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So confused

Dating over 40
I just started dating a guy And the first 2 weeks he said he loved me and a month later he we got engaged knowing this was so wrong I stayed with him and we been together for 5 Months now We got engaged and we're going to move in together but this virus happened we haven't moved in yet all of a sudden a few days ago he was acting different he finally told me what was bothering him he said I am always complaining and he is sick of it in wasn't complaining just telling him how I feel but today I got a ear full of what he thought of me he said That I am needy that I suffocate him that I am living in fairy tail yet he is the one that wanted to get married so soon that he is not going to consume himself in another human bean he has other responsibilities.Than I told him if I am all those things than break up with me but he won't do he wants me to end things but I told him I never said I wanted to break up he said If we stay together, and you go with the flow we will be ok I am so confused
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If you know something is wrong, you don't let it continue.
You two should have spent more time getting to know each other before committing. 🙄
candynerka · 46-50, F
Why did I stay with him is that what you mean
@candynerka the two weeks "I love you" was as good as saying "I'm a freak. You should stay far away."
Oh good God why did you do this
candynerka · 46-50, F
I was stupid @SW-User
You shouldn't be complaining all the time to the point of pushing him away. If it's not your fault, tell him to change
candynerka · 46-50, F
If he don't like how I am what I don't understand is why he won't break up with me he wants me to do it @mysteryespresso
Pat999 · 31-35, M
sorry to hear this... these things happen. Hope your well
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
"if you go with the flow" we will be okay?😬 girl what? I perceive that to be the warning of an unpleasant storm coming...and you guys don't even live together.
That doesnt sound like happiness...
Allabouttaboo · 36-40, M
You deserve better
It's not your fault, you deserve better hun. He doesn't deserve someone as kind and person like you
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
You should dump him
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Too much, too fast. Go ahead and break up with him. Set him free and save yourself.
He seems full of shit.. cut your losses and run?
candynerka · 46-50, F
Why do people do these things I believe everything @SStarfish
@candynerka idk maybe he just wanted to take advantage of you and never really wanted to commit or maybe he just got cold feet.. who knows .. but it sounds like he's up to no good
You should tell him guess what? Those are my good qualities. Just wait till you really get to know me, prick.
candynerka · 46-50, F
You think I should stay with him than and get him back doe what he is doing t me @SW-User

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