how do you 'get over' missing out on so muchwith me i missed out sadly on all the normal things people take for granted because i had mental problems and other i missed out on ; meeting people, forming relationships, getting married...traveling, going to college, having fun... See More »
UncontrollablesStop being angry at people who don't change the way you wanted them to change For me it's stop trying to help someone change the way I want them to change. Maybe the next step for me would have been anger. It's come down to being able to accept... See More »
Do you keep a list of things you can control and things you cannot control?I keep mine in my head....
I have to accept that he didn't choose me, he chose avoidance, anxiety and his ego.I need confidence today. I'm trying to find a new job. I have gotten my health sorted out, I'm getting strong again. Still deeply (mentally?) tired. I've been doing a lot of moving on and toughing it out. Can't someone just hold me for a little... See More »