Okay…here’s the "sitch": Poll (26) See Poll OptionsImagine you and a family member who tagged along were invited for a meal at your friend’s house. The house is very old, one of the original... See More »
Could use some company ^^Hiyya everyone!! I could rlly use some company rn so feel free to chat or anything ^^ though i must apologise in advance as im not that much of a talker js a listener ^^
how to not be socially awkward with peoplei had a hard life, had my confidence undermined quite a bit and struggle with my self confidence now...as well as a personality disorder i try to deal with, i have social anxiety as well and when in public when talking to people or like today the... See More »
HEY UK I'm tired of political fights for now.So lets start a different kind. Small talk is boring. I SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH AND A BONNET IS A HAT! THE HOOD COVERS THE ENGINE!
I’m at my middle sister’s party, among her friends and colleagues…realizingI don’t like being among large groups of people I don’t know. It’s scary. Her step-grandson, age 6, just came over to me and said, "The party has begun. Please join us." 😱