Should the verb "to Leslie" be spelt with a lower case initial (i.e. "to leslie")?One website where I posted my other Leslie question seems to think it should. I think it should be capital because it is named after a person.
Why do I get blocked when I try to defend my friends against trolls? Why does SW allow people to misuse and abuse the block feature like that?How else am I supposed to defend my friends against trolls?
What does this nonsense mean? I had a message and the sender blocked me after sending it.If your dyslexic, should seek special ed help hahaha loser Can anybody make sense out of that?
I just blocked a SW user, and another user I was going to block next was blocked by default.Does this mean they are the same person with two accounts?
Who would be in your perfect supergroup? You may choose musicians who are dead or alive.My perfect supergroup would have Joe Cocker on lead vocals, Eric Clapton on lead guitar, John Lennon on rhythm guitar, Roger Waters on bass, Keith Moon on drums and Rick Wakeman on keyboards.
Why would someone insist that "alot" is a word and call me a dummy for saying it isn't?Furthermore, why would this person block me for telling the truth about it? If I am wrong, please tell me which dictionary lists "alot" as a word.
Why can’t we just lop someone’s head off and blame it on the Vikings, like we used to in the days of Alfred the Great?
Those Spaniards are just warmongers, aren't they?If only we could stop fighting the Spanish, we might have some time to fight the French.
Do you cry tears of relief when you find out the guy you thought was a hotel inspector sells outboard motors?