HootyTheNightOwl Best Comment
Use them as a record of your progress through life.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
We all grow 😌
I hope you enjoy the person you’ve grown into 🤗
I hope you enjoy the person you’ve grown into 🤗
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
I don’t think they sounded terrible at all. It’s a part of your life you were experiencing! Thanks for sharing
PhoenixPhail · M
That's how I feel about many of my past posts.
I'm a totally different person these days.
I'm a totally different person these days.
Freeranger · M
Yah, but thankfully for you. your victims were willing to wave any modicum of truth for fantasy....well done.
nevergiveup · M
Things change when you look back at them. I think how sad i was and feel better when i remove them.
CookieCrumbs · F
That will help you with self reflection.

It was a season past
Atlotto · M
Sorry to hear that. All my posts are deep and intellectually stimulating.
candynerka · 46-50, F
Wtf was I thinking
DDonde · 31-35, M
It happens
candynerka · 46-50, F
It have grown so much since then @DDonde
Lilnonames · F
I like all of mine terrible or not