It can be misleading sometimes. Student's head low, not making eye contact can mean aversion, dishonesty, etc.
However, in some cultures that is a sign of respect by a student for the instructor. This is but one example.
One has to be very careful in cross-cultural interactions.
Also, a recent study I read about (looking for original source) on facial expression concluded that expressions are often NOT indicative of the emotion one would think due to a number of psychological or social influences. This was surprising to me.
@ABCDEF7 Unfortunately, the whole pop psychology techniques interviewers use is silly and damaging. They are hardly qualified to make any determination from such supercillious techniques. People abused by others also might avoid eye contact. Favorite colors, animals, etc. are more of this silliness.
@Neoerectus there's also personal things that can make this stuff vague or misinterpreted .
A student with their head down and avoiding eye contact could also be focusing very hard on listening . I myself sometimes close my eyes to listen harder. Sometimes in meetings I will bow my head or look into my lap to focus my attention wholly on the speaker. I can look away when I'm trying to recall something from memory when I'm speaking.
I can tell a lot, I read people constantly, I see their emotions even if they hide it, I can see when people lie etc. I notice everything, my eldest daughters the same.
If you're a people watcher, body language, eye contact, facial features, ect... Are just as important as spoken language. An empath can read like a book. Just have to be in touch with that kind of vocabulary is all. 💫🙌🤗
Their level of being uncomfortable is way up there in the tell-tales because that usually happens when we’re a bit vulnerable and unable to wear the mask we need to push through. Sometimes being highly engaged can be in that list as well because the mask has been lowered for other reasons. Some other hidden feelings can rise to the surface, but those traditional identifiers you often hear about aren’t always accurate and shouldn’t be used to come to your own conclusions about anything. And this is coming from someone who used to strongly believe you could read a person based solely on their body language. You can’t though. Way too many factors can influence a lean or a turn of the toes.
I notice obvious signs but subtle body language I don't judge because I've known a lot of people, myself included, who have awkward body language.
@Gangstress But somebody who is being dishonest would know the body language that gives dishonesty away and would be careful to avoid that.
Body language might help you tell if a random person is being dishonest - but it wouldn't help you tell if a practiced/experienced liar is being dishonest.
Of course it's the practiced liars you need to watch for!
@JonUK31 you're talking like people are clever. Most havent a clue what body language they're giving off. Yes im quite susceptible to liars even from speech..practice as much as they like. Empaths know
It's like everything -- requires context: culture they come from, situation they are in, amount of experience or training they have in projecting the image they want to project. The con men, the marketing people, the politicians, the poker players all know the "tells" not to send, and the ones to send. It is another form of communication that requires active listening, and looking for context and nuance.
Body language is culture specific. The same body postures and gestures can have different meanings in different cultures. For instance, holding your hand out, fingers together, and palm facing outward is a symbol for stop in North America. In Greece, the same gesture is highly insulting. I’d be careful 😌. lol
Body language happens at a few evels . Some are universal standards, some are personal behavioral traits specific to that person or condition.
But general things like defensive or protective stances, where there hands are and how they move while speaking, facial basics like chin tensioning, cheek apples rising , even posture and breathing can all indicate peoples suppressed limbic responses .
It's incredibly fascinating how a trained professional can pick up so much about a person.
Personally , I can see defensiveness, sometimes deception, sometimes bullshit, openness, and sometimes dislike . Aggressive Dominance is always easy, I think anyone can pick up on that .
The trick is not to subconsciously respond to it myself , as your own body language can feed the other person and they can sunconsoisly pick up on it's really tricky stuff .
I guess normally I'm the one to be watched because I'm too occupied with my own nervousness/anxiety and ways how to stop making them obvious to others.
@NurseKel Watch the Steve Wilkos Show and the Jerry Springer Show for a couple of months. After a while you will be able to spot the liars very easily.
I can tell this woman doesn't realize she forgot to remove her sleep mask -