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How close do you think we are to WWIII?

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If some sources are to be believed the world almost ended over the weekend. I am not kidding. When Starmer was begging for permission to use Ukraine as a fig leaf to carry out strategic strikes in Russia.
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I've known several people who lived through WW2 and the post war reconstruction. Even communists, like my grand grand father. Not even them would tell you that American bases were ever controversial or unpopular.

(And certainly, they won't tell you we are occupied)
@Elessar Here is something to consider. Italians likely don't complain because they know it will not matter. American service personnel can literally murder Italian citizens and nothing will be done about it thanks to status of forces agreements.

I know this because it has already happened.

Look up strage del Cermis

American military personnel can kill 20 Italians and get 6 months in an American stockade.

Short of your own Castro nothing will change.
Northwest · M
We've been a misstep away from WWIII since 1950.

People forget that we've been in armed conflicts one way or another, involving China, Russia and North Korea (and Soviet Union) and various countries in the Middle East and Africa, since around the end of WWII, kicking steam since the mid 1950s.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Northwest Yep. Those that claim we are closer than any time since 1950 seem to have a poor grasp on history.

Take the Israel conflict. The current one. Not the one 4 years ago, or the one 4 years before that, or the one 4 years before that....

Those issues/wars have been nearly constant as long as I have been alive. And I am 50.

Russia/Ukraine - how is this different than the SE Asia conflicts? Because it is in Europe?
Northwest · M
Russia/Ukraine - how is this different than the SE Asia conflicts? Because it is in Europe?

Not all that different. Same for the armed conflicts between Israel and its neighbors, who were part of the Soviet "universe". The US mobilized its strategic forces during the 1973 war.

Not saying this is normal, but as long as we have multiple parties gunning to wrestle supremacy away from the US, we will never have peace.

Today, it's China trying to do that. Putin is Xi's lapdog. He's begging Iran's Mullahs for rockets, so they sent him rockets without the launchers.

An actual solution would be for Harris to get together with Xi and agree that a zero-sum solution is in no one's interest, but that will only work if Xi decides to stop being a dictator and that's not going to happen. Putin will do whatever Xi decides.
Montanaman · M
Depends on who wins the election 🤔
inaccessible · 51-55, M
Lol, besides a civil war at same time
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@Montanaman A trump victory will end American spending on wasteful proxy wars, but even if Trump lost and the stupid proxy wars continued, the great powers have now proven an unwillingness to confront each other directly for at least three generations.
Closer that we were in Cuba with Khrushchev
SDavis · 56-60, F
Wars seemingly has never ceased in the Middle East. They may take a break for a few years but ignite right back up - generally the same participants.

The same countries has always been a war with Israel.

The houthis attacked three American warships. What America done was in retaliation. As America has done from time to time.

If Russia and China which are the other two superpowers get into this war against Israel that would cause the US Great Britain Australia France possibly Germany and other of the coalition groups to get into the war to help Israel. If this occurs then it will become a world war --- Russia has its hands full with Ukraine --- China seemingly is just sitting back watching it all unfold.
SDavis · 56-60, F

Did you read what I said? Israel existed a few thousand years ago.
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Montanaman · M
Closer than ever before in US history. 🥺🙏🙏
Thrust · 56-60, M
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@blokeinpub yikes!
Elessar · 26-30, M
Billionaires want to rule over the earth, not over its radioactive remains.

It's all scaremongering, and anyone who actually believes nukes will fly may as well come out and say they believe the pyramids are inhabited by aliens, as both things have approximately the same probability (i.e. virtually zero)
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Elessar I'm not sure who will survive but overall there will be some who do.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Nitedoc Yeah and with all probability it won't be those who dictate the line of government right now. Which is why my initial point is that the billionaires/oligarchs will never allow an actual nuclear war to start.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Elessar I hope you're right.
4meAndyou · F
Let's see who gets into office in the United States. If it's Trump, I think things will calm down a little. That will give us a 4 year breather. Then we'll all be holding our breath again in 2028 wondering if another Democrat is going to get in there and eff things up again.
Adrift · 61-69, F
According to the everyday spy guy on YouTube, we are already there.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I don't know about WW3 but considering what happened on 9/11 and our open borders, and the ease and success that drug cartels have with importing and distributing poison across America, I think we may be on the cusp of some bad stuff.

I personally don't think that 3rd airplane that crashed into the pentagon was intended for the pentagon, and we can probably guess where that 4th plane was intended to hit.
sree251 · 41-45, M
two hit world trade, one hit the pentagon and another crashed in PA.. My belief is that those last 2 were intended for the capital building and the white house.

Sounds right. I still have difficulty believing that the stunt was pulled off by disgruntled Arabs. Those poor guys have been at the receiving end of US foreign policy in the Middle East since the end of WW2,and we are still pounding them.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@sree251 that took considerable planning and awareness of airline crew practices. Much more to it than learning how to take off and land a 767. My insights come from once being both an airline pilot and flight attendant instructor. One thing I can’t resolve in my mind is 4 aircraft without deadheading or commuting crew members either as passengers or in the cockpit jumpseats.
sree251 · 41-45, M
that took considerable planning and awareness of airline crew practices. Much more to it than learning how to take off and land a 767. My insights come from once being both an airline pilot and flight attendant instructor.

Considerable planning and awareness are not characteristics of the Arab mind. Arabs have always been the victims of our schemes.

Your insights are useful in this discussion. The narrative we are asked to swallow is that it is possible for anyone to commandeer a commercial jet like a fighter pilot after a few weeks of flying lessons at a ricky dink rural airfield. An aircraft is not a car with four wheels running on solid ground. It is a kite sailing thru turbulent air. There are commentators who claimed that flying is that easy. I don't believe that. What do you say? Flight AA 11 and UA 175 were pretty far from Manhattan when they were supposedly hijacked, turned around, and flown back towards New York City. Were the pilots forced at gunpoint to fly into the World Trade Center buildings? If you were the pilot, could you be forced into doing that?

One thing I can’t resolve in my mind is 4 aircraft without deadheading or commuting crew members either as passengers or in the cockpit jumpseats.

What do you mean here? Can you explain?
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Not very close, but that could change in 15 seconds. Check back in 15 seconds.
+/-20 yrs from now
exchrist · 31-35
Arent its a distraction to scare ppl into voting for a 'war president' humanity is in a unique situation where cooperation and world peace can be allowed for and lasting prosperity and jubilation acheived. A golden age.
Instead efforts to Inspire a previous generation (baby boomers and world war veterans; mostly) to relive their 'heyday'. instead of reveling in the hereandnow its a ploy to keep those establish players profiting from unnecessary war production (the citizenry wont be fooled anymore)
In contrast if we (the people) just keep our eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel no further world conflicts will be necessary.
A golden age most ppl are eager and ready for but the elderly brainwashed and 'greedy' (in power) are trying to steer the world back to war.
Morvoren · F
No I don’t. THere’s nothing happening now that has happened much worse before.

But fear not only sells headlines, it makes you easy to manipulate.
being · 36-40, F
I think we're far far away, but then I've no contact with the news or media
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
If tensions rise further between CN and PH maybe sooner rather than later.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@NativePortlander1970 really? Anything in particular? Tensions are always there but the most strained relations have been that I remember in recent times was in the aftermath of that terror attack.

My catechist's wife was killed in that.
@Longpatrol All throughout London the Pakis are attacking East Indians, specifically Sikhs, the British press is keeping it suppressed so it won't affect tourism.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@NativePortlander1970 that's more local communal violence though. I was thinking more of any chill in relations between India and Pakistan on a government level
Ever such a long way away.
inaccessible · 51-55, M
Already started, imagine yourself as Tom and Jerry just got put in the pot and cutting the potatoes and carrot in their own soup, they don't feel the heat but the cooking process already started
@inaccessible the war complex is like tom n jerry.. if Tom ever killed jerry, the shows over…
kodiac · 22-25, M
This close[media=https://youtu.be/me_WNSiUFd0]
In a conventional soldier on the ground sense? A billion miles. In a DIGITAL sense........closer.
We’re getting there but it is still detectable.
Ontheroad · M
No closer than in the past... there is a lot of huffing and puffing going on, but that's about all it is.

Baring a stupid move/mistake, we're fine.
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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
We haven't been this close since JFK's bluff to Cuba IMHO. (The Cuban Missile Crisis).
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
It's almost over.
HumanEarth · F
6 years away
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It’s all hype and nonsense
@AlittleBitGenX I found it to be more of a sequel than a remake.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@NativePortlander1970 that part because unfortunately if either party gets it I think it's around the corner, just the battlefields will be different and those we face will probably not be backed by the Kremlin but be back by the red City
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@AndysAttic On the upside being on the side that loses first is the end will be quick.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Indeed, a sad reality.
@AndysAttic Kruschev was not wrong when he said the living will envy the dead if things go this way.

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