Why SW votes disagrees with ballots votes Poll (50) See Poll OptionsNot actually based on polls in SW, but here's one while we're at it
where did i get my SW coins from?I can't recall paying or subscribing to VIP..etc. so how do i have a pile of it?
The villain who detaches me off the storylineWhy in the hell would anyone lick the blade of their weapon? I mean, in reality if I'm about to be attacked by someone who does this, I'll feel a bit of ease/hope in anticipation that they hurt themselves or I'll just do my counter attack at that... See More » (1)
Cow ring: Y/N Poll (32) See Poll OptionsI recently issued a questioned to girls who put cow rings asking why! I got no clear answer. But now I'm inspired to ask it differently: what do you... See More »
You should see the other guy!Some times we meet someone whom had struggled with others oppression, abuse or whatever bad, horrible or devastating experience...we see them scarred and frigile and we think "ok, they need our love and surely they will notice the difference between... See More »
And I'm ok with it [I Am Weird]That image may get along with the topic but in fact i'm using it as an example of the weirdness i'm talking about, I don't see everything others see and surely see things that others won't see. when I ran into that pic accidentally, i felt... See More » (1)
what do you think of meaningless posts?I've seen stories/question that are only one sentence or phrase and totally meaningless such as "I'm watching TV now" or "what's your height?" , and when you check the author they got thousands of posts that are mostly the same way. Does Sw give... See More »
I Am Not Fake My Profile Is Real And My Pics Are Really MeWhat does the phrase "my profile is real" means? Have anyone thought about it? Most people took that issue wrong or not understanding its depth. Fake is someone who simply pretend something they're not or feelings they don't have. Meaning for... See More »