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JSul3 · 70-79
Historically, it is conservatives.

When conservatives controlled the Democratic party, former Confederates formed the KKK.

When the Civil Rights and the Voters Rights Acts were signed by LBJ, those conservative Democrats jumped to the Republican party.

From Nixon forward, the party became more conservative. The moment the Robert's court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act, the ink wasn't dry as red states began passing restrictive voting laws.

Now the party of Lincoln/Reagan is dead. It is now 100% The Party of Trump, where no voice of dissent is allowed, and those who do not bow down and pledge 100% loyalty to Dear Leader Trump, are quickly dispatched.

The party had 2 opportunities to remove the cancerous growth Trump from their body politic, but refused to do so, because they feared losing power and control. Now they can reap what they sow....a candidate that spouts fear mongering, hateful rhetoric, threatens to destroy democracy, and sees himself as an authoritarian in the mold of those he admires, Putin and Kim.

If you doubt their plans for governing, read Project 2025. The object is to hand all of the power of governing to the Executive branch, and dismantle the 3 branches of government, and use the military to remove dissenters.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@JSul3 An interesting, and revealing, read.

Reason10 · 61-69, M
Historically, it is conservatives.

That is a lie. Modern day Conservatism goes back to the mid-Sixties, (when Democrats decide to try to turn America into the Soviet Union.

When conservatives controlled the Democratic party, former Confederates formed the KKK.

Nope. The Democrats have ALWAYS been racists. They are racists today. Instead of the KKK, they have the racist BLM.

When the Civil Rights and the Voters Rights Acts were signed by LBJ, those conservative Democrats jumped to the Republican party.

That is a lie that has been debunked a million times. Republicans were the reason for the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which ended the Democrat JIM CROW laws.

From Nixon forward, the party became more conservative. The moment the Robert's court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act, the ink wasn't dry as red states began passing
restrictive voting laws.

Nixon was one of the most LIBERAL presidents in history. He had a record that far lefters like Carter, Obama, KKKlinton and Unelected Joe would envy. NO Supreme Court has struck down ANY portion of the Republican Civil Rights Act.

Now the party of Lincoln/Reagan is dead. It is now 100% The Party of Trump, where no voice of dissent is allowed, and those who do not bow down and pledge 100% loyalty to Dear Leader Trump, are quickly dispatched.

Trump governed PRECISELY like Reagan, which gave America the greatest economy of all time, and WORLD PEACE. Most of America wants him back in office, after that RACIST UNELECTED PEDOPHILE Biden destroyed our economy and brought us close to WWIII.

The party had 2 opportunities to remove the cancerous growth Trump from their body politic, but refused to do so, because they feared losing power and control. Now they can reap what they sow....a candidate that spouts fear mongering, hateful rhetoric, threatens to destroy democracy, and sees himself as an authoritarian in the mold of those he admires, Putin and Kim.

The only cancer is liberalism. Also known as NAZISM for the 21st Century.
Eichmann would be proud of you DemoNazis.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Reason10 So who were those 'fine people' in Charlottesville, carry tiki torches and chanting 'Jews will not replace us! Blood and soil?'
They were not Democrats....they were Trump's base.
J6: The Day Blue Lives Didn't Matter.....
Trump's base.

I see that you have your own set of 'alternative facts.'
Heartlander · 80-89, M
What I like most about Republicans is that they aren’t Democrats. What I like least about Republicans is that when they get elected they try to be Democrat Lite’
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Partisan robots on both sides are wrecking the future for anyone who expects government to solve problems and actually serve the people.

But it's also obvious that there are no true conservatives left in what was the republican party. It's become a vehicle for radical wingnut extremists.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

You and I will strongly disagree on that.
@GuiltyBiStander The government in its present form will never do such a thing.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Stop trying to cheer me up .
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
When did the conservative party ever conserve for all?

Now let's consider from where the word Republic came? Plato's Republic and following him Aristotle's dreaded aristocracy.

Both of which where against the then so called Greek democracy. So much so that their predecessor Socrates was killed before 400 BCE!

Yep! Over 2,300 years ago!


BTW your link has absolutely nothing to do with this or with xtians and really is Spam!

The xtians will probably hate me more than you, for bringing up the association between aristocrats and xtians.

The hierarchy of the Catholic Church (400 ACE) is basically a Aristocracy, with Deacons, Nuns, Priests, Bishop's, Arch Bishops, Cardinals with the Pope (a king) as it's head.

All of this (both parts) is why most religious Republicans hate democracy!

They despised the Greeks for over 2,000 years of all that 2,300 years. And why Latin was the preferred language despite some of the scrolls being written in Greek! Some of the the letters were to the gatherings in Greece. Really couldn't call them churches since they were homes before 320 ACE.
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrat hate for Christians is right out in the open now. Sorry to inform that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior!!
jehova · 31-35, M
@graphite get over it. He did
Sorry to inform that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior!!

Amen!!!!! 🙌

Isn't it great that the gospel has nothing to do with American politics?
jehova · 31-35, M
I vote republicans.
Politicians in general
MasterLee · 56-60, M
justanothername · 51-55, M
MAGA cultists do the most damage.
Garden variety Republicans are absolutely fine.
keekolen · 31-35, F
@justanothername Interesting :) Please elaborate

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Pretzel · 61-69, M
depends on who has the majority at the time
RedBaron · M
What’s the difference?
jehova · 31-35, M
Old rich ppl in politics
Vin53 · M
You do know that most conservatives are republicans and vice-versa right?
keekolen · 31-35, F
@Vin53 oops, i meant republicans or democrats, one sec
Republicans are conservatives so same difference.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
You can ask that with a straight face?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I don't think that... thing is either
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I agree with what most folks are saying. It's conservatives more than Republicans. Before the Civil Rights movement of the 20th century, most of the conservatives were Democrats. When the Democratic party saw the direction things were going, they went liberal, and a bunch of conservatives jumped ship and joined the GOP.
They all do, they get the rank and file voters to believe the other side is the problem, get them fighting with one another, then smoke their cigars and drink their Dom or Chivas watching the fireworks together as they do their secret deals together. Left wing, right wing, they both lift up the same corrupt bird.
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@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Read my own comment

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