So I unintentionally pulled an all nighterStarted at 1 and accidentally did about 6 hours of counselling work, now I'm off to London on no sleep but deffo worth it ๐ซก
Life update: (long time no see)Coming to the end of my counselling training in these parts. Its been a hard road but I've grown so much in just two years. In just a few months I'll have a new career that doubles my income, I'll be two years away from being a fully qualified... See More ยป
I did my first 500+ mile round driving trip after a year of drivingI feel like I'm officially an NPC of the road now I did nearly get taken out by a truck on a slip road the size of a driveway but I'm alive so ๐
Ever go through a phase where you have 0 attraction to anybody?This past year has been like that, while it's good to focus on myself it's also quite boring. One of my best friends is probably in the top 3% of beautiful people, guys fall over for her, fly out to see her, and Im surprised I have no attraction.... See More ยป
After finally getting the Tories out after 14 yearsOf incompetence, liars, ugly sentiments and general contempt and complacency, I'm relieved for the first time. I'm more concerned about the US right now though. Particularly Biden, guys done his share and he should step down because he can barely... See More ยป
I hate the internet sometimes. I type lungs burning when runningAnd it's all "signs of lung cancer" "heart failure" "COPD FATAL" "you are going to die" "funeral service providers"
I finally broke into Bronze league with Chun li ๐And I'm very close to Silver. Shes a super hard character to learn but it's paid off.
You can tell when coffee starts to lose it's freshness by the way it settlesIt turns to more of a bubbly foam than a yellow liquid layer, the taste is more bitter, at least with espresso extractions. It's probably better to buy two 250g bags and open one at a time than one 500g or more as it loses it's freshness the moment... See More ยป
This whole ghosting thing needs to stop (IRL)Take some damn responsibility for those around you like a man, or like someone who cares. Inaction is an action in itself and it has consequences that echo into the future. It ruins another person's ability to trust and connect with other people, and... See More ยป
I went to a church graveyard for some peaceIt's like everywhere you go it's nothing but people. It's hard to find the time to really reflect and have moments to yourself and really let my guard down. There's too many of us ๐
I actually took painkillers for onceIt felt like someone was trying to punch it's way out of my head ๐ I've lifted a lot of heavy things recently and I can tell it's like all down my back to my glutes.
I was singing Sinatra in the carAnd I was doing the horn section with my mouth like "BPHHRUHH BUUH BUUURR BUH BUUH" and I forgot I had the window down and some guy was on a run probably like who's this goober? ๐ I actually don't care
I feel kinda crap atm.My bruises foots achey and I feel like I'm sort of coming down with something ๐
So I've definitely bruised the bone on top of my foot ๐ It doesn't hurt but I don't wanna risk making it bad so Ive skipped my class this week ๐ sucks but it comes with the territory.
I wrote and performed a presentation todayOn self development and I wrote it to be insightful and funny and it went better than I thought ๐ lotsa laughs and lots of questions
I don't drink alcohol anymore and I don't think I'm alone in thisApparently people in general don't drink as much. I find for myself it makes me tired and I feel like crap the next day so I just drink coffee instead ๐
I think people develop extreme/strong opinions as a resultOf too much online exposure. They come to think the world is like it is online where a lot of stranger folks reside, when really most people are pretty neutral and reasonable on most ideas and topics. Sometimes I can guess who hasn't left the house... See More ยป
Stellar blade might be the perfect game imo. But the soundtrack, dayummIt ranges from electronica to neo jazz to orchestra, some tracks give Neon Genesis Evangelion vibes. Such a damn cool video game, loved it. Pure fun, immersive and engaging story, lots of love put into it. (2)
Im having a chilled day, I went coffee and plant shoppingGot my 500g of Nicaraguan and bought a small peace lily. The girl behind the counter seemed shy so I made some conversation with her. I commented on how silent the place was and she told me she's there 7 hours a day. We both agreed we find prolonged... See More ยป
I'm training my body and cardio for Muay thai so every morning I've been doing 20 pushups15 situps and 15 deep squats, then stretching hips, legs and core. I just did a 3.15km run without stopping and with my breathing steady. I'm really happy about it, it's been a long hiatus from running and I've improved since ๐