There is nobody more vulnerable and innocent than an unborn child. Those who refuse to defend an unborn child have no soul.
Follow the science, a memo and reality check for leftists: Science: At 6 Weeks, Unborn Baby’s Heart Rate is Approximately 98 Beats Per Minute...
Those who are in favor of abortion, refuse to recognize a baby's heartbeat at six weeks.
Reagan had many people who believe in abortion pegged right when he said: “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
[image/video deleted]
If everybody witnessed and saw a video of how an abortion is performed, there would be very few abortions if any.
How many people who are for abortion have ever witnessed a close-up video of an abortion?
Most are too cowardly to view it, because it might just give them an up-close view of murder and change their minds.
The !eft thrives within a clandestine operation. Their motto is see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Just perform the evil, if it benefits the left in moving their agenda forward, they promote the evil.
Appealing to low IQ and unformed voters is how the Left remains relevant. I always say to a person who is for abortion, view a couple of videos of an abortion, then get back to me.
Almost all who view this type of video, don't get back to me, they realize how naive and ignorant they have been and just shut up.
Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger in the early 1900s. Her main purpose for Planned Parenthood was to control and limit the population of African Americans. She was a devoted racist who spoke at KKK rallies.
Women have been aborting babies with herbs and preventing pregnancy by sticking stuff up themselves, eg lemons, for longer than the Bible or governments. Everything doesn't start and end with a third party book based on another book some ancient people based on an earthquake.
Also Jesus apparently doesn't judge and forgives sins so even if it is a sin which I don't know if it is and also if it's murder whose doing the murder?...the woman or the doctor or a pharmaceutical company, a guy packing boxes of abortion pills? Who's doing the sin/murder if its counted as that? Maybe we're all responsible because we don't kidnap women going for abortion and every one of us is going to Hell for this.
Let women safely sin (if it's sin) would you rather they throw themselves down the stairs drunk with slit wrists trying not to have a baby because that doesn't sound like something Jesus would advocate you encouraging which is what you are encouraging by trying to stop safe means of contraception.
Planned Parenthood health centers provide a wide range of services — namely preventive care, including birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and screenings for cervical and other cancers. It’s not just there for abortions.
The attempt to get rid of Planned Parenthood is so stupid
Planned parenthood doesnt exclusively do abortions. They saved my friend from cervical cancer but hey let's hate on a service that provides life saving healthcare in the name of saving lives.
Late term abortion. I don't know the specifics in this particular case, but this baby's limbs were literally ripped from it's body at a stage when the nervous system would be fully developed. The my body, my choice argument is ludicrous. That wasn't your body ripped to shreds. And that baby had no choice in the matter.
@MrBrownstone I said that a lot of those pro-life people, during the covid pandemic, refused to wear a mask, refused to social distance and refused the vaccine. And what was their argument? Their argument was that they had bodily autonomy, some of them claimed religious rights and of course they wanted freedom. Even though their behavior threatened other people, and a lot of people have died since then. But the argument... "bodily autonomy".
Now today, a huge part of those pro-life clique (because the overlap is really big) claim that women don't have bodily autonomy. And what are they saving Browstone? They are saving a bunch of cells that eventually will grow out to become a human being. And why is that? Because the rules right now only count up to the 3th trimester. At that point, there is no brain activity that suggest conciousness. But that is incredibly important to them, while no one cared about life that lives, breaths and walks around during the COVID crisis, when they didn't want to take a vaccine because they demanded the right to bodily autonomy.
Same argument, diffrent context, seriously diffrent outcome. Freedom for us, law and order for the rest.
The Democrats pushed it. The Republicans allowed it. Fifty years and 60,000,000 lives later, the Supreme Court said "Enough!" Unfortunately, I wonder if it is a case of WAY "too little, too late."
@sunsporter1649 Have you ever heard of contraceptives failing? Have you heard of rape and sexual assault? Did you know some women are so slightly built that they would die during childbirth?
How many children are you fostering, have you adopted, do you support? If you're going to demand the lifestyle of another human, you'd damn well be ready to assist in its success. What would drive God to kill 'babies?' Ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages; two-thirds of all human embryos - fetrtilized eggs - fail to develop successfully (
No moral evidence. No Biblical evidence. No scientific reasoning. If you can't even formulate a decent argument, how 'bout you keep you mouth off women's issues?
@SW-User Knots in a tree can look like a human face. Our brains are hard-wired to seek out countenances like our own. Fetal viability, in medicine, is the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb. It's generally considered to be around 23 or 24 weeks, but there's no universal consensus. You cannot murder what can't stay alive.
No one is "pro-abortion," but women are "pro-choice." You may not legislate my body. Any part of my body for any reason. No such other legislation exists. Whether or not a fetus is a child is irrelevant, as there's no consensus. This is about civil liberties, not 'children.'
First they tell you you must bear an unplanned child. Then they tell you one child and no more. Then they mandate your sterilization based on an arbitrary belief. These things happen. There are currently hundred of pieces of legislation that govern or try to govern a woman's body and hundreds more in the wings. Legislation regulating what men may do to themselves? 0. Zero.
Women cannot be equal in the eyes of the law it they alone are restricted and mandated on a personal level. This isn't about kids - a ton of ancient white men are doing this - this is about what it's always been about - control.
@Graylight Control....seems to me that many don't mind when it's something they feel should be forced on others.... like vaccines, masks, etc... Beyond it not the same for others who self harm and try to commit suicide? Are those people just allowed to do those things because it's their bodies? And... seriously...don't want a baby? Don't make a baby. For a world of people claiming to be above other animals, they sure don't prove that in many cases.
@SW-User No vaccines have been forced on anyone. Every single American retains the right of choice. Masks, as public safety measures - may absolutely be mandated in certain areas and there's ample legal precedent for this. Try again.
We try to keep people from committing suicide and making other impetuous and damaging decisions. We don't cheer them on. Try again.
And seriously? Don't want to be in an accident? Don't get into a car. Don't want to get sunburned? Stay inside. Don't want to break a toe? Don't go walking through the house. Don't want to be homeless? Don't allow you house to burn down. Sound idiotic yet?
The states with the strictest 'abstinence only" policies also enjoy the highest rates to teen pregnancy. Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school dropout rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, whereas approximately 90% of women who do not give birth during adolescence graduate from high school. Those with less education tend to rely on social support programs more heavily. That affects everyone.
@SW-User And yet you continue to shame. The church cannot both condemn contraception but approve of sex outside procreative intentions. Nor is the issue simple, even within the ranks of the Catholic church.
The Evangelium Vitae was written 28 years ago. In 2015, Pope Francis clarified that church teaching does not insist Christian parents “must make children in series." In the 256-page document The Joy of Love, Francis stressed that a couple's individual conscience — not dogmatic rules imposed across the board — must guide their decisions and the church's pastoral practice: "We have been called to form consciences, not replace to them."
16 January 2015, Francis made reference to Humanae Vitae in an address to families in the Phillipines, once more laying emphasis not on the central doctrine of the encyclical but on his contention that Paul VI “was very merciful towards particular cases, and he asked confessors to be very merciful and understanding in dealing with particular cases. But he also had a broader vision: he looked at the peoples of the earth and he saw this threat of families being destroyed for lack of children.” The implication of this passage is that contraception might be tolerated in particular cases, and that the Church’s teaching is a “broader vision” or ideal. This would reflect the “gradualism” adopted in the synod documents and in Amoris Laetitia (One Part Five).
It’s not all about abortion , it’s also about birth control for those who struggle to get it or need it the most , it’s also about sexual health. Go adopt some of those babies you claim to care about
It's better not to be born in the first place than to end up being an unwanted abused or neglected child and ending up a damaged adult as a result like many people sadly are.
@SW-User Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Edgar Allen Poe, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Hancock, Leo Tolstoy, Nancy Reagan, Dave Thomas, Gerald Ford, etc. were all orphans...
unwanted/neglected doesn't automatically translate to damaged adult...
how different would the world be if these (and thousands of others) had been aborted?
and how many potentially great minds have already been aborted?
@SW-User It's easy - if you don't want kids don't have sex. If you do want kids - have sex. No effing Jesus Fucking Christ Superstar lecturing required. Take responsibility for your own actions.
@SW-User And imagine...all this from an ancient text rewritten dozens of times. All because some clever author thought to include the tagline, "Written by God."
I worship the demon goddess Tiamat, so I’m not necessarily against demonic. Before the Abrahamic religions took over, demons were viewed as protectors and gatekeepers of their realm.
So tell me, my little misogynist. Which of the services listed on this website do you despise? STI screening? Pap smears? Contraceptive education? Cancer screenings? Comprehensive family medical treatment?
@Zonuss One of the key issues is to decide when 'life' starts, and when that construes an 'inalienable right to life'. Ie. Does a human life begin at the exact moment where egg and sperm combine, or at a certain point later on? it's like the reverse of deciding when life ends which is a well-defined medical doctrine.