What's on your mind now? I'm worried I might be pregnant because my body has been feeling weird after being with my boyfriend😬
What is one thing you like about your body? I love my face fat it gives my face a youthful look, a lot of people think I'm 20-25 and I'm 35.
Ever had someone try to make you their rebound girlfriend or boyfriend? I had this problem and they got upset I didn’t go along with it, I mean peopleThat usually want a rebound are still and will always be missing their ex I believe.
Are you currently trying to talk someone out of doing something bad? Someone I know wants to cast a spell on her boyfriend and make him blind becauseHe doesn't want to marry her.
So if the person you’re dating would give your phone number to one of their friends in a way of trying to play matchmaker, how insulted would you feel?
How do you feel towards broken people? I feel sorry for them but if they aren’t trying to fix themselves then they probably don’t need me in theirLife, I feel as if they will just hold me back if I try to help them.
Do people misread your actions? I'm just a natural friendly person in public so I do a lot of small talk and smiling a lot but some men see it asBeing flirtatious and it's just me being kind🙄
You ever met someone that you don't necessarily hate them, but just don't want to talk to them anymore? I'm going through that now...
Why would someone get upset about you calling them a stranger? I've been talking with them for 5 months and don't understand them so it's not my faultI've never met someone with such a confusing personality😐 I can't say I KNOW you if I don't understand you😬
Do you prefer to be dumped or ghosted when things go south in a relationship? I prefer to be dumped because at least I have some type of closure😅
If the person you're trying to date tells you they really like you but you're too mysterious, how would it make you feel?
So the guy I'm dating painted me another picture of something I like and wrote on the back of it "Keep being you and don't be afraid to try somethingNew" romantic or quirky?
If a guy brings you to eat out and helps you watch your step so you don't trip of fall and asks you what you think your's and his kid wouldLook like, how invested is he in you?
What let you down today? For me it was thinking my boyfriend was going to give me an engagement ring but he gave me a painting he created himselfInstead😔😔
I asked my crush if he's looking just for fun or a serious relationship and this was his response. Do you think he's being shifty with his answer orReasonable? I'm not ready for a serious relationship it takes time to build that but, I'm open to a friendship that can lead to something serious