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Dating over 40

I just started dating a guy we are both in our 40 we have only been on 3 dates and he already wants a commitment he said he prayed to God to send him a girl like me so he is sure I am the one God sent him
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Run screaming.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger yup... You were given to him by his imaginary friends in the sky.... Not a great basis fur a relationship in my opinion
candynerka · 46-50, F
@ozgirl512 Imaginary friend????
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@candynerka that's a whole other discussion
Throw holy water on him at the next date
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit!
Commit to share a dessert recipe ... and tell him to negotiate better

It takes more than 3 dates and an opening offer to get me to show a date "Level-2" fun
PerfectIllusion · 46-50, F
I don't necessarily think you should run. Just proceed with caution. Let your gut instinct lead you. It has some creep value to it but maybe he is just very lonely and happy to find some companionship. Just tread lightly and take it slow! Best of luck!😊
NativeOregonian · 51-55
Run the other way as fast and as far away as you can.
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@candynerka that's pathetic of him to say that. You are very caring and different
candynerka · 46-50, F
@SW-User why explain
@candynerka shows signs he's an abnormal control freak who has departed from reality. He hasn't gotten to know you, news just looking for someone to impose his weirdness upon
vivianoblivion · 26-30, F
As for me when a man says things like that to me and I don't feel the same way it is nothing but a turn-off and a huge red flag. Most of these people are suggesting that you stay clear and I agree with them.
bookerdana · M
🥵 Thatts not just fast thats Nascar fast....better put the brakes on him before you're picking out two weeks😆
Oh!! That's nice and romantic... but be more careful before commiting to anything...
candynerka · 46-50, F
He is paying my car and insurance payment that means he cares
candynerka · 46-50, F
This guy that is moving fast just found out that he told his ex I love you and that was only in September 2019 he told me he wasn't with her for a year now I find out it's only 5 months is this why he is moving fast with me telling me I am his true love we only been dating one month am j a rebound
xixgun · M
I suggest - brakes.

3 dates is too soon to form a commitment. The added "God gave you to me" is not as reassuring as one might think. Even if you're religious, I would take some time to reflect on this. I'VE never had God produce on demand, have you?
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Travelbug · 56-60, F
He sounds kind of desperate and the sort you'd struggle to get rid of.
eMortal · M
I wonder what he'll do if you told him you want to take things slow.
candynerka · 46-50, F
@eMortal I did telk him that he said he was ok with that to take all the time I needed
redredred · M
Change your phone number, dye your hair and move to another county.
candynerka · 46-50, F
@redredred wow why do you say it like that
redredred · M
@candynerka He sounds like serious trouble. He might feel this way after three dates but he should have the social sense to keep that to himself for a years or three. Someone that seriously socially inept might well have great emotional issues. Just my two cents.
vivianoblivion · 26-30, F
@redredred Agreed but you said it better than I could have.
candynerka · 46-50, F
Please explain why
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
with my luck ill be single until death

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