There is nobody more vulnerable and innocent than an unborn child. Those who refuse to defend an unborn child have no soul.
Follow the science, a memo and reality check for leftists: Science: At 6 Weeks, Unborn Baby’s Heart Rate is Approximately 98 Beats Per Minute...
Those who are in favor of abortion, refuse to recognize a baby's heartbeat at six weeks.
Reagan had many people who believe in abortion pegged right when he said: “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
[image/video deleted]
If everybody witnessed and saw a video of how an abortion is performed, there would be very few abortions if any.
How many people who are for abortion have ever witnessed a close-up video of an abortion?
Most are too cowardly to view it, because it might just give them an up-close view of murder and change their minds.
The !eft thrives within a clandestine operation. Their motto is see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Just perform the evil, if it benefits the left in moving their agenda forward, they promote the evil.
Appealing to low IQ and unformed voters is how the Left remains relevant. I always say to a person who is for abortion, view a couple of videos of an abortion, then get back to me.
Almost all who view this type of video, don't get back to me, they realize how naive and ignorant they have been and just shut up.