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What is Telegram?

What is Telegram and does anyone here use it?
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Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
I've signed up to Telegram. I've no idea how it works but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
HumanEarth · F
Before the 1950s there only two types of telegram: standard and greeting. The greetings one cost more because it would be printed on fancy paper at the receiving post office. There were several styles of fancy paper, but the sender had no control over which one would eventually be used as that depended on what was in stock at the receiving post office. Some examples of the styles of telegram paper are shown on the page about the importance of telegrams in the past.

By the end of the service in September 1982 there were the following types of telegram:

an ordinary telegram

an 'overnight' telegram which was half the price and was delivered the next morning

a priority telegram for around 25p extra which would usually be delivered within the hour

a wedding telegram on suitably attractive paper which we called a WG1

a birthday telegram, also on suitably attractive paper which we called a BH2

a new born baby telegram, also on suitably attractive paper which we called a BB5, and

an all-purpose greeting telegram which we called an AP8.
ffony · M
@HumanEarth You worked in the British GPO? I grew up in UK but didn't know telegrams were classified this way. Something I posted about elsewhere: In my memory I once (1960s) got a letter in Vancouver BC the day after it was mailed in Glasgow, Scotland. Would this really have been possible? At the time, three days would have been normal.
inherimage · F
Very good social platform. And yes I do make use of it for some of my online sessions with my subs
Bowenw · 61-69, M
It's a good messaging app that works on all platforms that I know of. There is no advertising. Conversations sync between all devices, unlike some that only allow you to be logged in on one device at at time and then start with a blank conversation.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
@ffony I remember when they would be delivered to the door.
ffony · M
@Bowenw I think they were always door-delivered, and all too often brought bad news. The sight of the delivery man created automatic misgivings.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
@ffony I remember them occasionally by telephone. I agree they were usually bad news.
It's kind of like WhatsApp messenger, but different. I have an account, don't use it much.
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@SW-User does it do video calls?
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@DanielsASJ I guessed so. Thanks for the info.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I only use it to talk with the Russian Mafia on occasion, so I am not that familiar with it.

Edit: 😆 Lmao to the person who got offended by my dumb joke.
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Bleak · 36-40, F
I heard people are making million bucks using Telegaram. I wonder how 🤔?
@Bleak how. Its just a messenger with groups. You join a group with users like a multi user chat…. and start wasting your time arguing with everybody. Been there a year and haven’t heard of any millions
Shytoshow · 61-69, M
Great question have had so mny invites not a clue what is is LOL
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Morse code transmission over very old wire to warn of adverse weather conditions that could affect farming operations in a negative way. Farm bureau updates on trends in seeds, war news, changes to the train schedules.
swirlie · F
What you're referring to is a "telegraph" message, not a telegram as per the question.

A telegram is not a Morse Code generated transmission over very old wire.

A telegram is a text message that was type-written from a teletype machine which was reproduced in text-form at the receiving end where the message was sent.
swirlie · F
No, that is "telegraph" not telegram.
AnotherWeirdo · 41-45, M
Not interested until they come out with Singing Telegram

(I'm picturing it doing text to voice and then auto-tuning it)
Another Messaging app like whatsapp. I was using it last year. Then deleted it.
Wireman · 31-35, M
Much the same as Whatsa, but not screened by the misinformation lot.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I know telephone
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@GeistInTheMachine hahhaha keep looking for that one cup
ffony · M
@GeistInTheMachine But it won't work if you run the string round a tree! You could try just yelling?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@ffony I have also tried vaping smoke signals, but I passed out once doing that with weed.
YoMomma ·
I heard criminals and terrorist like to use it

Its a messaging app
@YoMomma It's a Anti-Putin Russian social app. Alot of Ukrainians use it- it encrypts everything but requires you to use a phone number. I was using it at the beginning of the Ukraine War to track Russian and Ukrainian troop movements.

Pretty much everyone in the russian sphere of eastern europe, who is paranoid about their security and not being tracked by any government, uses it. Same types who use twitter and instagram here uses that there. I expect social media in the future (over the next few hundred years as a trend) will head in the direction of telegram instead of meta or twitter. You only have to look at the despotism in Brazil and Europe to see why- only way we will be able to have a dunctioning democracy is to break the centralizing control of the state over social correspondence. Any political position a political party doesn't like is bad in todays world, and the US gocernment under Biden did alot to control Twitter prior to Musk taking it over. We can't always expect a Elon Musk to be around to break that up.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
A platform for criminals and scammers just like Twitter X and Instagram
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GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@oldguy73 Lol. He literally got a couple decent answers. Some people just want to hear from other people's experence. It'll be okay, man. Calm down.
DDonde · 31-35, M
It's a messenger app. I do not use it.
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swirlie · F
A telegram is what you send someone to tell them their cat died, when you're too ashamed to tell them that you are the one responsible for the cat's death.

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