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What kind of people deserved your respect?

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4meAndyou · F
I always learn a better way from ABCDEF7. I WAS going to say that respect has to be earned before I will give it. What I give to everyone before I know anything about them is what I call "being polite".
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Strangers/acquaintances deserve basic respect until they prove otherwise.
Those loyal to me all my respect.
Those I love- all ,until proven otherwise.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The ones who treated themselves and other people with respect.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@Thevy29 make sense
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Those that gave me, as well as others, respect.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
People who have boundaries and stand by themselves but are also wise enough to admit when they're wrong.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@SatanBurger it takes a lot of guts to admit they are wrong
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Khaira if one is humble enough, it should not be that hard.
Lugwho · 61-69, M
Everyones starts out with my respect. A lot of people lose it.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@Lugwho they are worthless
Tumbleweed · F
Native Americans, now & forever
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Khaira Kevin Maddrey.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
@nobodyishome would you do him
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@JohnOlinger81 He doesn't want to do me 🤣
Khaira · 31-35, F
@rinkydinkydoink but why?

Are you serious?
Maybe because kind people are less likely to be obnoxious? More likely to comfort you when you're suffering?
Kiesel · 56-60, M
Indigenous people who understand the value of community and harmony with nature.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@MarbleMarvel they are usually excel on this thing
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Anyone that doesnt want to hurt me.
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Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@nobodyishome Some could use a couple..
ChemicalXTheAlien · 36-40, F
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I haven't seen anyone to respect's been like years
nedkelly · 61-69, M
You earn respect
ChemicalXTheAlien · 36-40, F
@nedkelly So do you by default go around disrespecting strangers until they do something you deem worthy of respect?
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@ChemicalXTheAlien I can only judge people on how i see them
ChemicalXTheAlien · 36-40, F
@nedkelly okay, that’s real neat.,,so, do you by default go around disrespecting strangers until they do something you deem worthy of respect?
daaaan2000 · M
Intelligent ones
Khaira · 31-35, F
@daaaan2000 but what if they are intelligent but lack emphaty?
daaaan2000 · M
@Khaira our AI overlords know whats best 😤
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Wine waiters. 🍷 ✌
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Khaira 🤔 i work on the proviso i do not give a toss who you are and what position you hold. if you want my respect you earn it not a god given right
Khaira · 31-35, F
@smiler2012 what is proviso?
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Respectful people obviously.
No one really. Im not particularly someone special so i dont expect any special treatment
icedsky · 51-55, M
Respect everyone until proven that they don't deserve it..
HollowVerses · 31-35, M
The ones who earn it treat people as they treat you
HollowVerses · 31-35, M
@nobodyishome People who deserve my respect are the people who give me respect
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@HollowVerses It can't be all about you my friend. Hard truth of life.
HollowVerses · 31-35, M
@nobodyishome Give what you get
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Khaira · 31-35, F
@hiddenpearl what? Lol
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pdockal · 56-60, M
Most to they disrespect me
Khaira · 31-35, F
@pdockal oh..
pdockal · 56-60, M

Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
those that face their demons
Khaira · 31-35, F
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Khaira Not for me though. If I meet a crackhead and they still continue down their destructive path while upfront about I will respect their integrity of standing by their choice
Reject · 26-30, M
Anyone who doesn’t need respect.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Reject and who would that be?
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Reject And for me, only people who hurt Allah and who Allah wants me not to respect. That would include anybody Allah tells me not to respect. And Allah told me to 'respect' Kevin, and that's what I will do. Bye.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
I respect to everyone i see around, except corrupt people and terrorists... Who kill and hurt innocent#
Everyone, until they prove that they don't deserve to be respected.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@ABCDEF7 agree
Nunki · 31-35, F
Those who never break promises
Khaira · 31-35, F
@Nunki truly a gem
mindless · M
Everyone does till they lose it
Wol62 · 51-55, M
People who use SW...obs!
Lyndawifeandmom · 41-45, F
Definitely black people 🥰
Khaira · 31-35, F
@Lyndawifeandmom interesting
Use everyone as they deserve and who should escape whipping?
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Those who acknowledge stuff that isn't sexual.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@PaleandPolluted i agree with you on this
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Khaira · 31-35, F
@SStarfish yea some people didnt deserved any respect, what worse is it seems like they are enjoy it
@Khaira yeah i guess that's the icing.. 😏
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Those who anonymously help other others seeking no personal recognition.
Khaira · 31-35, F
@jackjjackson beautiful soul
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
People that do good and ignore and don’t participate in gossip.

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