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Maga Trumplicans like to say that the left is brainwashed (and/or actively trying to destroy AMerica lol) and of course the left says the same, BUT

...which side is more accurate?

So this is not a thread to go tit for tat on which leader or party did what. The question i want to examine is who is actually brainwashed here?

On the Trump side we hear things like "Trump is the greatest president in American history", "Only Trump can save America", "Trump is the only one who can prevent WW3" and we also hear conspiracy theories for why not everyone loves Trump the way his base does or why he appears to have done bad things and on and on.
tl;dr Trump is the saviour genius who can do no wrong.

On the Democrat side....people like a lot of what Biden has presided over, they like that he's not Trump.....and that's pretty much it.
There are precious few people on the left who seem to think Biden is the bees knees and NONE that i've heard of who think he's a faultless hero.

So.....which of those two groups seems the most brainwashed? Cultish?

This....kinda makes the answer obvious to me but let's keep the discussion going!
Carla · 61-69, F Best Comment
Come on....
Pikachu ·

lol OOOF.
Yup, the literal golden idol is a YUGE check in the Trump Cult category😂
Carla · 61-69, F
Thanks for bc @Pikachu🙂
Carla · 61-69, F
@BohemianBoo right?

Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
If Biden was under 91 indictments in 4 separates cases the left would drop him like a rotten hot potato. Meanwhile Orange Julius could theoretically serve a second term while serving 20 years and his base would still cheer him on. It’s just bizarre.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
@Pikachu Real Americans wouldn’t try to overthrow democracy, period.
Pikachu ·

Seems like an obvious thing to say....and yet😆😂😭
needsmilk808 · 56-60, M
@Zaphod42 if Biden in his heart served to protect his people, country and constitution of this country I would gladly vote for him but sadly on day one with every stroke of his pen he undermined this country, when a countries government is recognized as having power over its people it has lost its way. The servants of it people (the government) must at all times be the expression of the will of its people. In my humble opinion Biden does in no way embody the will of the people he took an oath to serve, if he did I would have voted for him
beckyromero · 36-40, F
President Biden knows he's a bridge president, someone to help get us over turbulent waters.

Had the Republican Senate had the good sense to convict Trump during the second impeachment and barred him from serving again, the MAGA fire might have burned itself out. Trump should have been kicked out of office (either by impeachment or through the 22nd Amendment) and had it happened it (along with January 6th) the MAGA cultists would have been largely discredited.

Depending on who the Republicans would have ran, Biden might not have ran for a second term. But, as he sees it (as do I), he is the best candidate to defeat Trump - just as he was in 2020.

He's the best person to stop Putin's aggression in Europe - and perhaps prevent a third world war.

If Trump had been forced out of office in disgrace, his hold on Republicans would have been greatly diminished - and he wouldn't be seeking out candidates to primary other Republicans. The GOPers in Congress now and after the 2024 elections would be much more "traditional."

If the members of the Republican Party had the backbone of those in the 1980s or even into the 1990s, the war in Ukraine would have been over by now because we'd have provided (along with NATO) enough weaponry to Ukraine that it would have not only pushed back the Russians but re-taken Crimea as well.
Pikachu ·

Yes, including Trump supporters who made a LITERAL GOLDEN IDOL😆
The point being that there are far too many Tumplicans who DO view him as infallible or as some larger than life saviour and object of worship
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@Pikachu why don't you enlighten us and tell us the exact number.
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Vin53 · M
9 out of 10 cons being convinced the 2020 election was rigged even with overwhelming evidence to the contrary tells you everything you need to know about the current state of US politics.
Pikachu ·

It's sad and frightening to see the way people on the right literally say that the left hates their country and democracy and wants to destroy it.
Off the cuff, IF there is "brainwashing" going on for the "left" (false flag stuff excepted), I think it's pretty subtle and is mostly a matter of over covering some issues and under covering others.

The "right" used to do this same kind of thing, and Fox still does, albeit maybe more egregiously. But Trump, with his narcissism, hyperbole, alternative facts and rejection of norms has really taken things to a whole new level.

I don't mean to just Trump bash here. Both Biden and the Democratic party are less well suited to repeatedly yelling the Big Lie really loudly and getting people to goose step. In fact, at least post Obama, it seems like fighting Trump and Trumpism is just about the only thing that unites the American "left."

Democrats sometimes reluctantly tolerate folks like Manchin, Sinema, AOC, etc, while, under Trump, folks like McCain, Romney and Liz Cheney are treated as apostates if they don't drink Trump's Kool aid of the day.
Pikachu ·

Good assessment👍
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@BohemianBoo one had an administration that got passed the largest infrastructure spending bill in decades, one brought back support for NATO, one managed to cap the cost of several medications, presided over emergence ft m.a pandemic, rather than pushing treatments which are known to have caused preventable deaths. The other presided over the largest tax cut in decades, plunging the economy into the largest national debt in peacetime history, and attempted to reverse a national election...
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Someone once told me that most people don't truly pay attention to what is going on and what causes what, they are kind of stupid when it comes to things outside their little bubble. But they vote.
Pikachu ·

That's definitely a thing. Gotta seek out contrary positions otherwise you end up with a distorted view of reality.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Subsumedpat I heard a woman in New Hampshire that voted for tRump in 2016, Biden in 2020, but if it is the two of them running in 2024, she plans to stay home! How about such wonderful intellect!
Convivial · 26-30, F
Belief without evidence i think is part of the answer here... Trump promised much but delivered little.
Remember Mexico paying for the wall?
Pikachu ·

That big beautiful wall 😏
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Pikachu that's the one😝
I think the way you began your "question" gave away your (dubious) conclusion.
Pikachu ·

lol well that certainly telegraph's you're exremism....and while it implies a level of fanaticism for the right, it still fails to answer the question in this thread.

Do you think that the Democrats cultishly support Biden in the same way that Maga Trumplicans support Trump?
I am not extreme. You are, a prog Davos man. Please do NOT reply.
Pikachu ·

Sorry, i don't understand your extremist jargon.
But plainly you are either unable or unwilling to make a case for you position and as such have lost my interest.
You may reply if you feel moved to do so😉👍
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Lefties/democrats are brain dead
Pikachu ·

Duly noted.
Did you have an answer to the question though?
gol979 · 41-45, M
Both. Blues, how can you praise an addled old puppet biden? Reds, how can you praise mr lockdown, op warp speed trump?
Pikachu ·
@LordShadowfire Oh i see what you mean. Yeah If you repeat the lie enough even the people who don't support you will start to internalize it.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Pikachu ive answered the question......its both sides. A vote for biden will do nothing good for the average american and a vote for trump will do nothing good for the average american. When this is pointed out, 99% of the times the response will be, "its better than the other person".......but millions will still turn up and vote.
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Fairydust · F
As an outsider looking in, the left are absolutely nuts 🥜 🤣
Pikachu ·

Trump told them to stand by. Told them to come to DC. Told them to stop the steal. Told them to go to the capitol. Told them to make Pence stand strong. Told them to fight. Waited 3 hours to stop them. Told them he loved them and would pardon them.
Fairydust · F
@Pikachu [image deleted]
Pikachu ·

Uh oh...if you hand the, oh you know, thing...you'd be using your words, not memes🤷‍♀️
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Neither side is accurate. Nobody goes into mainstream politics actively seeking to destroy their country 🙄 The polarisation of political debate and the lack of respect that people have for opinions other than their own has led to this sort of meaningless rhetoric.
Pikachu ·

Do you think it is a equal number of people on both sides?
Are there rallies going on for Biden that espouse conspiracy theories and champion Biden as a saviour who can do no wrong?
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Pikachu I'm not sure even his keenest supporters would claim that!
Pikachu ·

I think you're right about that
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
I'm someone who dislikes the left but I'm not touching MAGA with a 10 foot pole.
Pikachu ·

You can for sure disagree with leftist policies while still recognizing that Trump is a dangerously declining old man with narcissistic, megalomaniacal tendencies.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Love him or hate him, Trump is certainly a Phenomenon.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Thevy29 that is an understatement, but there was a world war fought because of a few phenomena
Pikachu ·

So was the Spanish Flu🤷‍♀️
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Lefties are not brainwashed. Nothing there to wash
Pikachu ·

Haw haw hawwwwww
Answer the question😏
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@Patriot96 prefers to do the typical Reich-wing tactic of insulting people he disagrees with instead of proving why they're wrong.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Because someone isn't someone else doesn't make them good @ what they are doing & that's the wrong way to look @ things
Pikachu ·

[quote]Anybody but biden

lol still not an answer to the question of the thread....
pdockal · 56-60, M

Don't know what to tell you
You'll just have to settle for it and move on
Pikachu ·

lol certainly.
You're a grown up and i'm not going to try and coddle you into giving a thoughtful response.
You do you, boo😉
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
List off several things that make a country good/strong. And then see who is working towards or away from those.
Use logic...why would you choose things that you choose for this list?
Pikachu ·

Good idea, go for it👍

But it's not really addressing the question...
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
The key is to say something negative about the person's candidate of choice.

• You tell me Joe Biden is getting older, and may not be fit for office much longer, and I'll acknowledge that it's possible. You tell a Trump supporter that, and they'll deny it and call you names.

• You tell a Biden supporter that Hunter broke the law, and they'll agree. You tell a Trump supporter that Don Jr or Eric broke the law, and you get a barrage of insults.

• You tell a Biden supporter that Joe may have committed a few acts of sexual harassment, and they admit that it's possible. You tell a Trump supporter that there's evidence Donald may have committed actual sexual assault, and you can actually see the steam coming out of their ears.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Edit: ACTS, not APPS! Stupid phone...
Pikachu ·

Excellent point.
If leader is beyond criticism, you just might be i a cult
Renaci · 36-40
The right lies and talks about all the evidence they have for everything. They have absorbed Christianity and they have had that same reality denying mentality for thousands of years. They absorb flat earth, 5G, anti vaxxers, Jewish space lasers, democratic reptilian baby eating.

They complain about reality having a left leaning bias but these shits literally never have evidence of any claim. That just hate reality itself and have the truest definition of faith. That is believing not just is stuff without evidence but believing in spite of counter evidence. That can only be either severe mental illness or your mind has been completely usurped by another. It like frigging cordyceps.
Pikachu ·

There certainly seem to be a lot of people in Trump's corer who have a very conspiracy-minded approach to the world and especially anything that seems to conflict with their view of America or Trump.

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