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Is it possible

I meet a new guy we have been on 2 dates and he told me that he like me a lot I told how do you know you don't even know me he said he just knows that we are ment to be. Do you think is is possible to feel that strongly about soneone so soon?
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Yes. He said LIKE not LOVE, right,? Those must've been 2 awesome dates.
Betty143 · 41-45, F
candynerka · 46-50, F
@Betty143 why would be be saying that
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Why not? People feel stuff all the time.
If those feelings are based on things based in reality however, is a totally diffrent conversation. But being struck by deep emotions for what ever reason, happens.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Some men latch on to anything quickly. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you but 2 dates doesn’t show a person’s true personality. He needs to calm down.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Keepitsimple That's not something I said. But yeah, I don't know this persons' situation. But people that really want something or long for something, sometimes really get their hopes up and take what is in front of them as some sort of guarantee to fill in the longing they have. To kinda fill in the void that they are experiencing. It can be a beautifull thing if it works out, it can be quite crushing if it's not. I think it's a really human thing to do.

There are of course also other reasons. Like people that get smitten and entranced by looks, and suddenly take attractions to aesthics to the same level as liking someones personality. That happens too. I sometimes wonder when my nephew is going to wake up one day and find out that the got married to a pair of boobs. Looking at some of his conversations about his wife over the course of the years, I think he's slowly getting to the point where he's finding out that tits don't make the person. So that happens too, and that is also not just a male thing. Just look at stories of girls that believe the jock they found is the right person for them, only to get to know him over time and have these early assessments crushed.

But in both examples, it's still fair to say that people can experience deep feelings towards someone from the first moment they see eachother. Only time and getting to know eachother teaches you if these things hold up.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@Kwek00 I think you can get a sense of a person and want to know more but 2 dates is too soon to be told that somebody really likes you. That’s just my opinion. Still, it’s nice to hear and exciting.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Keepitsimple Well, I absolutely agree with that... unless you meet this person that is super duper open about themselves and just kinda opens up totally in 2 dates. Most of these super duper open books, aren't liked by people. Because it kinda demistifies people from the get-go, and there seems to be longing for people to find someone with some mysticism (as in open questions, things you can wonder about) to make them intresting. Ussually people that are who they are, aren't really succesful at the dating game.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
he is after one thing only, more than likely he is married with children
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
I believe it’s definitely possible but that doesn’t mean it’s going to lead to something, personally I’d be a little cautious.
candynerka · 46-50, F
@VodkaBec why do you say that I should be cautious
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
@candynerka If was me I’d feel like he may be coming on a little strong. But I that’s just me and for all I know he maybe a really nice guy.
Sure it is ... sometimes you can feel it before the 1st date ... it is the magical way you feel ... the exhilaration ... the sense of yes

At least, that is what I have been told
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Thanos · 31-35, M
Absolutely sometimes you're just know if something's gonna work out or not but sometimes it's just infatuation
your gut will tell you much more than your mind or heart.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
It’s possible. But bear in mind that after two dates he barely knows you. Tread carefully.
No. Watch what he does not what he says.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I think it's possible
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Yes you can intuit it
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candynerka · 46-50, F
He can feel that way. It doesn’t mean his feelings are correct.

A lot of this depends on sex too. He’s always going to have really strong feelings until you have sex.

If you’ve already had sex and he’s saying these things... i would believe him. If not... it’s all coming from his pants.
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
Yes it's possible, just really unlikely. I'd be a little nervous if someone said that to me after 2 dates
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@candynerka After 2 dates? Especially after you said he doesn't even know you?..I bet this bloke turns out to be a very insecure and controlling nightmare
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@Bushmanoz they all are
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@ExtremeNext No they aren't..stop replying to other men!
ExtremeNext · 36-40
How old are you ? he just wants a BJ and then he will leave

all men are pigs
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candynerka · 46-50, F
@ExtremeNext that's horrible if that's all he wants
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@candynerka its the only thing men want

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