how to control compulsive spending (online shopping)i'm only on a fixed income, on benefits....but i have ocd as well and feel compelled to keep spending money that i can't afford on clothing and boots, which is leaving me broke....i see something i like and i feel compelled to buy it - at the cost of... See More ยป
I feel so sexyWent out today shopping. I bought outrageous sexy high heels and great outfit and then went to barbershop for a sexy new haircut (1)
how come you often get glue stains on new footwear nowa couple of nike trainers i bought and asics too, well over a year ago but only just opened have visible glue stains, this really narks me because i like things to be near as perfect as possible....i have ocd....i still wear these footwear but the... See More ยป
Ladies have you ever ordered a formal dress online?I need one. Were you happy with your purchase? If yes where did you order from?
Internet shoppingNext time I.need clothes I will.go shopping as in high street shopping. Some jogges came today meant to ve a size 18 but more like a 14. Ridiculous! Im struggling to send them back as waiting for the seller to get back to me on how to get a label.... See More ยป