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Do good men exists?

Most of my experiences with men were bad. Most men seem egoistic type who come in my life who tend to abuse, betray , put me down or be emotionally unavailable. Do any other women have, good experiences with men who treat them good? Sometimes all my experiences make me question the existance of good men, sometimes i feel are all men pretending and men only want to suppress, feel superior, control or use women.

Maybe i am bad at judging men or choosing men who are bad and good. Idk what i am doing wrong
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Maybe you are making the wrong choice and entering into a relationship too quickly
Ever thought of that ?
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@littlepuppywantanewlife i think u can start at any age if u like the activities u do. I can understand life can get busy sometimes. By leaving my place means, i want to go to more developed, educated and safer place than where i live.
@sahi81 it’s not women’s fault they’re dependent on men. It was forced upon us for centuries. They literally used the law and threat of physical violence to prevent us from having equality.

I think it’s best we call out these behaviors so men that are growing up know that it will no longer be tolerated. If they take it personally, then that’s on them. They’ll only complain when they know it probably applies to them. If they’re true allies to women, they would also point out the toxic behavior.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@666Maggotz i seen some men point out bad behaviours on other men. and some men don't point out even if they themselves don't engage in such behaviours, no idea why, maybe they r scared. and many men ( maybe bad ones come in women's life more or more visible unlike decent ones) even encourage bad behaviours of men and most of society tolerate saying "men will be men". Everyone are different. I think most people show apathy to such issues unless it happens to them. As an women, all i can do is, be independent, many men tried to drag me down many times tbh. I agree, as society we need to stop being tolerant of bad behaviors of men and put consequences of men. I always thoughtt if any guy even passes any comments on any women, his half salary must be cut and be donated to women's safety or protection lol. I think bad men start by passing comments and get away with it and later do something even badder.
What we men see around?
Mostly good men, hard working, who wants to provide to their families or want to built a family and provide them with care, love and above all financial protection.

What most women see around? Where are all the good men.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Reflection2 maybe good ones don't come in women's life, do u have any idea why?

I heard that bad ones chase women more so women think most men r bad. Why is that good ones don't tend to chase or approach?
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Reflection2 and bad ones don't tend to be picky but good ones tend to be picky
Bleak · 36-40, F
@Reflection2 Good point 👏 👏
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Yes I am one of them. I always tell the truth no matter what the person wants to hear, I tell them what they need to hear. And I always in the person I tell you I am for better or worse. And when I do commit it is 100%
HobNoblin · 36-40, MNew
A man is a fool or a hero depending on whether there are enemies at the gate or not. Why not just forget about men and lead a quiet life of study?
Blondily · F
There are a lot of bad apples out there unfortunately. Seek men in nicer environments never online. Most are married and players.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
It sounds like you've had some bad experiences. Try not to let them jade you to the possibilities out there.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Nice is different from good. And what is good for you may not be good for others and vice versa.
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69
There are good ones sometimes it seems they are all taken but i dont think thats true
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Shybutwilling2 i too don't beleive it's true,
I think of th the thousands of men I've met and known. 5 or 6 have been good.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@WonderingWhileWandering for me, i saw many decent ones, but idk if i consider them good. Some of them seem judgmental. I never known any men for long to say if they r truly good or not. I think it takes time to know
Honestly, no. The best you can get is “decent/acceptable”.
Fionnuala · 41-45, FNew
Yes, I found and married one. They are out there.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Yes. I have had very good experiences with men.
Yes good men exist.
Absolutely good men exist, and women are finding them.
Sometimes it’s a question of really getting to know the person, not moving too fast, and not ignoring red flags that indicate that he’s not the right person.
@sahi81 My experience has been that good men often come into women’s lives, but women dismiss them because they don’t initially see them as romantic prospects. My cousin recently married her accountant (she’s a pensioner, not wealthy, he’s doing quite well). A neighbor here married our postman.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@bijouxbroussard maybe bad men appear more confident or create a fantasy. Good ones take time and only do it when committed or when dating? not from first itself? bad ones can't respect women's boundaries
@sahi81 That is true, men who view dating as a game do come off as more confident and appear to be more persistent. Some women also say they have a weakness for "bad guys", but the smart ones grow out of that, it rarely ends well.
Northwest · M
Perhaps you should figure out why you seek abusive relationships. Certainly there are healthy relationships out there. The proof: all those people in successful relationships.
where are all the good men dead?
in the heart or in the head.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Where are you from?
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
Don't worry, There are good men.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔..........Yes, there are good men out there....
funxxx707 · 51-55, M
Yes we do
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sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@SmileOnYourBrother need to hear?? means u r serious? oh god
@sahi81 If you didn't need to hear it, you wouldn't have asked the question. 😏
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@SmileOnYourBrother i 'needed' to hear other women's experiences with men. Especially good experiences. To not lose hope in the existence of good men. Why would any women need to hear something like that, what is wrong with her and why???
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