How many children are you fostering, have you adopted, do you support? If you're going to demand the lifestyle of another human, you'd damn well be ready to assist in its success. What would drive God to kill 'babies?' Ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages; two-thirds of all human embryos - fetrtilized eggs - fail to develop successfully (
No moral evidence. No Biblical evidence. No scientific reasoning. If you can't even formulate a decent argument, how 'bout you keep you mouth off women's issues?
@Graylight They all look like babies... because they are! Different stages of development. What if someone had stopped your development once you were born/stunted your growth? Would it make you less than a child? fetus noun [ C ] US /ˈfi·t̬əs/
a human being or animal as it is developing in the uterus before birth, after the organs have started to form fetal
@SW-User Knots in a tree can look like a human face. Our brains are hard-wired to seek out countenances like our own. Fetal viability, in medicine, is the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb. It's generally considered to be around 23 or 24 weeks, but there's no universal consensus. You cannot murder what can't stay alive.
No one is "pro-abortion," but women are "pro-choice." You may not legislate my body. Any part of my body for any reason. No such other legislation exists. Whether or not a fetus is a child is irrelevant, as there's no consensus. This is about civil liberties, not 'children.'
First they tell you you must bear an unplanned child. Then they tell you one child and no more. Then they mandate your sterilization based on an arbitrary belief. These things happen. There are currently hundred of pieces of legislation that govern or try to govern a woman's body and hundreds more in the wings. Legislation regulating what men may do to themselves? 0. Zero.
Women cannot be equal in the eyes of the law it they alone are restricted and mandated on a personal level. This isn't about kids - a ton of ancient white men are doing this - this is about what it's always been about - control.
@Graylight Control....seems to me that many don't mind when it's something they feel should be forced on others.... like vaccines, masks, etc... Beyond it not the same for others who self harm and try to commit suicide? Are those people just allowed to do those things because it's their bodies? And... seriously...don't want a baby? Don't make a baby. For a world of people claiming to be above other animals, they sure don't prove that in many cases.
@SW-User No vaccines have been forced on anyone. Every single American retains the right of choice. Masks, as public safety measures - may absolutely be mandated in certain areas and there's ample legal precedent for this. Try again.
We try to keep people from committing suicide and making other impetuous and damaging decisions. We don't cheer them on. Try again.
And seriously? Don't want to be in an accident? Don't get into a car. Don't want to get sunburned? Stay inside. Don't want to break a toe? Don't go walking through the house. Don't want to be homeless? Don't allow you house to burn down. Sound idiotic yet?
The states with the strictest 'abstinence only" policies also enjoy the highest rates to teen pregnancy. Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school dropout rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, whereas approximately 90% of women who do not give birth during adolescence graduate from high school. Those with less education tend to rely on social support programs more heavily. That affects everyone.