hippyjoe1955 True story: all science EVER provides is increasingly strong statistical evidence. Deal with it.
Funny story: Two days ago some idiot from Edmonton claimed
Oh you mean like that picture CNN has up on Ukraine that has a firefighter in it wearing an EDMONTON fire fighter suit on it? You mean that kind of verified information. Psssst the fire was in Edmonton last week. It started near refinery row as shown by the oil tank in the picture. But you carry on with your blind faith in the media while the rest of us sit back and laugh at you.
Funnier story: this morning I wake up to read:
The "EDMONTON" coat was donated to firefighters in Ukraine by firefighters in Edmonton. An Edmonton-based nonprofit called Firefighter Aid Ukraine has donated "several hundred" sets of Edmonton turnout gear to Ukraine, plus hundreds of additional sets of turnout gear from other communities, founder and project director Kevin Royle, an Edmonton firefighter himself, told CNN on Sunday. The coat seen on CNN "came from our program, most definitely," Royle said. And there is no doubt that Russia attacked the Lviv fuel facility; its defense ministry publicly confirmed the strike on Sunday.
Founded in 2015, Firefighter Aid Ukraine has supported Lviv firefighters for years. On Monday, the nonprofit resurfaced a photo it had originally posted on Facebook in 2017 -- of its team in Lviv handing out a coat that said "EDMONTON" on the back, just like the one seen on CNN on Saturday. Canadian broadcasters CBC and Global News ran stories in 2017 about this Firefighter Aid Ukraine donation trip."
Funniest story: the original idiot from Edmonton continues to swallow his own bulllshit long after he is proven wrong,
ROTFL!!!DUUUDE!!! CNN is 1000000X more reliable than you!!