So I unintentionally pulled an all nighterStarted at 1 and accidentally did about 6 hours of counselling work, now I'm off to London on no sleep but deffo worth it 🫡
You need to visit the Natural History Museum in London.It’s very pretty, especially on a sunny day. (2)
Will 2025 be the year a palace guard finally kills one of those annoying tourists? They’ve been asking for it for years… (1)
Are all Roman artefacts (apart from the wall, London Stone and the Mithras Temple, from London displayed in the Museum of London?
Great day in London!!Well the weather wasn’t as bad as I thought it was but didn’t matter as had a fab day eating, walking and making memories 🙌🏻❤ (9)
London bound todaySo weather isn’t looking as bad as I thought it would be thank god so looking forward to a nice day with my hubby and my middle son and his girlfriend today. First stop the cake shop lol 😂🤟🏻 hope you all have a great day!!