PhoenixPhail · M
What a selfish, horrible thing to want to happen to someone. She couldn't possibly love him. She's certainly no one to be married to.
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@SomeMichGuy and you believe in gods and fairies and Santa and the Easter bunny.
i have been through so much in my life it is incredible that i am still alive. I wish now that i had gotten even with those people or spoken up for myself...or had them put in jail. But i was stupid just like you are now. I stayed sane and rational and tried to stay away from them, but that was impossible. i turned the other cheek. i got myself a shrink or three.
i started to not deal with people at all. and now i stay away from them completely. people were dangerous and vile and evil when i walked among them but now since Covid...they just let that freak flag fly wherever they go. they murder on whim, they do more drugs than ever and there is no truth to any of those stats where they say usage is going down. They set fires on purpose and damage works of art or monuments to the test of time. And they leave there children in cars to die on purpose.
i am merely talking about going through the experience in your mind...not reality. If this person suddenly gets the urge to do it for real, then she was planning on it anyway.
i have been through so much in my life it is incredible that i am still alive. I wish now that i had gotten even with those people or spoken up for myself...or had them put in jail. But i was stupid just like you are now. I stayed sane and rational and tried to stay away from them, but that was impossible. i turned the other cheek. i got myself a shrink or three.
i started to not deal with people at all. and now i stay away from them completely. people were dangerous and vile and evil when i walked among them but now since Covid...they just let that freak flag fly wherever they go. they murder on whim, they do more drugs than ever and there is no truth to any of those stats where they say usage is going down. They set fires on purpose and damage works of art or monuments to the test of time. And they leave there children in cars to die on purpose.
i am merely talking about going through the experience in your mind...not reality. If this person suddenly gets the urge to do it for real, then she was planning on it anyway.
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being · 36-40, F
She needs to chill
PhoenixPhail · M
@being I think she needs more than that.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
I wonder why he doesn't want to marry her? 🤔
Witchthatwantsfun · 36-40, F
What do you think is the reason?😅@SpudMuffin
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Lilymoon · F

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Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
It would be like talking to a brick wall.
witch craft is just to empower the doesn't actually work. so be supportive in a way that keeps you out of her home when she is doing this

@LILY61 speak for yourself
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I let people make their own choices and sit back
I let people make their own choices and sit back
Sojournersoul · M
Better ways to go blind in a relationship. 😂
SomeMichGuy · M
Good for you.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Tell her that she don’t even need a witchcraft to make people goes blind.

Let her
Felina · F
I don’t wish anything bad on anyone not even my enemies… not even a little 🤏🏻
Pinky swear 😏😅🥴
Pinky swear 😏😅🥴
PhoenixPhail · M
@Felina You're my kind of person. 🤗 🤗 🤗 ❤ 🌹
UndeadSona · F
Huh dark magic is mega sussy
Ah yes. We all have at least one crazy friend like that 🤣
Tell her that hexes that severely harm others can come back upon them sevenfold.