If it was me, I'd always be initiating the kissing 😉
Oh but um I'm not sure what it means if you're always the one to initiate it.
Oh but um I'm not sure what it means if you're always the one to initiate it.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
If he never ever initiates he's probably insecure. He needs more reassurance to show that you are into him . Some people are just like that
shinyplasticlove · 51-55, M
@chickiegirl95 Yes, this.
JimFarris16 · 18-21, M
It makes sense when you've first started dating, it's a gentleman thing. Beyond that, I dunno.
shinyplasticlove · 51-55, M
It is 50/50 but I must admitt an out of the blue kiss would be stellar.
subhubby · 56-60, M
Some men like when the lady takes control or initiates. I’m one of them.

Maybe he likes the flavour of your lip gloss
Btw is it cherry 😛
Btw is it cherry 😛
Pretzel · 61-69, M
maybe he's a beta?
subhubby · 56-60, M
Means he is head over heels and obsessed with you.
Sounds like he wants you to be strung over him. I would be concerned personally. Things should be more 50/50’ish.
SilentObZerver · 22-25, M
Most men find it sexy when women are not passive but initiate intimate sessions like kissing!
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