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Outlander TV series.

I have recently started watching Outlander. It was recommended to me by someone on another platform.

Many years ago I was a coach driver and I often travelled around Scotland. I have always been interested in history and when I went to Scotland I would give little history talks to my passengers. These were of course very simplistic in their content and delivery.

It has now been over 10 years since I last went to Scotland and now I have nowhere to share my interest in Scottish history. I would like to find like minded people who would be interested in chatting objectively about this subject.

I would also be interested to hear from anyone who has watched or is watching Outlander. I am so far only up to season 1 episode 6 so no spoilers please.
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I'm not familiar with Outlander, but I am familiar with...


1981 Science Fiction film starring Sean Connery, as a space marshal who discovers a dirty secret on Jupiter's moon, Io.


1986 Fantasy/Drama film starring Christopher Lambert, as an immortal man who fights other immortals throughout the ages.


1986 Original Animated Video adapted from the 1985 Manga of the same name about an Alien woman who falls in love with a News Photographer in the midst of an Alien invasion of Earth.
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@Sidewinder the last one looks interesting.
Sevendays · M
I am on the last season and like the series. Caitriona Balfe is beautiful.
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Sevendays · M
@Reflection2 no problem.
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@Sevendays I have got up to episode 11, unfortunately I don't find it that engaging. The last few episodes I have had on quietly in the background. That way I still get to enjoy the occasion gratuitous nudity.
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
Yes she is stunning. She has a lovely body too. My understanding is that there are currently 7 series. At the rate I am going it will take me along while to get to the end. If I'm being totally honest, I am finding it a bit slow and isn't really holding my interest. I am hoping the historical aspects of it will be sufficient for me to keep watching it.
It looks kind of a canned cheesy romance show
I'm more of a Monarch of the glenn girl myself
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@ffony that looks great. I couldn't do it but I'm pleased for anyone that can. There are some amazing sights to see if you know where to look.
ffony · M
@Jacko1971 You might be surprised what you can do if something motivating presents itself. We were just into our 70s at the time. Topped the Nevis trail with a hike maybe 3/4 way up Meall Mor, in Glencoe. Just kept thinking 'We can probably go another four steps' and then there we were; way up andgazing down on the valley bottom.
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@ffony you did very well. I would liked to have seen Glencoe. My journeys never took me that way.

"Cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe"

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