Am I wrong for wanting thisSo my partner never wants to do anything with me. When I went to go out for a drink or a meal she’s always got e excuse not to come with me. Am I wrong for thinking I should find someone else that wants to do things with me.
Don’t like this getting oldThis getting old is not what I signed up for. Hands are killing me today and the same with my feet. This cold and damp weather can do one every day the pain gets worse
Why is everything in people’s life a dream now days. Don’t people have anything good going on in their life’s anymore
Can someone please answer me this.So a pizza is round but with cut it into triangle slices then we put it into a square box.
This weather is so depressing. Yesterday was nice and sunny and now today it’s looking like rain. Is it to much to ask for a summer
I feel so much better knowing thisSo a few months ago I went to hospital with a suspected heart attack. After all the tests they did it turned out not to be one. And it turns out that I have never had one before which I was happy about. But in the test results they found that I had... See More »
This weather is so depressing it was sunny for a little while. Now it looks like rain again. I just want some sunshine
I was born on a small island. It’s only 9 miles long and 4 miles wide. I bet know one can guess where in from.
Is it just me or do others think this way.I can’t stand ignorant people you are talking with them on WhatsApp or some other sites you see that they have seen your messages but they can’t be bothered to answer. Or you send them a message they read it but never reply. My family does this all... See More »