Why do I keep outliving my friends and everyone I care about?Lost my oldest friend tonight out of the blue. His wife called me which I thought was odd at first because she never calls me. I picked up and she told me he died. No idea about the actual cause yet but she said he suddenly had trouble breathing and... See More »
Don't get old. My knee and hip is funked up from sliding on a bathmat of all things.I was over at my brothers and used the restroom. His bathmat doesn't have any backing on it to prevent slippage. It was also sort of crumpled up. My left foot was on it and i had turned to grab a towel. When i turned the mat slid taking my foot with... See More »
It's finally happened my age has finally caught up to me. Damn genetics couldn't hack it any longer.I woke up and suddenly looked elderly. Just like that
This guy I know I swear he must have sold his soul to the devil. Guy has barely aged.We met back in 1989...still looks damn good. Sometimes I can't help but to wonder.
I seem to be gaining more male attention these days. Didn't know I gave off those types of vibesI'm parked at a park and this guy about 2 cars down is practically breaking his neck staring at me while eating his McDonalds burger. This isn't an isolated incident either. I've had a few guys at my job make passes as well over the past couple of... See More »
Anyone want peanut butter cookies? I've been at it all day cookie making that is.I've been making cookies all day long for a family gathering tomorrow. Since I bake the best I've been put in charge of cookie making
Ever have a strange dream whenever you take a short nap? I was the world's worst father in mine.Played out like a mini drama series. In my dream I was split up from this woman I don't know if we were married before or what the deal was. We had a son together and I'd put him around the pre teen mark. Never saw the woman before and I don't have... See More »
For the love of god these two guys are revving their little mustangs to see who is louder in a vons parking lot. Man children.I'll never understand it
I met another woman while at work who also lost a finger for just about the same reason I did.She asked me first. Turns out she's also a former addict and we had quite a bit in common beyond just the missing digit. As boring as this job can be I definitely do meet interesting people.
I can tell I'm getting old I've sucummbed to the constant old man gas attacks.Ever since I woke up this morning it has been constant. Rumbles and grumbles and before I know it I've polluted the air. It's rather embarrassing. I can see I've added another notch to my old man belt over here.
Cookies unfortunately morphed into one megacookie. Don't know what happened but they taste good.I'm not sure what happened as I chilled the dough.
I'm making cookies anyone want one when they're ready?Wouldn't know it for as skinny as I am but I enjoy cooking and baking. I'm making snickerdoodles. They're chilling at the moment.
Ever have a dream that just makes you scratch your head and say what?I was walking down the street in a pretty sketchy neighborhood. Things were normal until I hit this stretch of road that was completely covered in this brownish gray sand. There were these junkies on their hands and knees crawling around sifting... See More »
The family seems to be pushing me to go on dates and put myself out there. Why?What could I possibly have to offer exactly? I don't really have the desire to date anymore as it is. I'm cool with being alone and no matter how many times I explain this to everyone nobody seems to believe me. They all think I'm convincing myself... See More »
Does anyone else have this thing where you highly dislike when strangers repeat your name to you?Call it a quirk I guess but I do not like when say I have a nametag on and someone just takes that as an opportunity to wear it out. Hi Ivan. How are you doing today Ivan? Can I get some of those Ivan? Please bag that together Ivan. Thank you Ivan.... See More »
I managed to get a job finally. I'm working at a gas station. Come say hi grab some mentos.Not glamorous work but until I can pay for and pass the test to get my cosmo license back in action I'll be hanging out here. Least it gives me some type of purpose.
I'm considering enrolling in classes for business purposes so I can maybe open my own business someday. I'm going to be the oldest in the room I swearProbably older than the professors. I haven't actually done anything yet enrollment wise it's just a thought I've been kicking around. I'll be the campus grandpa.
They wouldn't let me donate plasma there goes that idea of extra income.Took one look at my arms with how messed up they've become over the years and sent me packing. Told them I was clean but even then I doubt they'd be able to find anything decent left to use. They must have doubted too or not believed me when I told... See More »
My age is catching up to me I'm tired and it's only a bit past 2pm here. Back is locked up tooGreat times to be had around here. In my defense I've been up since around 430am.