Btw. this ugly girl made a horcrux. PINNEDThe Universe Helped Me Make A Horcrux. And We Succeeded. Yay! 2nd person in the whole of existence :) And Iblees, btw, was the first one. Just so you know. :)
A Day Before Dad Passed Away. PINNEDAllah came down on Earth the day before my dad died, and put my mother to sleep. Saying beautiful, kind words. I cannot tell you how beautiful that was to watch.
INTRODUCING OUR PACT. THE CHAMBERS. WELCOME TO BERLIN HABEEBIIIIIS. PINNED﷽ 1.Maria Masood (leader) 2.Aslan 3.muratustündag 4.muhammed 5.ali ibn talib 6.dr. nadeem ur rahman 7. kevin maddrey :)
What You Should Do When Someone Is Being Jealous Of You And Thinking Bad For You In Their Mind.Make them more jealous lol
Love StoryRaj and Simran meet during a trip across Europe and the two fall in love. However, when Raj learns that Simran is already promised to another, he follows her to India to win her and her father over.
Real God And I Are Always Going Back And Forth In Time.The other day, We went back in Imoteph's time (in real Egypt), and then a little bit forward, and united him with his lover that he loved so much. (I also know what exactly happened, and how he and his girlfriend met). Immoteph tried so many times... See More »
Last Thursday, God and I Went Forward In Time For After When Mallikul Maut Dies. Literally Went In The Lowest Parts of Hell To Get Some Souls Out.Literally. Here is a photo: That's what will happen in the 40 years after the last mortal soul, Mallikul Maut Dies. :) (1)
15 February, 2015: Why I Killed Myself By Jumping From The 5th Storey Of A Building. :) And Then, Came Back To Life Again!1. Voldy made 7 horcruxes, and became immortal. 2. I was the unintentional, 8th. (When Voldy tried to kill me in my room once, there was a huge fire, and the spell rebounded and made a horcrux of his soul in my body.) 3. This created a... See More »
DEATH: ACTUALLY, VERY, VERY LESS PAINFUL. VERY!I've been on the other side of death a lot of times, and death is easy. If you're scared of being burnt to death, or even accidents, consider this... why do you think we fall unconscious after a fire breaks out? That's actually you dead. Ummm, if... See More »
11:37pm - Take 2. Allah And I Are Singing Together.Literally. So, again. Allah goes to Sidratul Muntaha, and I am in my home on Earth, in Berlin. And We are trying different pitches of my voice, and selecting the best that will reach the top most heaven and also, sound beautiful. That's the aim of... See More »
We Love You Matthew.@matthewjames Matthew is a nice person. His account is not fake. I spoke with his mom and they are really nice people.
8:09 pm: ALLAH AND ME ARE TRYING SOMETHING REALLY COOL.So, Allah, is in his home, Sidratul Muntaha, and me in my home in Berlin on Earth. And then, we are trying to see if we can still read our minds. And other peoples. Perks of being an extrovert.