Sooo those Subliminals on YouTube do work LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I just did them applications on Indeed last night and One of them done texted today and told me to come in for an interview tomorrow at 11 am ❤❤❤❤❤ that one of the subliminals on my playlist is "Get the job" Soo fingers crossed... See More »
If your just gonna put something negative on my posts or be hateful...I'm just gonna block you... So why even waste your time?🤷🤷🤷🤷 Your not gonna accomplish anything..
If Y'all like them Horror Host Shows like I do 🎃🎃🎃👻👻👻💀💀💀 New Episode of Creature Feature on YouTube in less than an hour... You can even chat to the other fans in the chat if you watch it on YouTube... What I do Is put it on YouTube on my TV then I will participate in the chat on my tablet ❤❤❤❤ (1)
Oh and the Pizza Man Hung up on me at Poppa John's LMAO!!!!MF tried to charge me $4.00 for an extra sauce.. I told him I'm not paying $4.00 for an extra sauce that's crazy... And he seriously hung up on me 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 My Mom just went to order the pizza herself... Shows how much I care... I really should stay... See More »
Yeah By the way I ment to tell y'all ...The Barber Shop I go to... The guy that cuts my hair plays Steel Guitar (Country Music) and he's played at the Grand Ol Opry Twice... At the new one and the old one.. he told me about that and said the first time he was nervous cause he had never... See More »
I'm still going about the Gas Station Job Tomorrow... But...If that don't work out.. my Mom's friend has a Landscaping business and he's hiring... I sent him a message on Facebook... I don't mind riding the Mower around.. just hate carrying that Weed eater around as I have done it in the past... But a job is... See More »
YEAH FACTS!!! And MABY.. JUST MABY... That "Immortality" frequency I listen to on YouTube helps a little too.. LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤❤❤ (1)
So apparently it's supposed to snow here in my town on Thursday here in Tennessee...And HELL YEAH!!! I'm NOT ready for that summer heat 🥵🥵🥵🥵 makes me MISERABLE.... Again I don't lie when I say I'm kinda like Mr. freeze from Batman LOL but... LET IT SNOW!!! ❄❄❄❄❄☃☃☃☃☃❤❤❤❤❤
In case any of y'all ever wanted to dance with Lady Gaga LOLCome across this when I was doing them surveys for money... Apparently you upload a video of yourself dancing on TIK TOK and hashtag it with the hash tag on there and you have a chance to win to dance with Lady Gaga on one of her videos or... See More » (1)
And MIGHT have another Gas job....Gotta take my application back on Tuesday and talk to the hiring manager... See what happens... This will be the THIRD time I've tried to get a job at this one... Third time's the charm they say LOL so finger crossed 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
I asked AI to generate me pictures of Brittany Murphy with Angel Wings... Again I fell in love with her cause of her voice when she played Louane on King of the Hill... These pictures are Beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤ R.I.P Brittany Murphy (2)
OMG i LOVE this movie!!! not the full version obviously cause of YouTube copyrights but its called "Earth to Echo" about these kids that find this little robot.. I used to watch this movie Over and over.. 🥰🥰🥰 (1)
Detective Brandon SVU!! Went to Spirit Halloween Today 🤣🤣🤣 If yall call me "Doofy" from Scary Movie.. I hate you all! LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (1)
As and Old School Star Wars Fan growing up.. the first part of this video gives me chills and all kinds of butterflies in my stomach.. Thats it.. theres a GOOD CHANCE ima do some research into the real life Jedi Religion 😬😬😬 (1)
People that dont work..Forget what its like to be in a hurry 😠😠😠.. My moms ex boyfriend saw me at the groacery store a minute ago and was tryina talk to me and i was tryina get back home and fix me somethin to eat.. And YEAH i got plenty of time right now but i like to... See More »
Welp i just got off work..One more day shift tomorrow then im getting moved to night shift.. HOOORAY.. so i can sleep in!! LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh yeah i got to get this head shaved tomorrow.. Im looking like a Crazy Person again LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (1)