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BlueVeins · 22-25
It was basically achieved in like, the '90s. There were still wars going on in that time, of course, but on a tremendously smaller scale than prior eras of human history. Nuclear deterrence and global trade have put a massive damper on great power conflict specifically, both trends which we can reasonably expect to hold over time. The main problem that'll throw a wrench into all this is global warming.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
@Morvoren Here's what I'm talking about --
Post-2000's is a much better example of what I'm talking about, but yeah, even the Gulf War was kind of a joke compared to a ton of other wars in that era, like Vietnam, Korea, and (obviously) World War 2. Feel bad for all the people killed, but the numbers don't lie. Note the non-linear scale. World peace is absolutely an achievable goal, and we're not even that far away in the scheme of things.
Post-2000's is a much better example of what I'm talking about, but yeah, even the Gulf War was kind of a joke compared to a ton of other wars in that era, like Vietnam, Korea, and (obviously) World War 2. Feel bad for all the people killed, but the numbers don't lie. Note the non-linear scale. World peace is absolutely an achievable goal, and we're not even that far away in the scheme of things.
Considering the fact that people around here in this relatively small “similar world” can hardly go a day without fighting and/or an “I’ve been blocked” post, I think expecting world peace anytime soon would be extremely unrealistic.
Magenta · F
@OlderSometimesWiser Right?!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
People just don't have the patience and self-reflection and self improvement for peace. :(
LadyGrace · 70-79
Sorry to say, according to prophecy, I have to agree with that statement.
Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
Religious based wars are sadly to common
Need to find a great leader to unite us all,,
President of Earth who would we elect ?
Need to find a great leader to unite us all,,
President of Earth who would we elect ?
Ceitidh · 46-50, F
@Fentonisfree I can't say I have much faith in politicians who run one single country, never mind a the whole world!
Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
@Ceitidh if we travel to the stars ⭐️ one day we would need to be more united,
A worldwide currency,
Eliminate hunger / greed / poverty
Billionaires shouldn’t exist when we have people hungry / starving
A worldwide currency,
Eliminate hunger / greed / poverty
Billionaires shouldn’t exist when we have people hungry / starving
Ynotisay · M
@Fentonisfree President of the World. I personally believe that just might be a possibility hundreds or thousands of years down the road. Through technology the world will continue to get smaller.
The only living person I think that could have the potential of handling the role would be Obama. Not just because of his leadership, which includes a great deal of compassion for humanity, but his race and upbringing connects him to a large swath of the world. People connect to him globally.
The only living person I think that could have the potential of handling the role would be Obama. Not just because of his leadership, which includes a great deal of compassion for humanity, but his race and upbringing connects him to a large swath of the world. People connect to him globally.
You can only have peace when everyone wants peace. And from what I have seen, there are alot of people around the globe who dont want peace at all.
Filho · 36-40, M
we will never achieved
power hungry animals will never let that happen
power hungry animals will never let that happen
Ferric67 · M
Humans are too egotistical and primal, as long as emotions rule the direction and greed stokes that engine...nothing will change
You'll need a major transformation in order to enlighten humanity
You'll need a major transformation in order to enlighten humanity
BizSuitStacy · M
Not as long as the world globalists retain control.
BizSuitStacy · M
@SUPERVlXEN you have absolutely no clue what's going on in the world, do you?
More than you will ever be aware to comprehend.
More than you will ever be aware to comprehend.
BizSuitStacy · M
Let's test this...who benefits from war?
be aware to comprehend.
🤣 wonderful use of the English language. I get it have memory foam for brains. Let's test this...who benefits from war?
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I hpoe you take a stab at your own question at some point.
I wish it was a goal to be achieved but I am not confident it is a goal overall. I think the complications / barriers to it are pretty large . for instance
1) a lot of wars are over finite resources. energy sources, minerals, human capital mgt (slaves) even supply chain routes. You can peg a economic desire to most wars. It is hard to non-finite the resource in question and without that option, the incentive for the war, it is hard to mitigate the expressed neccessity for wars even if by a minority of war protagonists.
2) Our largest religions Christiany and islam via for centuries at this point for religious hegemony that have culimating into even recent wars like Bosnia, Rewanda and the philippines civil war. Two complicate this even further both religions subscribe to the idea of an afterlife and feel death is not a permanent state of non existence.
3) The expediency of resolutino in time effort and sometimes even money can be an intoxicating allure for a the stronger of the two. Even if the cost is life.
here is my hugs emoji for bien a buzzkill poster on Friday 🤗
I wish it was a goal to be achieved but I am not confident it is a goal overall. I think the complications / barriers to it are pretty large . for instance
1) a lot of wars are over finite resources. energy sources, minerals, human capital mgt (slaves) even supply chain routes. You can peg a economic desire to most wars. It is hard to non-finite the resource in question and without that option, the incentive for the war, it is hard to mitigate the expressed neccessity for wars even if by a minority of war protagonists.
2) Our largest religions Christiany and islam via for centuries at this point for religious hegemony that have culimating into even recent wars like Bosnia, Rewanda and the philippines civil war. Two complicate this even further both religions subscribe to the idea of an afterlife and feel death is not a permanent state of non existence.
3) The expediency of resolutino in time effort and sometimes even money can be an intoxicating allure for a the stronger of the two. Even if the cost is life.
here is my hugs emoji for bien a buzzkill poster on Friday 🤗
BohemianBabe · M
Nah, I think it's possible. It may not seem like it, but the world has been getting more peaceful. We're moving in a good direction.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Humans are hard wired to recognize groups of “us” and “them”. Even if you take a homogeneous group of “us” and isolate them, they quickly fracture into groups of “us” and “them” and start fighting each other. So, until there a large enough group of “them” that isn’t human, or are humans living on a different planet, world peace in terms of Earth is simply not possible.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Zaphod42 True look at the polarization happening now in the western world. There are people from the same country, race, and religion who are divided into a them and us mentality.
Northerner · 70-79, M
There will never be peace in a world where diverse religions exist.
wetncthru · F
As a card carrying cynic, I hate to admit it is unlikely.
Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
If we can prefect cold fusion ( I believe we’re close )
Manipulate gravity then space travel we be in our reach
If we don’t destroy ourselves first
Manipulate gravity then space travel we be in our reach
If we don’t destroy ourselves first
When there's only 2 of us left there'll still be no peace. Especially it there's only enough to eat and drink for 1 of us.
akindheart · 61-69, F
correct. it will never be achieved. there are behind the scenes rabble rousers who will continue to stir the pot.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
No, unfortunately. I believe we can come close but not entirely. We should never stop trying however.
Ceitidh · 46-50, F
@JimboSaturn I honestly think it never will because decade after decade, century after century if you like, there has always been despots and warmongers. It's in our nature sadly to hate and kill, and I have no idea what the answer to any of it is.
Magenta · F
Not a chance. There are so many reasons why..
First off, just look at the history of the world.
First off, just look at the history of the world.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Politics is more polarized now than it's ever been. Unfortunately.
When you have an American Presidential candidate talking about withdrawing from things like the U.N or NATO, or re-defining what human rights are, it's certainly not going to come from the country that likes to redefine the word 'Democracy' as often as it seems to.
But i still think world peace is worth aspiring to
When you have an American Presidential candidate talking about withdrawing from things like the U.N or NATO, or re-defining what human rights are, it's certainly not going to come from the country that likes to redefine the word 'Democracy' as often as it seems to.
But i still think world peace is worth aspiring to
JustNik · 51-55, F
I would never say never. We have, I think, come a long way over the last 1000 years. To me, our current technologies throw more doubt on whether we’ll manage to survive long enough to go far enough to get there. The current global backsliding makes me wonder if such a thing, once achieved, could ever be secure. It’s a good thing to aim for though, and act on where one can.
brian29715 · 46-50, M
Unfortunately no. Too many differing opinions.
Ducky · 31-35, F
So long as there are people in the world, yes.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Ceitidh 🤔 sadly not 😞we humans have been at loggerheads with each other since the begin of time itself alas . with war and conflict greed comes into too equation as there is money too be made by selling arms principles seem too go out of the window whether the person who they sell arms of death too are too the aggressor or aggrieved
in10RjFox · M
Nothing is impossible. But the politicians do not want peace because only if there is a problem they can make money. So they have to put us in trouble and keep disturbing us, so we start taking sides. And they can show pictures of sorrow and extort donations from us and use it to buy more guns.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
No. You have to solve the mystery of trauma and how it impacts people. Then you'd have to look at how the brain develops and solve some issues. Disorders can arise during things like pregnancy and other related events or hormones or lack there of.
So you'd have to do all that basically.
So you'd have to do all that basically.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
First must come getting rid of hate and greed by individual people. Then peace will come with it.
You simply can't have war without both hate and greed.
Greed can take many forms. It doesn't have to be money. Just pushing religion can be greed. "Spreading the word" is greed for more followers.
You simply can't have war without both hate and greed.
Greed can take many forms. It doesn't have to be money. Just pushing religion can be greed. "Spreading the word" is greed for more followers.
Ynotisay · M
I think it would take an extraordinary, cataclysmic event to create a "do-over" before humans ever get close to a peaceful world. Humans are animals and we're hardwired for conflict. Just like any animal. But they do it instinctively. We do it out of choice.
BeefySenpie · M
Oh it’ll definitely be achieved, but humans will need to be extinct for it to happen. Why? Power always corrupts and we always want more of it
in10RjFox · M
One good solution is to make all politicians pronounce your username thrice a day and atleast five of them must pronounce it the same and they be allowed to pass.
War is a minty maker for untold numbers of people, from the arms manufacturers to the undertakers.
Why stop the cash cow?
Why stop the cash cow?
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Even if aliens invaded and threatened to wipe us out, we would STILL fight amongst ourselves.
Not while countries are making a mega mint from weapons manufacturing.
Ceitidh · 46-50, F
@jackieash27 Exactly!
It's not easy. Huge destruction can bring it on table.
@Ceitidh The world and people in the world are more connected then ever before. You kill a man in one corner of this world, and in the opposite corner start protest against it in no time. The scenarios of WWs was different with a different reason to bringing it to an end. Next WW can be more lethal than ever before.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
for as long as there's man who creates evil, never. jesus has to come back to right things.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Oh, sure. I mean, we'll never see it, but someday for sure.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@DunningKruger Nice to see some positivity!
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
No. I believe world peace is the enemy of American capitalism.
nevergiveup · M
Its in mans nature to attack and conquer.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Nope. I mean, we are going backwards at this point.
NoThanksLeon · M
Not as long as humans exist.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Not as long as there are humans...
Morvoren · F
No. It’s never existed before either.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
No I don’t > Middle East 😐
Sevendays · M
I do believe that.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Not while people exist
HappyCamper74 · M
Unfortunately, no.
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