4meAndyou · F
Think about what you ate 24 hours ago, and stop eating it! 😉
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
But you look great for your age. I know what you mean I'm 28 yet I still watch what I eat since certain foods get me nauseous
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Light them, they soon dry up and then you find yourself willing the next one to come sooner.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Some foods make more gas - have you been eating something more often than usual? You may have sensitivity to it. Btw, don't stress over it - it is normal and healthy to let them out! If your bum wasn't able to do its' job, your brain (and other systems) would be a mess! Fart away and enjoy life 😆