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Mandates or Choice?

Has anyone who agreed with covid injection mandates changed their minds? Has anyone who agreed with withdrawing medical care from people that didnt get injection ("its your choice, have the injection or face the consequences of your choice") changed their minds?
kodiac · 22-25, M
If i get the unknown number of shots,unknown because it keeps taking more and more i can still die from covid _ fact.If i get the shots i can still transmit covid to others fact.If i get the shot i could die from the shot fact. If i don't get the shot i could get covid survive and build immunity. To me the chance of dying from covid are the same either way except if i don't get the shot i don't have to worry about dying from it or dealing with the long term side effects. Wouldn't it be ironic if a working vacine could be created by studying the immunity built up by unvaxed covid survivors?
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Oster1 He really hates it if you call him windinhishead lol.Have a good weekend!
Oster1 · M
@windinhishair Hey there, Pin Cushion! How are you?

Well, I do have the life you always wanted, but never knew how to achieve.

It keeps me away from SW. It's OK. I do try to understand how you feel.

It's so nice, seeing you again. May you have a nice evening, as well. 😊
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Oster1 Oh, I never wanted the life of drunken stupor you prefer. Remember, that's why you blocked me previously, before you had to change your name. Drunk and enraged beyond belief. I've chosen sobriety and happiness. To each their own path, I guess.
I'm gonna start a new thread here so my comments don't get buried.

I think an employer or a business owner is well within his or her rights to make a workplace safe for employees and customers. And governments are employers. Do you know any doctors who work in hospitals? Ask them what vaccinations are required for the job. As I said, a business owner is well within his or her rights to make a workplace safe for employees and customers. Those are the mandates I support.

I don't support refusal of health care for people who refuse vaccination with the exception that in a triage situation, when ERs or hospitals are overflowing, refuseniks should get a lower priority.

Here's a real simple hypothetical: three beds left in the ER, eight ambulances pull up with Covid pos people in respiratory distress. The triage doctor has to make a decision: who gets one of the 3 beds and immediate care vs who gets put back in the ambulance and sent to some other ER possible across town?

In that hypothetical, I totally support the triage doctor giving the beds to the vaccinated. Stats from 2021 say that 80% of our Covid deaths came from the 20% unvaccinated. Let's give the ER beds to those who took steps to protect themselves.
@hippyjoe1955 True story: all science EVER provides is increasingly strong statistical evidence. Deal with it.

Funny story: Two days ago some idiot from Edmonton claimed
Oh you mean like that picture CNN has up on Ukraine that has a firefighter in it wearing an EDMONTON fire fighter suit on it? You mean that kind of verified information. Psssst the fire was in Edmonton last week. It started near refinery row as shown by the oil tank in the picture. But you carry on with your blind faith in the media while the rest of us sit back and laugh at you.

Funnier story: this morning I wake up to read:
The "EDMONTON" coat was donated to firefighters in Ukraine by firefighters in Edmonton. An Edmonton-based nonprofit called Firefighter Aid Ukraine has donated "several hundred" sets of Edmonton turnout gear to Ukraine, plus hundreds of additional sets of turnout gear from other communities, founder and project director Kevin Royle, an Edmonton firefighter himself, told CNN on Sunday. The coat seen on CNN "came from our program, most definitely," Royle said. And there is no doubt that Russia attacked the Lviv fuel facility; its defense ministry publicly confirmed the strike on Sunday.

Founded in 2015, Firefighter Aid Ukraine has supported Lviv firefighters for years. On Monday, the nonprofit resurfaced a photo it had originally posted on Facebook in 2017 -- of its team in Lviv handing out a coat that said "EDMONTON" on the back, just like the one seen on CNN on Saturday. Canadian broadcasters CBC and Global News ran stories in 2017 about this Firefighter Aid Ukraine donation trip."

Funniest story: the original idiot from Edmonton continues to swallow his own bulllshit long after he is proven wrong, ROTFL!!!

DUUUDE!!! CNN is 1000000X more reliable than you!!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues I could take you to the spot where the picture was taken. It is in east Edmonton not far from the Beverly Bridge. It spread north east toward Refinery Row. Sad that you 'reliable CNN' misled you again. You should get paid by the 'quote' for spreading this misinformation. You would be a rich man by now. As it is you are just a fool. Have a nice life.
I'd settle for you posting the CNN image plus your own photo. But you won't do that because your claim is just more lies, and posting the photo would prove it! LOL!!!
Has anyone who agreed with polio vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with tetanus vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with smallpox vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with diptheria vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with whooping cough vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with measles vaccine mandates changed their mind?
Has anyone who agreed with mumps vaccine mandates changed their mind?

Most smart people realize that medical science knows more than they do about dealing with highly infectious diseases.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Philth You think I watch CNN? Seriously? I don't even have TV!
Philth · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 I made no such suggestion. If you look back through the thread, it was you who suggested that I watch CNN. For the avoidance of doubt, I do not. Steady on, old chap.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Philth I have never suggested anyone trust CNN. I regularly make fun of people who do watch CNN or those I suggest might be watching CNN because they are so misinformed.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The science still shows that the covid vaccine is safe and life-saving, so I haven't changed my mind. I don't believe medical care should be withheld from those who are pro-covid and refuse the vaccine, but if there are other consequences such as limited travel, refusal of admission into restaurants or sporting events, then that is a choice that they have made. Actions (or inactions) have consequences.
Fairydust · F

You have to do what’s best for you, I don’t agree. 😔 I see bad things happening, you are being deceived.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Fairydust Speaking of deception, ivermectin does nothing for covid:

But you are entitled to make decisions based on misinformation and lies, even if it kills you and/or your loved ones. Good luck.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Wiseacre The US treats unvaccinated and vaccinated patients the same. Unfortunately, there are far more unvaccinated patients right now, and have been for a year.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'd rather just have a vaccinate-or-test type of deal established at the federal level, + vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. I tend to think the government shouldn't force people to inject something into their body, but I also think the gov't should try to avoid lockdowns. If people are allowed to just spread disease willy-nilly, then that's gonna massively increase the likelihood of having to do another lockdown.

Having said all that, healthcare workers have to directly interact with immunocompromised and otherwise vulnerable people. Ordering them to vaccinate is completely necessary to public health and well-being.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueVeins If you say so.
pdockal · 56-60, M
@BlueVeins if the shot kept the covid from spreading id be more than happy to get it without MANDATES
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@pdockal It doesn't stop the spread of covid. In fact it has the exact opposite effect. Ever heard of VAIDS?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I have always been for individual choice. If the vax can be shown to be safe and effective then you should be free to take them. However that is a mighty big if. The vaxes have not been properly tested for safety or efficacy which means that those who are taking the injections have no idea if they are taking safe effective vaxes or not. However as time has moved on it is becoming evident beyond doubt that the vaxes are not safe nor are they effective. As I posted earlier on twitter someone asked if the vax was safe. 1500 replies ALL said that they knew someone who was injured or killed by the vax. Most responders were listing 3 or 4 known injuries and death. No one should be forced or mandated to take such a death jab. NO ONE!
@hippyjoe1955 I found it. You lied about it. So stupid you don't know when to stop lying, LOL!!!

And I predicted this. Two hours ago I wrote: You'll spend an HOUR manufacturing excuses, and pretend that's better than pasting a link. It's only better if your original claim is a lie, LOL!!!

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues So you read all 50,000 pages? Not likely. As for lying the only one spreading false information is you. You can't even run a search engine!!!!
@ElwoodBlues I found it. It ain't what you say it is.

CestManan · 46-50, F
I tell you where they screwed up with their whole vaccination game. Two big mistakes -

They were wanting to mandate weekly covid tests for unvaccinated workers at places with 100+ employees. Most places with that many in one shop are big corporations like walmart. Big companies did not want to pay for that mess nor have a bunch of people out for several days at a time.
We know companies HATE for employees to use an excuse like sickness for missing work.

The second is they kept wanting to lower the age of qualification for this experimental shot. People got real antsy at the thought of their small children having to take it. Even some of the hardcore covid vaxxers had to say, "Hold on, wait a minute."

So to answer the question - yes some pro-mandate people changed their minds about the time it was announced that their small children could get this poisonous shot.
Adults subject themselves to dangers that they would never subject their kids to.
@CestManan Tell me what's wrong with the following:

Here in the table are US death numbers for the top ten causes of death for six years ending in 2020. Notice how there are 20% more deaths in 2020 than the average of the previous five years? Doing the math, that's 500,000 excess deaths in 2020.

Notice how, in 2020, 345,000 of those 500,000 excess deaths are classified as Covid? Notice how almost all causes of death rose in 2020, including cancer & heart disease?

If there's any validity to the claim that lots of deaths have been mis-classified as Covid, why did almost all causes of death increase in 2020? Wouldn't mis-classification produce a reduction in those other causes? The evidence says mis-classification is a red herring.


@CestManan All you have is lies. SAD!!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@ElwoodBlues that is wrong and the chart is fake!
that is wrong and the chart is fake!

No doubt you have better data that would lead to different conclusions, but you just don't feel like sharing your superior data. Riiiiiiight.
TexChik · F
I am thankful that there are still places in my country where free people remain free. No gang of thugs were sent to arrest me or beat me in public because I had the good sense not to take a "vaccine" that was claimed to protect me from a virus that was 99% survivable. A vaccine so shrouded in lies. A vaccine that even the manufacturers would not take. A vaccine whose ingredients were kept secret and its long list of side effects hidden. A vaccine to vital to our survival that leftists in power tried to force people to take it.

As for consequences, our ICUs are full. Filled with the triple vaxed people . Nothing a government lies about to convince you to take and then tries to force upon you is good .

I am very thankful to be free.
Over 1200 sides effects were documented after the trials. I hate to say, “I told you so,” but arrogant people who know better than anyone else never listen. Looks like a good deal of them have also blocked me since this data was released. Fine by me.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Fairydust there are at least half a dozen people here who are so loving of the vaccine and most of them I have been rather rude to and none of them blocked me. As I have told several people though that there is very little rhyme nor reason as to why people block each other or not. People always ask why they were blocked but I often wonder why I was not blocked.
Fairydust · F
@CestManan yeah I agree, although I will admit I’ve blocked a few vaccine lovers, only because they’d target me and I couldn’t resist biting back. Lol 😂
@CestManan I took a peek to see which communist sympathizers are still pushing the vaccine and it’s the usual parakeets that repeat everything Communist Network News says and believe it to be truth. Hopefully they’ll keep boosting and remove themselves from the gene pool
Tres13 · 51-55, M
I’ll stay loyal to my Immune system & my God

When my time comes I will be ready for those 72 Virgins
@Tres13 be careful what you wish for :)

CestManan · 46-50, F
@Tres13 But are those 72 virgins vaccinated? Ah HA! Bet you didn't think about that. 😁
Tres13 · 51-55, M
All Brazil pureblood pussy@CestManan
Everyone’s picked their side by now.. no amount of NEW information is going to change their minds…

Did anyone know covid was patented years ago?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm
@gol979 i understand why you don't want to address the question about alleged patents on Covid. If it weren't fake news, you could easily prove it with a patent number!!
gol979 · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues i have said f all about patents
@gol979 DUUUDE!!! Go up to the top of this thread!

Did anyone know covid was patented years ago?

I asked @TheOneyouwerewarnedabout to substantiate his claim, and you butted in and tried to distract from my question!! So I'll ask it again:

Got a patent number? A link? Anything??
Or is this just Putin's latest line of disinformation??
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
In Australia nobody is denied medical care due to their choices around Covid so-called 'vaccine' drugs but I think a lot of people that just blindly accepted being jabbed are starting to re-assess if they made the right choice.

I'm still unjabbed and will be forever more re SCV2. Quite a few of my friends are, but heaps of people I know have given me shit for my position too.
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butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
@chockaholic2020 And I do not judge you because you seem like you've made the choice based on what you believe is the best course of action for yourself. Soooo many people especially here just 'lined up' like sheep to get jabbed without bothering to understand anything about what was going on first.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
No vaccine mandates have been passed by law in either Australia or New Zealand as far as I am aware.

Some employers require you to be vaccinated. That is their choice because under work, health and safety legislation they have to provide a safe workplace. However it is still up to the individual to choose.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@gol979 NO and NO

FFS Read my replies, they are in English.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@KiwiBird errmm i did. You just kept saying "they arent doing that here....." without clarifying your position

Now you have
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@gol979 You have no idea of my personal position other than I do not support forcing people to do anything or denying anyone health care.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Fairydust · F
This was never anything to do with covid, the mandates are to control and bring in the next phrase. Fauci predicted it years ago.
Follow the money not the science.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Fairydust for sure but now the covid hysteria has died down for.the moment, maybe people can reflect on their opinions over the last few years and think about it whilst not in a state of fear and maybe just maybe realise that what they were touting (mandates and "consequences of your choice") was a little unhinged?
Fairydust · F
@gol979 very unhinged! However the government and media did play a massive part in making them divide us, I was disgusted at some peoples comments online and you wonder how So many people got murdered in WW2. 🧐 I bet many supported it.
InHeaven · F
Its a mandate without a choice. To have to get a deadly poke for the freedoms you used to have without it is a system of control , covid was just a tool to get there.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
I'll take a fourth if the edition is released. I already caught covid though.
Gusman · 61-69, M
The pathetic thing is if we can not prove double vaccination are unable to go to work, eat at a restaurant, go to the gym, go to the cinema, attend a music festival.
Some won’t be able to attend university when the new semester kicks off.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@Gusman No vaccination proof required at my cross fit gym.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@KiwiBird All those measures I mentioned are still in force here in WA. Plus I am sure there are others I do not know about.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@Gusman Even the public hospitals here do not ask about your vaccination status, just your covid exposure....and current symptoms.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
In your country they withdrew medical care?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@gol979 I understand why you asked those questions
AJS30 · 31-35, M
@newjaninev2 In the US, people were getting denied organ transplants and other medical care because they didn't get the shot.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@AJS30 Read what I wrote below about behaviour that wilfully disregards limited resources.

COVID-19 vaccine is one of several immunisations required by transplant programs, including a flu shot and Hepatitis B vaccines. Transplant recipients are at higher risk than non-transplant patients of dying from covid, and the American Society of Transplantation (AST) recommends many vaccinations... and for good reason. In like vein, patients also must meet other health and lifestyle criteria to receive donated organs.

Refuse a hepatitis vaccination, keep smoking, keep eating junk food, or refuse to take post-operative meds, and you’ll be removed from any transplant list. Covid sharply increases the risk of post-transplant mortality, so is on the lengthy list of deal-breakers.

Can you see some reason it shouldn’t be?
Adstar · 56-60, M
I have been a supporter of freedom of choice in regard to the vaccines from the very start and nothing has changed my mind..
Shadyglow · F
My hospital had a strange call the police on some people who phoned in strange painful symptoms and asked for help, while recently enrolled for something else (eg: one day surgery)

Period. Now I hear strange talk everywhere about preventing something. But it took 5 months for me to recover from "something" I caught right there at the local hall of healing

No connection between the two phenomena.
But I always tried to stay healthy and mostly succeeded

And as a hermit nobody caches anything from me
Wiseacre · F
I was for mask mandates, but never covid passports..never made sense, but still in effect until 4/8.
That's crazy. I would never agree to that.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat you would be surprised how many people who agreed with this
I wouldn't and I got the vaccine. @gol979
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat 👊 not many of your voices heard when this was being touted
I haven't seen any recent stats. I DO think folks with emergency surgical needs or elective surgery should be given first priority. Traditional triage should remain on hold as non-vaccinated pts. retain the right to die.
You are so fucking stupid and are literally twisting people's words just so you can be upset and stir shit up. Get back in the sewer where you belong.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
No more Covid talk. 🙂
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@Zonuss This is a designated Covid thread. You are welcome to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
AJS30 · 31-35, M
Changing their minds would require thinking and NPCs don't think.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
If I had my way, the police would be armed with dart guns filled with COVID vaccine and given orders to shoot people like you.

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