenโ€™t really designed to block out sound in the first place, and at speed, they even help bring down the โ€œblocking noiseโ€ factor, helping you pick out threats better. Motorcycling at highway speed is an over 100db environment, and you should actually be wearing ear plugs because youโ€™re sustaining permanent hearing damage. High quality ones that selectively block frequencies can even improve situational awareness, and all of them dramatically reduce fatigue.

They donโ€™t really mess with your peripheral vision either. The minimum field of view is 210 degrees and many go wider. If I crank my eyeballs all the way over to where itโ€™s almost painful, I can maybe, sort of see the edge of the viewport, but I really have to struggle. Reality is, you turn your head long before you get there.

The fatigue aspect is just silly. Necks get stronger, fast. Toughen up.

All of this together adds up to giving up a huge aspect of safety for incredibly marginal, situational, and mostly imaginary gains. Theyโ€™re just excuses and rationalizations.

Just be honest with yourself and admit that yes, youโ€™re being retarded, but you just love the feeling. I get it. I keep my faceplate open basically 100% of the time even at 80+ mph, and occasionally hit triple digit speeds just for fun. Those are both fucking stupid ideas - but at least I accept that.
Mountainlady16 ยท 22-25, F
Only if we can blame Obama for the record number of mass shootings during his term. Funny a man called racist has received achievement and awards from groups like NAACP. Man called a xenophobic has married immigrants. The black and women unemployment rates are lowest in history. He had the first woman campaign manager to win a presidential election. And btw both shooters were registered Democrats not Republicans. Trump like any American who cares about America is against illegal immigrantion not legal immigrantion.
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@Kwek00 I agree, that is why I turn on Fox News to see how they report what the rest of the media does.
Kwek00 ยท 41-45, M
@samueltyler2 As long as you also read other sources from other sides of the spectrum to get other insights. Then I'm okay with that.

I also watch conservative media on youtube at times... but certain persons on FOX really make me feel physically ill tough.
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@Kwek00 I read the Wall Street Journal at least once a week. At least they demonstrate some intelligence.
Jake966 ยท 56-60, M
Get rid of ANTIFA and BLM
LeopoldBloom ยท M
@stratosranger 2020 happened on Twitlerโ€™s watch.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@stratosranger That was so lame. ๐Ÿ™‚
thedarkside ยท M
@Jake966 Best answer.
Not directly but he's not going to be the president to turn things around and 'make America great again'
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Punches Biden is a centrist, blue dog, Reagan Democrat. ๐Ÿ™‚
Punches ยท 46-50, F
@Zonuss I do not keep up with politics a lot, so I should ask - what are people afraid of happening under Biden? I mean I genuinely do not know.
LeopoldBloom ยท M
@Punches They are afraid that he will outlaw the Bible, take away everyoneโ€™s guns, force everyone to get gay married, make abortion mandatory, and make white people wear signs saying โ€œIโ€™m a racist.โ€
butterfly1013 ยท 26-30, F
I don't like Trump as president, but I believe in people needing to take responsibilities for their own actions and while Trump being in office may have had some influence, ultimately it was still those who had the guns who decided to do what they did, not him.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@winchesterbros I will repeat myself because you seem to have trouble following. I don't see how posting some random person's youtube rant is relevant.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@winchesterbros No he did not. He tried to make peace especially the speech he gave after the Charleston SC Church shooting in 2015. The shootings did not stop. And now we have Trump racist n chief here using harsh blatant words to fuel hate and bigotry. So its going to get worse and you will be right here defending a racist. You have too much pride. ๐Ÿค”
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
The guy is as right as CNN. @PicturesOfABetterTomorrow
softspokenman ยท M
If Trump's words don't influence people then why did his supporters believe him when he said "Mexico is send us all there worst people ?" When Mexico wasn't Sending us anyone.
Or "They are All drug dealers....ETC.
Or "Obama isn't an American citizen"
Or "Mexico will pay for the wall"
Or "Obama ruined the AC in the WH it's either too hot or too cold"
Why did his supporters chant "Send them back"? They were influenced by HIS WORDS.
The words that a POTUS speaks do influence peoples behavior.
Do his supporter believe him when he says "My administration will cure childhood cancer and end the aids epidemic" The medical research hospital and Universities have been working on and making
breakthroughs for years on improving the lives of children, St. Jude's Hospital for example, but now his administration is going to Cure it ?
monte3 ยท 70-79, M
๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ƒ. It sounds SO stupid I though no could say that; guess I should not underestimate the Donaldโ€™s stupidity@softspokenman
softspokenman ยท M
@monte3 It's on YouTube ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ
softspokenman ยท M
@monte3 "Stupid is as stupid does." Forest Gump
softspokenman ยท M
How to destroy a country from within, Trump.
Carla ยท 61-69, F
@Sarin peaceful protest.
And vote.
Violence only provides an "i told you so"
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@Carla I so hope that is what will happen.
Carla ยท 61-69, F
Oh, me too,@samueltyler2.
Khenpal1 ยท M
Read about the rise of Hitler to power in Germany and note the similarities.
Khenpal1 ยท M
@hippyjoe1955 If you reelect Idiots , seeing they are idiots. We tend to assume that when something awful happens there must have been some great controlling intelligence behind it. It's understandable: how could things have gone so wrong, we think, if there wasn't an evil genius pulling the strings? The downside of this is that we tend to assume that if we can't immediately spot an evil genius, then we can all chill out a bit because everything will be fine.

But history suggests that's a mistake, and it's one that we make over and over again. Many of the worst man-made events that ever occurred were not the product of evil geniuses. Instead they were the product of a parade of idiots and lunatics, incoherently flailing their way through events, helped along the way by overconfident people who thought they could control them.
hippyjoe1955 ยท 70-79, M
@Khenpal1 The only mistake on this thread is the one where you compared the election of Trump to the election of Hitler. Question for you. Where were Trump's brown shirts during the last election? Did Trump endorse a Kristallnacht? Son you need some fresh air. Your thinking is screwed up severely.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Khenpal1 Yes. This blatant Populist movement is only excused because it fits the narrative of White America. Only the logical ones will deny this ideology of Trump. ๐Ÿ™‚
ravenwind43 ยท 51-55, F
No he is not to blame. That is all I am going to say, NO arguing the point.
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
You sound and behave like a douchebag ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ @Discotheque
Discotheque ยท M
@jackjjackson cheers fella ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Fernie ยท F
The Dayton shooter was a Liberal, who emboldened him? Must have been Elizabeth Warren right? He was a Warren supporter. Makes about as much sense as the crap you're saying.
Graylight ยท 51-55, F
@Shutup Why do you guys spend so much time sqabbling over lines drawn in sand? Do you really think it somehow transforms a human being?
softspokenman ยท M
@PlumBerries The reason they are leaving "Shit hole Countries" is because they ARE shit hole Countries to save their lives.
softspokenman ยท M
@Shutup There are many people here on SW and in RL who have more knowledge about the history of the US than many of the people who were born and brought up here, does that scare you ? During the battle of 1775 the army "didn't" shut down the Airports ! Or did you believe Trump when he said they did ?
Harriet03 ยท 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Harriet03 ๐Ÿคญ They haven't seen anything yet.
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@Zonuss I am very frightened indeed!
Fernie ยท F
He's even failed at becoming a dictator. He cannot wait for the shooting to begin, stand back and stand by ...blood will flow. Why he is not in prison right now is insanity
Wiseacre ยท F
Good question..I will ask it.@Fernie
JimboSaturn ยท 56-60, M
@Fernie Total about face now. Yesterday he said "we love you" and " you are special " to the rioters, now he is saying that they were wrong and should be prosecuted. He incited the riot and his ego enjoyed his supporters willing to attack the Capitol for him. Now 5 people are dead and he knows he is in trouble. Predictably, he is throwing his supporters under the bus.
GERRI ยท 51-55, F
Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. Itโ€™s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they donโ€™t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isnโ€™t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
This isnโ€™t an empire. We havenโ€™t spread ourselves worldwide creating the conquered outposts that bring down empires. We are a simple country. @Zonuss
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@jackjjackson A country on the verge of a collapse. As long as there are those who think as you do, doom will be inevitable. ๐Ÿ™‚
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
I prefer optimism not hate. @Zonuss
Jackaloftheazuresand ยท 26-30, M
Trump's not making racist comments
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
If you donโ€™t like me tell me why please or block me. It appears we agree on most subjects so this douchebaggery is puzzling. As to you Carla, whatever. @Jackaloftheazuresand
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
According to the media and the other lefties he is. @Jackaloftheazuresand
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand [media=]
marybmom ยท 31-35, F
i think the shooters and only the shooters are responsible for the acts they do not the company that made the gun not an elected politician not a video game stupid shit done by stupid people is the sole fault of the stupid people no one blames nascar for speeding tickets
Fernie ยท F
@marybmom There have been several big stories in the past year about people talking their boyfriends into killing themselves...those people were found guilty of some level of murder...can you put the blame on the person who succumbed to the idea and off'd themselves? Trump is to blame for inciting violence, racism,...ALL the bad "ism's"
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Fernie Very true. His mouth gets him in trouble all the time.
Fernie ยท F
@Zonuss That is his only redeeming quality...he is so self defeating
skmokisses ยท 46-50, F
I believe the only one to 'blame' is the shooter himself, regardless of who has said what, and when, and to whom. Mass shootings have happened for years and years, one of the largest in recent years was during Obama's term in 2012 (Aurora Theater), with nearly 70 injuries. I agree something does need to be done, but the blame and name calling game is not it.
skmokisses ยท 46-50, F
@Zonuss ๐Ÿ˜‰ The question was not, do I believe Trump is guilty for all things wrong with this country...LOL. We'd be here for ETERNITY hashing that out, if that were the case. I can kindly agree to disagree, can you??
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@skmokisses Yes sweetie. I hear you. ๐Ÿ˜˜
skmokisses ยท 46-50, F
@Zonuss Aww, YAY!! See all isn't totally wrong with the world ๐Ÿ˜
softspokenman ยท M
I don't think that Trump should go to
El Paso and Dayton tomorrow. People have already said that they don't want him there.
windinhishair ยท 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 El Paso is served by Veronica Escobar, a Democrat, in the Texas 16th Congressional District. She asked Trump not to come. Dee Margo is the Republican Mayor of El Paso. I'm sure he'd rather not see Trump there either when there is so much to be done.
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@windinhishair I believe I heard both ask him not to come. The same in Dayton.
windinhishair ยท 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 That's good. Trump has no place in either location, and no role. Unlike other presidents from both parties over our entire history, he is singularly incapable of providing solace in times of grief. The only things that can come out of a Trump visit are bad.
Extremism of any kind is detrimental to progress in uniting as a country in addressing the most important values and interests, which republicans and democrats CAN agree on! Food, shelter, health, law enforcement, the basic things necessary for a functioning society. We need to decide what's really important, the health of our country's population, and have the patience to collaborate towards solving important issues. Rather than turning every possible debate/protest into degrading each other, using labels that dehumanize each other, being unable to value a human being for something other than a political pawn, we must have the patience to discuss our issues humanely. To stand up for our beliefs WITHOUT violence. Otherwise, we're at war in our own country! Can we not have basic respect for one another despite differing opinions? So yes, in this respect, Trump is stoking the fires. Truth be told, he is not alone in that!! Again, extremists of any kind are only able to see the world from a shielded standpoint, from a point of offense! At the mention of "right" or "left" people attack one another. This has to stop!! We are NEIGHBORS and we must fight TOGETHER. We must have RESPECT. We must have honor and think of all the bloody history that brought us here!! We are ALL here whether we like it or not!! We CAN work together.

Personally I think consumerism is destroying the world.
samueltyler2 ยท 80-89, M
@lovelywarpedlemon we all should be, liberal or conservative!
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@lovelywarpedlemon Thank you.
Fernie ยท F
@lovelywarpedlemon I'm terrified of the PRESENT!
Look at where the majority of shootings are occurring and what states and cities theyโ€™re in, by who and the DAs that do not prosecute criminals but let them return to the streets to continue to act out their criminal behavior that often results in innocent people bring shot and killed.
Why isnโ€™t anyone ranting g and raving about the mass shooting in Harlem over Juneteenth weekend in NYC, where one person was killed, 8 others injured.
Nah, canโ€™t support the narrative of the democrats and DAs who are put into their position by funding from George Soros.
Baremine ยท 70-79, C
@Zonuss no it is not. Pull your head out of the sand.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Baremine Recent threats going on now towards government law enforcement. You seem mighty quiet lately. ๐Ÿค”
Baremine ยท 70-79, C
@Zonuss I haven't been feeling tip top lately and my grandson isn't thinking to well. His girlfriend got kicked out of the house so they decided to get married in 6 weeks. He has a security job and she doesn't have a job. Haven't had a chance to really think about the dumb shit the government is doing.
BohemianBabe ยท M
Trump caused a spike in right-wing terrorism, and some of the recent shootings have been over right-wing issues, but not all of them. Most of them have just been crazy people with guns, which is a problem America has had for quite a while.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@redredred And still pretending this has anything at all to do with the topic.

Funny how you push DOJ stats when it fits your white power agenda but when the same department states that white radicals like you are the greatest terror threat by a massive margin you immediately reject it because it doesn't match your emotions.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ยท 41-45, M
@redredred Thin blue line.....except when I don't like their facts.
softspokenman ยท M
@BohemianBabe Charlottesville, "They have good people on their side, very fine people on both sides" He had a way of reaching some people and bringing out the worst in them, both sides. The law-and-order president AKA: Stable Genius was an 'Equal Opportunity' violence inciter.
Pinkstarburst ยท 51-55, F
I believe the persons to blame are the two who held the weapon and killed those people. Others can spew hate and point finger all day long but the person who commits the act has chosen to do this and is responsible. Every person who watches or reads any news is bombarded with the same information as these two men were. Our choice in how to react is our own.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Pinkstarburst I applaud you standing by your statement dear. But Im just gonna be real as always. And no Im not gonna take sides either. I love humanity too much to do so.
Pinkstarburst ยท 51-55, F
@Zonuss As do I. Thanks friend.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Pinkstarburst ๐Ÿค—
DailyFlash ยท 56-60, M
They all cite him as an inspiration. Heโ€™s stoking the fire.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@DailyFlash Yes. He is stoking a wildfire. Its a monster.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
I believe that Donald J Trump words and malicious rhetoric is far more dangerous than people have come to realize. Yesterday a man with an AR-15 was stopped from shooting up some people in Las Vegas. And yes he was a White Nationalist by his very own words also. So yes I strongly believe that Trump is partly to blame here for this mess because he speaks the language of those who hate. And some are complicit when standing behind him. I say be careful for every man and woman reaps what they sow. If you cannot hold evil accountable for their actions it will become your own undoing. I wouldn't vote for anyone who puts others in harms way on purpose whether they are Democrat or Republican. I put people before politics and race. Always. ๐Ÿ™‚
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@anythingoes477 My last response was in correlation to yours. It was aimed at NylonCapes. Gotcha. ๐Ÿ™‚
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M

still declined ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Absolutely, and I blame Nixon for the Charles Manson murders because as we all know, nobody is responsible for their own actions. Always point a finger.
I think itโ€™s so cute how you made up a special word like Trumptard. Itโ€™s very creative. You must be proud of how well you did using it in a sentence. Good job ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ@Zonuss
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@12345abc Well the shoe fits you so wear it. ๐Ÿคญ
Recluse ยท 46-50, M
@Zonuss are you kidding? Seriously how much has your life been altered from President Obama to Trump?
You seem to be awfully worried about this race bullshit. It takes one to know one.
Love him or hate him, Trump is a symptom of larger problems. So are neo nazis. Both have their reasons to exist. They are mainly a reaction to divisive leftist, neo marxist politics. If you spend years shitting on and excluding white men for the color of their skin, why expect anything else? I simply see the current state of affairs as feminism and cultural marxism finally imploding, because these ideologies are unsustainable and have no more resources to use up, because they don't create. They only destroy. This is why America is fucked.
Sarin ยท 26-30, M
@Zonuss I don't care how childish it sounds, his threats of violence will only be met with violence and he better hope no one like me hears him say something like that in person.
This message was deleted by its author.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Sarin No you're just confused and severely misguided kid.
GJOFJ3 ยท 61-69, M
I believe hate is a problem and to exploit the tragedies of others to further your hate for President Trump is very sad.
President Trump is in no way responsible for these shooting.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@GJOFJ3 If you haven't been paying attention to his latest rants then you are dumber than a box of rocks. ๐Ÿ™‚
windinhishair ยท 61-69, M
@GJOFJ3 Except he has. The white killers know it and do it in his name.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@windinhishair And some of his supporters are complicit.
๐Ÿค” So, I think Obama's partially to blame on how things are today. My theory, and I assume I will get some hate. Is that he managed to divide a nation that was already on the rocks. The division and lack of justice during his term led to where we are today.
monte3 ยท 70-79, M
I understood that from your response, but how do you think he did that? Nd after hundreds of years when being black was enough to keep you below The bottom of society, why does that, if true, matter?@Snowvixen
@monte3 Politically he pinned one versus the other, in terms of republicans or democrats. I mean he complained about "the inability of republicans to get anything done." The hatred between the two is ridiculous. He also seemed to highlight racial cases which involved African American's, bad things happen regardless of color. Also, calling out rich people. Essentially saying "They are greedy... Its not fair they have it and you don't." Those things put a bad taste in my mouth. Now, I know I am going to get picked apart since I did earlier... but go easy. These are my thoughts. :)
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Snowvixen I think Bush was the one who began to enhance the divide between Americans. And it all started with hurricane Katrina and Kanye's West rant about how George Bush hated Black people. Then Obama came in and exposed the perils and ugliness of White Supremacy. Obama was hated by Republicans because he was Black and they wanted him to fail before the man even stepped foot into office. Then he was yelled at during a State Of The Union Address. Then Trump being the idiotic buffoon that he is started this racial hate by calling Obama a Muslim who was from Kenya. Then Trump used his base to get elected by stoking the fears and anxiety of a declining in population White America. That is how this all began. That is the real truth of the story. ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ
monte3 ยท 70-79, M
If the question was stated as:: is Trumpโ€™s rhetoric adding to the problem, I think the discussion might be different.
monte3 ยท 70-79, M
True enough.@Zonuss
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
Yep zonus is damaged goods. @Zonuss @MarmeeMarch @monte3
MarmeeMarch ยท M
@jackjjackson He's nuttier than an outhouse rat, that's for sure.
Amyrakunejo ยท F
I would say, that in part, yes, because the domino effect does exist, and though actions are indeed something the individual is responsible for (when conditions that mitigate responsibility i.e. inebriation/hypnosis/etcetera are not present), immediate reactions are indeed the fault of the instigator.

Of course, nationalism/terrorism, those are acts often committed under subjective hypnosis. No completely sensible individual would commit these acts unless made to do so in some form.

I don't condone these acts against people who otherwise have likely done no harm against anyone else, but I don't condemn the individuals who carried them out either. You blame the pawn, the Queen wins.

Yeah, it's Queen and Battalion Queen in the Chess I grew up with.
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@AmyrakunejoYes. Words carry weight. They have power. Never ever underestimate the power of them either. ๐Ÿ™‚
Virgo79 ยท 61-69, M
Amazing how quick some forget the riots started after Obama was elected.
SatyrService ยท M
@Virgo79 what? you dont remember rodney king? the watts riots?

this has been a thing a long time
Virgo79 ยท 61-69, M
@SatyrService yea but more spread out over time.
Obama got elected and it was the 60s all over again, well progress out of it,just takes time
SatyrService ยท M
@Virgo79 we will
BlueVeins ยท 22-25
Mass-shooters are responsible for the recent shootings. Donald Trump is responsible for stoking racial tensions that contributed to much of the violence. There's enough bad shit about the President that we don't have to go around blaming him for shit he didn't do.
Mountainlady16 ยท 22-25, F
@LeopoldBloom but yet instead of working to help the homeless the lefts more concerned with illegals and impeachment
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 MS and LA are the poorest states. ๐Ÿ™‚
LeopoldBloom ยท M
@Mountainlady16 And the right just wants to make homelessness illegal.
All I know is that America = fighting about everything all the time. I used to think my country was crazy but now Iโ€™m assured we are not the only ones. You canโ€™t even have a decent discussion with people about general things and youโ€™re insulted these days. Sorry for the Americans that arenโ€™t like that, but these days itโ€™s my experience more and more.
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stratosranger ยท M
Wow! Youโ€™ve had a busy day. Theyโ€™re just all over the map with the names!. I tell them, โ€œCan you just pick one and stick with it? Like redneck, cracker, ghost face, Redumblican, or inbred jerk face?โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚ @LilithoftheTrees
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@stratosranger A wounded dog makes a lot of noise.
Domestic Terrorism is the number one threat to the US today and Trump emboldened them. He encouraged them to come out from under their rocks and organize.
@ididntknow You just keep repeating this NBC, MSNBC, CNN bullshit. You are a Republican Party Propaganda Puppet. Just hit play. This isn't even top 100 Trolling for S W. It's just repetitive shit.
ididntknow ยท 51-55, M
@Pitchblue oh look, itโ€™s mr CNN, with their narrative
@ididntknow On No, CNN I'm so insulted!!!! What happened to Snowflake?
Poppies ยท 61-69, F
There is no "must" for him. Even when he is out of office he will go on saying whatever he pleases and it will be reported, unfortunately.
Fernie ยท F
@Poppies It needs to be reported so the people who can still think rationally stay aware of his madness...I WANT to know
sunsporter1649 ยท 70-79, M
@Poppies As opposed to those like you who, being unable to think on their own, can only repeat what your cult leaders babble
I wonder how many users blocked each other from participating in this thread?
Nice bait.
jackjjackson ยท 61-69, M
Whatโ€™s on the menu? @Zonuss
Zonuss ยท 46-50, M
@jackjjackson Fried chicken and Republican fries. ๐Ÿ˜†
softspokenman ยท M
@Zonuss ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŸ โ˜บ๏ธ

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