What is it a man does standing up, a woman does sitting down, and a dog does on three legs?(Answer) Shake hands.
Riddle Me ThisIt's not easy to find unique riddles on the internet anymore, you pretty much get similar ones everywhere. What's a riddle you've heard from friends and family that got you stumped?
A woman's role..The passengers on board their flight know they only have a few minutes left to live, so one woman stands up from her seat and calls out to everyone: "We're all going to die, but before we do, is there anyone willing to make me feel like a woman?" A... See More ยป
Duck heaven..Three women die in a car accident and go to heaven where they are told at the Pearly Gates that the only rule is never to step on a duck. The women enter and do their best to enjoy heaven while being cautious about where they stepped, for there were... See More ยป (1)