Spring is coming It's always a good feeling when the first flowers of the year start to push through. It's a lovely sunny day too which helps. (2)
What's the furthest you have travelled for a sporting eventI was going to say football but it could just as easily apply to any sporting event. In the 90s my brother and I travelled up to Middlesbrough for a football match only to find the match had been cancelled before we got there meaning we had to turn... See More » (1)
The planets are aligned.All the planets in the solar system are supposedly all lined up at the moment. The sky is clear and there are plenty of bright lights but I don't know what I'm looking at. Does anybody know which lights are planets?
Storm DarraghHas anybody been effected by the storm? It's windy here in the east but I'm certain nothing compared to what the west of the country is experiencing. My thoughts and best wishes go out to any of you that are caught in the eye of the storm.
A Spaceman Came Travelling Did the spaceman come back after 2000 years like he said he would? I don't remember seeing it on the news. (1)
Outlander TV series.I have recently started watching Outlander. It was recommended to me by someone on another platform. Many years ago I was a coach driver and I often travelled around Scotland. I have always been interested in history and when I went to Scotland I... See More »
Still go to the same dentist.Today I went to the dentist for a checkup. The dentist I saw is fairly new to the practice. She replaced the previous dentist who retired earlier this year. She is the 3rd dentist to have looked after me. I am 53 years old and I have only ever been... See More »
Taiko Drumming We saw this this evening at our local theatre. it's definitely worth the price of the ticket if it happens to be passing by wherever you live. (1)
Santa Claus Is Coming To TownI appreciate it might be a bit early to be thinking about Christmas but I am starting to make the arrangements for a large, annual family gathering. I am in the midst of compiling a festive music quiz. It seemed reasonably straight forward to start... See More »
Illustrated PresentationsI am down do present a talk to my local history group. I have done presentations in the past but they had not been designed to fit into a specific time frame. The time allocated for talks is 45 minutes. I have read that the average adult can say... See More »
Wireless DVD playerI am looking for a way of playing DVDs on my TV. I would rather have something I don't have to connect to to the TV. I haven't yet found anything. Some of the players I have looked at also have smart features that I don't need as they are already in... See More »
Numerical tongue twisterWan Wan was a racehorse. Wan Tu was one too. Wan wan won one race. Wan Tu won one too.
Doctor Who Christmas SpecialsThere have been a lot of Doctor Who Christmas Specials. Are there any that you particularly like or particularly hate? What about them made you feel that way?
Flatulence in middle ageDoes anybody have an issue with flatulence? Does anybody know how to control it?