I WROTE A NEW POEM: As for me, I am hybrid.My mother is 'F' My father is a 'T' ThaT is why They FoughT Because my dad did noT care a loT MY moTher, she FelT bad And thaT ThinG maDe me saD. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test Take your test today, and read all about... See More »
I have seen people who feel superior and hurt others for power ( jealousy, money, fame, etc) face abandonment or dying alone/lonely death.People left them emotionally ( even when in same home) or left them for better looks, money, social status people, etc. I believe in karma 100%
I sometimes become so hard on people who love me.I can’t reciprocate love the way they want me to . .I always think that I will give my 100% to the relationship ,but I turn out to be my biggest critic. Something always pull me back . Its always half empty.But my emotions and care supersede the... See More »
ALSO, LEARNING HOW TO READ MINDS ON MY OWN (WITHOUT ALLAH TELLING ME WHAT SOMEONE IS THINKING).Still, learning. Quite fun. haha and no, not without a mystical crystal ball, or my super-ring. Was just my super-suggestion to Allah, that I don't want that super power. But hey, that was back in 2012, when I was so skinny and insecure. But... See More »
SW: sanctuary of the non-functioning transexual transvestiteindeed, it's a thing and it's HERE...today! (2)