Wow they are terribleI been reading all my past posted that I made all I can say is wow. What was I thinking I sound terrible
How do I go about talking to my boyfriend about the GPS Tracker he had delivered to his brother's house ?I'm pretty sure the device is for me. He and his brother got in a fight over his mail being opened. What do I do how do I go about handling the situation?
Do you think I am overreacting about the stripper pole?I started seeing this guy, and we hit it off, and we started seeing each other every day. Then I mentioned that I used to be a stripper 15 years ago but had ignored that part of my life that I loved back then I made good money I was very confinement... See More »
My brothers best friend .I am in love with my brothers best friend. My brother doesn't know that his best friend and I have been seeing each other.
I camt find loveI'm 47 years old, and no one has ever loved me and I've never been in love with anyone.
I am a foolAbout 9 months ago I started dating this guy he moved to fast. He told me he loves me within 2 weeks asked me to marry him and we were only together for 8 months. I made a post on here about it and everyone told me to end it with him. My dumb ass... See More »
Why is he paying for my phoneMy fiance decided he needed space. I freaked out because it was all of a sudden he said he needed time to breathe but yet a few days before he said this everything was OK with us so I was trying to call him text him asking him why he did this and all... See More »
My boyfriend needs spaceMy boyfriend of 8 months has been working overtime last week so all week we didn’t spend any time together, I was upset with him would send him texts about how I missed him trying to get his attention he was acting cold and distant. He had just told... See More »
I had to pay half of the hotelI been with my boyfriend for 9 months now.He usually pays for everything,but the other day he asked me to pay half of the hotel room I have done this several times now.I am upset about it because he makes way more money then me he makes $6,000 a... See More »
He thinks I cheatedI was in my boyfriends car and I plugged in my phone to his car that I got a text from a guy who is just my friend he got really upset accused me of cheating on him I never have cheated on him that guy was just my friend
Try to break up with my boyfriendI been trying to end things with my boyfriend and it so hard. And than everytime I say it's over to my boyfriend he say to me you won't break up with me so stop your nonsense he than he says you won't leave me because I am the best man you have ever... See More »
Is this strangeIs kissing your 4 year old on lips wrong. I was with a man that kissed his 4 year old on his lips I got this weird feeling from it
Am I overreactingMy man and I don't have a place of our own and he lives with family and so do I so we are not able to ever stay the whole night together unless we get a hotel room. We use to stay at hotel rooms but it's been months now that we haven't because of the... See More »
Don't know how to feelMy man tells me I don't know how to dress he said he is a expert on how to dress people he took a class. He says he is only trying to help me. Now everytime we go out it takes me so long to get ready because I don't know if I am dressed right. It's... See More »
Why is he staying with me if I am all these thingsbeen with a guy for 5 months now. We are engaged we moved fast he told me he loved me 2 weeks than we got engaged 2 months later it's been great until a week ago he was acting distant finally he told me what was wrong I am shocked I didn't know hr... See More »
So confusedDating over 40 I just started dating a guy And the first 2 weeks he said he loved me and a month later he we got engaged knowing this was so wrong I stayed with him and we been together for 5 Months now We got engaged and we're going to move in... See More »
I Feel Like My Dreams Are Telling Me SomethingSo a long time ago before this virus thing. I had a dream that I was looked in a house with my family and they wouldn't let us come out of the house I was so upset because I wanted to escape to go outside to see someone that I loved not sure who I... See More »
I Feel Like My Dreams Are Telling Me SomethingI had a dream that my boyfriend was sitting by a bed than he told me to go sit with him and when i sat next to him some hands starting grabbing me I looked at my boyfriend and noticed they were not his hands I told him someone is grabbing me from... See More »
Dating over 40I just started dating a guy we are both in our 40 we have only been on 3 dates and he already wants a commitment he said he prayed to God to send him a girl like me so he is sure I am the one God sent him
Is it possibleI meet a new guy we have been on 2 dates and he told me that he like me a lot I told how do you know you don't even know me he said he just knows that we are ment to be. Do you think is is possible to feel that strongly about soneone so soon?
I Want to Love Passionately and to Be Loved PassionatelyYes please I have never been in love so sad and I am old now it's probably not going to happen for me 😔
I Am a Girl GamerI love games but I have a big issue ,they don't make enough games for girls all they make is dress up makeup games they need to make better games for us girls