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My boyfriend needs space

My boyfriend of 8 months has been working overtime last week so all week we didn’t spend any time together, I was upset with him would send him texts about how I missed him trying to get his attention he was acting cold and distant. He had just told me that weekend how much he loved me wants to marry me and now he needs space that’s a shocker the only thing I can think of is this the day he said he needed space was the day he was going to see his kids mom after a year of not seeing her He keeps saying it’s not the reason for needing space he said I was to needy I was acting needy and texting him all the time just because I missed him
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smiler2012 · 61-69
candynerka this must of come a total shock as by what you say you have never even suspected there was a problem i think you may need to sit down and have a good chat and find out what is eating him if you want to make this relationship work listen and if you can adhere to your boyfriends wishes the ball is in your court if you want it too work
It's got nothing to do with his ex. Listen to him, he's telling you exactly what the problem is.

You need to find ways where you can show your love for him without being so needy of him.
FatherTime · 51-55, M
do what you want to do <3
Trust your instincts
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
We're cavemen. We go into our caves. Sometimes work is that cave. Seems like what you did is admirable but began to seem bothersome to him. It's all about finding that magic balance. I'll tell you that I appreciate getting texts from my gf at work, but there have been times where it was a tidal wave of messages that I couldn't answer and it did become irritating.

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